Monday 27 October 2014

Why Northern Youths Donated N2m To Jonathan

Some youths acting on the basis of Northern Youth Forum donated N2m to President Goodluck Jonathan for him to buy the presidential form for the 2015 elections.

President Jonathan addresses the general debate of the 69th of the General Assembly. Photo: UN/Cia Pak
The move to support Jonathan’s desire for re-election was announced on Saturday, October 25, by Forum coordinator Engr Bello Bichi during Kano State rally, Punch reports.
“We decided to support Mr President with this token amount to enable him purchase the nomination form for the presidency. The youths in the north believe that President Jonathan has the country and youth at heart in view of his commitment toward transforming the country.”
Bichi expressed commitment of northern youths to stand for Jonathan who earlier this week finally declared interest to contest.
Education Minister Malam Ibrahim Shekarau, on his part, urged youths not indulge into acts that might cause chaos during the elections.
He was quoted saying:
“Gone are the days when we should take up dangerous weapons during the election. As youths, you are expected to conduct your affairs peacefully, especially during election in order to ensure peace in our state and the country. We have a herculean task ahead of us, so you have to come out en masse and vote so as to ensure the success of the party at all levels in 2015.” 
He also praised the youths for the generous gesture adding that Jonathan himself wanted to appear at the occasion but did not manage to do so because of the “pressing national matters”.
Jonathan has already established the committee for the official declaration, with is set to be made on November 11

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