Wednesday 7 September 2016

Robbers Invade Cross River Garment Factory, Machines Worth Millions Stolen

The electrical component that regulates light supply to the equipment that are to be used in the garment factory has been stolen.
This is the major equipment which controls light and controls the functionality of every other equipment in the factory.
According to information made available to from the governor’s office, the equipment was moved out of the garment factory two days ago.
The source said that the equipment can only be moved by more than ten persons. “The said equipment is the most heaviest equipment installed at the garment factory., and it was carried by a forklift and suspended by a belt throughout the installation process.”
“Therefore, I can only conclude that only those who installed it can remove it”. It is also important that as at the time the supposed equipment was moved, a well scolombo operation officers were stationed there the guard the factory. How can people go to the factory to remove the said equipment without meeting resistance from the guards stationed there?”
“I am suspecting the fact that government is responsible for removing that most important component because, according to sources,the EFCC are still looking for ways to confiscate the factory. And or the government, knowing they cannot deliver on the employment of the screened candidates, connived to remove that equipment as an excuse for their incompetence”…the source concluded.
Sad as the incidence is, I will encourage the government to make a public statement on this issues no matter how insulting it may seem. If the government doesn’t issue a statement, critics and the general public may draw conjectures.
However, speaking with the Head of Operation Scolombo, Mr Sikiru, he said that he does not know what I was talking about. He went on ro say that “his duties are to post his men to the factory, and he is not responsible to give accounts of what happens at the factory”.
The Police Public Relation Officer, Mrs Irene, was not aware of the issue as it is not the police that are posted to guard the garment factory.
However, Mr Sikiru called back and other than responding to the issue on hand, he started talking angrily at me and demanding for my location.

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