Friday 9 May 2014

I'm Tired Of Keeping My ''Thing'' Until After Marriage

I'm a 25 years old lady. Growing a good relationship has been a daunting challenge for me, it just won't last. Sometimes my fellow ladies take him from me or lack of sé'x causes our separation even after letting him know from the beginning that I am totally for a no sé'x before marriage relationship. At first they would accept only to walk out when I have fallen in love.
Some of these men have been good to me but sé'x is the only barrier. Some said I'm too rigid. I have really worked on my character because at some point I thought I was lacking some good morals. My friends always advice me that sé'x keeps relationship going.
But I want to know, can't one have a healthy relationship without sé'x?
As a vir-gin, if I desire for a man's affection, is it wrong? I really need advice because I'm heart broken now. And I'm beginning to have a rethink on my determination to keep "my thing" until after marriage.

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