Monday 27 April 2020

How Domingo, Adjoto betrays Akoko-Edo in replacement of Taiwo Akerele as Chief of Staff

In Nigeria’s representative democracy, to which Edo state is a part, elected or appointed public officials are expected to agitate for the prioritization of the interests and the development of their constituency alongside their constitutional roles to the degree in which it doesn’t come at odds with the overall progress of the state.
While some leaders have excelled in this area and designed their politics to be focused on the upliftment of their people, others have abused their position and devoted themselves to self-serving ambitions that offer no benefits to the people they were brought in to represent and serve. From past and more recent actions, Kabiru Adjoto, the former Speaker of Edo Assembly, and Domingo Obende, a former Senator from Edo North, belong to this latter category of selfish, narrow-minded leaders.
Many were recently shocked when the governor of Edo state, Godwin Obaseki, replaced his Chief of Staff, Taiwo Akerele who resigned in protest with Uzamere’s son. Although the position is appointive and at the discretion of the governor, political realities and the need to balance regional interests within a state have always influenced the appointments of individuals into such positions and similar others at the high echelons of government.
Taiwo Akerele’s superb qualifications nonetheless, his appointment was made in recognition of the historic marginalization of the Akoko-Edo people and the need to accommodate their interests in official decision-making. This, therefore, makes it so that with the exit of Akerele, the governor naturally ought to source for his replacement in the same area where there is no shortage of equally qualified persons.
Obaseki was inclined to tow that path but according to confidential information from government house sources, he was discouraged by Kabiru Adjoto and Domingo Obende who expressly told the governor not to bother with a Chief of Staff replacement but should instead reward them both personally with a slot to nominate two Senior Special Assistants as compensation for the exit of Taiwo Akerele.
By hatching the plan and presenting it to the governor, Kabiru Adjoto and Domingo Obende showed once again their willingness to betray their people and community in government deliberations for their own personal gain.
When Obaseki gave approval to the plan, they both immediately gave the slots to their lackeys with names PETER OLOGUN and TOPA OKOMAYIN whose appointments will be confirmed soon, according to government house sources.
It should be recalled that Senator Domingo Obende was never happy with the appointment of Taiwo Akerele considering that he eyed the position himself in 2016. As a matter of fact, days before Obaseki announced Taiwo Akerele four years ago, Domingo Obende had thrown a lavish party in Abuja celebrating the fact that he was going to be tapped by the governor as Chief of Staff because, according to him, he was the only person capable of helping him to perfect some deals.
This, added to the fact that Akerele once served as his aide in the National Assembly, therefore, made him feel embittered when he was overlooked by Obaseki for a younger Akerele. Since then, despite sharing communal and regional ties with Akerele, he had dealt with him in bad faith and plotted his exit. When news of Akerele’s resignation made it to the press, those close to Obende said he was visibly happy and immediately set in motion plans to manipulate the situation to his personal benefits.
Evidently, both Kabiru Adjoto and Domingo Obende have shown themselves as treacherous traitors who are unconcerned with the growth of their LGA and people. They are like the brothers of Joseph who sold their own kinsman into slavery out of envy, wickedness, and outsized selfish ambitions.

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