Tuesday 16 August 2016

Edo APC Refutes Claims That Obaseki Has No Educational Certificates

The academic qualifications of the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in the forthcoming gubernatorial election in Edo state, Dr. Godwin Obaseki, has suddenly become subject of controversy.
This is as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the State, Monday, expressed concern over claims by Obaseki that he lost the original copies of all his credentials.
Speaking at a campaign rally in Benin, the State Chairman of PDP, Dan Orbih, said the claims deposed to by Obaseki in an affidavit were suspicious and that Obaseki should come clean on the matter instead of playing on the intelligence of Edo people.
He made reference to the affidavit sworn to at an Abuja High Court, wherein he alleged that Obaseki stated that he lost the originals of his primary, secondary, university and National Youths Service Corps (NYSC) certificates at a date that was not given.
According to Orbih, in the affidavit dated 7th June, 2016, Obaseki said, “that all originals of my above said certificates are kept in safe custody in my office but unfortunately during the process of relocating from one office to another, I misplaced the original of the above said original documents…That what I have with me now are photocopies of the secondary school leaving certificates, university leaving certificates and the NYSC discharge certificate.”
Accordingly, the PDP said; “The reasons he advanced are so flimsy and unconvincing. There are many question begging for answers. The affidavit does not contain the locations of where he was moving from and to or the state where he lost the certificates.
“Did he report to the police when he lost the certificates. If it was reported at the time they got missing, we want him to tell us. One will expect that he must have reported the matter to the police. If he did, why did he not attach a copy of the police extract.

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