Saturday 1 February 2014

Ladies In Nigerian Entertainment Sleep Around With Big Men That's Why They Can't Find Husbands - Uti Nwachukwu

Nothing is hidden under the sun and former BBA winner, Uti Nwachukwu just confirmed that by exposing few dirty secret of ladies who are making waves in the entertainment industry. He was on Ebony Life TV and the guy made the revelation with confidence, indication he knows what he's saying.

According to Uti: "Most celebrity women in the entertainment industry have had to sleep with one big man or the other to have the comfortable life they live. Its common knowledge".
Uti Nwachukwu didn't stop there. He went ahead to disclosed that a lot of ladies in the entertainment industry who are not yet married in their early or late 30s are suffering from this same mess.
He said even himself, whenever he hangs out with his friends and they talk about getting married to a beautiful actresses, most of the guys will say "never" and that is because they've met these actresses in private places and they see all the nonsense they do with big men because of money.

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