Thursday 30 April 2020

INEC tells court to dismiss Dino Melaye’s case for lacking in merit

Dino Melaye
The independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has asked the National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja to dismiss the case filed by Sen.
Dino Melaye of the People’s Democratic Party for lacking in merit.
Melaye is challenging the victory of Senator Smart Adeyemi of the All Progressive Congress in the last year November 16/30 Kogi West Senatorial District rerun election.
INEC’s lawyer INEC Barr. Alashey said:
“When I was trying to get in touch with my witnesses, I also used the same time to review the testimony of the Petitioner’s witnesses, where most of them admitted before the court that they lied.
“On this note, I am no longer calling any evidence. This is on the fact that the first respondent (INEC) case was clearly established during the cross-examination of the Petitioner’s witnesses.
“Your lordships can bear me witness that I commanded the witnesses for saying the truth that the election was free and fair. On this, I hereby close my case and plead your lordships to grant me my prayers that the petitions should be struck out for lacking in merits and full of lies, errors, and deceits.”

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