Wednesday 21 February 2018

Politicians Have Been Chasing Me, Begging Me For Se x – Beautiful Ghanaian Actress Speaks

Popular Ghanaian actress, Efia Odo, real names, Andrea Owusu has revealed that some highly-placed men in the Ghanaian government have been chasing her to sleep wit them.
Efia via her snap chat posts, while thrashing her colleague, Fella Makafui mentioned that the YOLO actress should not deceive herself by thinking that the politicians who pay her for se x do not approach her.
The actress further claimed that not only politicians chase her, but some big men, also chase her, but she does not give any of them attention.
“Do you think that the politicians do not call me or they don’t try to get my contact? I know my worth so no man can buy me” watching her snaps heard her say.
The ‘Heels and Sneakers’ actress after attacking Fella continued to reveal that Ghanaian female celebrities make their worth through the se x they have big personalities in the society but not from movies.
Sista Afia in another series of videos posted on the social media platform accused the ‘Heels and Sneakers’ actress of sleeping with countless guys in Accra.
The highlife musician real name Francesca Duncan Williams detailing her reasons for defending Fella Makafui in her fight revealed that Efia Odo came at her whilst she was in U.K for holidays.

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