Thursday 23 June 2016

You Can’t Dictate How Buhari Fights Corruption, APC Tells PDP Senators

APCThe governing All Progressives Congress has asked Peoples Democratic Party senators to face their legislative business and come to terms with the reality that they cannot dictate to the Buhari administration how to fight corruption.
The governing party was reacting to the decision of the PDP senators on Wednesday to withdraw their support for the APC-led federal government.
The PDP senators said the decision to withdraw their support was hinged on the APC government’s “belligerent attitude” towards the opposition members and the perceived bias in its anti-corruption crusade.
But APC, via a statement signed by its National Secretary, Mala Buni, said PDP lawmakers should rather face their lawmaking business in the interest of the nation.
“The attention of the National Secretariat of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been drawn to a statement credited to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Senate Caucus stating that the Caucus has withdrawn its support for the government of President Muhammadu Buhari over the administration’s hugely successful war against corruption”, the statement said.
“The PDP Caucus must be reminded of their primary responsibility of lawmaking and representation of their constituents at the National Assembly. The APC advises the PDP Senate Caucus not to allow political shenanigans to becloud overall national interest.
“For the umpteenth time, the PDP and their agents do not have the luxury of dictating how the current administration and anti-corruption agencies carries out its legitimate duty of investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption, as long as it conforms to the rule of law”.
Responding to alleged selective prosecution of the ongoing anti-graft war, the APC scribe asked the PDP to approach anti-graft agencies with petitions against anybody suspected to have indulged in corrupt practices.
“The PDP Caucus allegations of a selective anti-corruption fight and ‘belligerent’ stance of the current administration is hogwash and baseless”, Mr. Buni said. “If the PDP and its agents have proof of corruption against anybody, the APC advises that they approach anti-graft agencies constitutionally mandated to handle such cases instead of declaring innocence on newspaper pages and other media outlets”.
He further urged anti-corruption agencies “not to be stampeded and blackmailed by this new plot and continue to employ all legitimate avenues in investigating and prosecuting ongoing corruption cases”.
The statement added that, “The generality of Nigerians clamour for all looters of public funds to be brought to book. The APC assures Nigerians that the political will and sincerity of purpose of the current administration to tackle corruption remains resolute”

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