Tuesday 25 November 2014

Al-Makura approves new pay for corps members

Governor Umaru Al-Makura of Nasarawa on Monday approved an upward review of the allowances of National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, members posted to the state.tanko Al-Makura
Mr. Al-Makura announced this at the end of a three-week orientation for Batch C corps members held at the Majaji Dan –Yamusa, NYSC, orientation camp in Keffi.
In an address to the 1,782 corps members, Mr. Al-Makura said the allowance would be increased from N2, 000 to N5, 000 because of current economic situation in the country.
The governor urged the corps members to use the lessons gained during the orientation period to improve themselves, their host communities and the country at large.
Mr. Al-makura also urged the corps members to contribute to the state government’s effort at peace building.
He called on them to relate freely with members of their host communities and participate in the peace process initiated by the state government.
“The government strongly rejects out rightly the mischievous call for a state of emergency as being not only political but also unpatriotic”.
He gave the assurance that all necessary machineries had been put in place to ensure the security of both the corps members and all law-abiding citizens of the state.

Nigeria Fighting Boko Haram with bows and arrows

While Islamist terror group Boko Haram uses automatic weapons and tanks against the population of Nigeria, civil defense groups armed with simple weapons are determined to defend their country.
"We can become invisible – and then we fight them at close quarters, face to face," Yusuf said. He is a hunter who lives in the northern Nigerian state of Adamawa. Yusuf is not his real name, he does not want to be recognized. He is a Nigerian civilian fighting against Boko Haram. "Our prayers protect us against their weapons. Soldiers only have weapons. We have other means of luring Boko Haram into a trap," Yusuf told DW. He and his companions know the area well, they know where they can hide, and then emerge to take the Boko Haram fighters by surprise. That was the strategy they used to expel Boko Haram from the town of Mubi.
Yusuf used to hunt wild animals in the bush. But as the attacks by Boko Haram became more frequent and more brutal, he volunteered to join the guerilla war against the group.
An amulet wrapped around the body of a man wearing a traditional hunting robe Traditional clothing and amulet worn by a Nigerian hunter
"A real hunter wears amulets," Yusuf said. "They take away our fear. We also wear clothing that is woven in a traditional way and is specially made for hunters." Strengthened by their belief that only God can decide over life and death in battle,Yusuf and his companions go to war.
Stronger than the army?
"What's interesting about the rise of these vigilante groups is the fact that they typically don't fall along sectarian lines. It's an almost spontaneous response by local communities to the failure of the police and military to maintain order,"Hilary Matfess, a political scientist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, told DW.
The Nigerian security forces have now launched large-scale operations in a bid to counter the Boko Haram insurgency. According to Nigerian media, 20 percent of the budget is currently being used for defense purposes. However, many soldiers complain that much of the money does not reach the right places. "What we see in a lot of conflicts with Boko Haram is that the Nigerian military is overwhelmed militarily and flees," Matfess said, adding that the police force was often "predatory towards civilians rather than acting as a source of stability." She says this is also a reason for the growth of civil defense groups.
But can a civilian group armed only with simple hunting weapons be more successful in the fight against a terror group than an entire army? In order to understand this, one must take a closer look at the Nigerian security apparatus, Mattfes says. "You have the military that is not particularly well trained or well funded. The police force in Nigeria is actually the country's largest employer. One of the latest estimates is that the police force employes nearly 400,000 people. It is difficult to train and properly arm a force of that size."
Angriff von Boko Haram im nordöstlichen Stadt Konduga nahe Maiduguri / Nigeria Nigerian soldiers display an armored vehicle captured from Boko Haram

Call for financial support
Of course, says another hunter from Mubi, the army does have a certain amount of modern weapons, whereas "we use hunting weapons made by our local smiths. Some have a bayonet attached." Nigerian newspapers print photos of hunters who, armed only with bows and arrows, protect their villages against Boko Haram attacks. These are effective tactics, the hunter says, since "the animals we usually hunt and kill are also stronger than we are."
Idris Abdullahi lives in Gombi in Adamawa state and applauds the hunters' initiative. "Right from the start, they supported the fight against Boko Haram. They know who belongs to Boko Haram in their villages," he said. Abdullahi thinks the military can play an important role but "in order to be really successful, above all in the forests, the vigilantes and hunters have the advantage of knowing the territory better, every inch of it."
A group of Nigerian policemen Many Nigerians no longer trust the police
The army and government are happy that the vigilantes have joined the fight as they have succeeded where the army has so far failed. Civil defense groups have liberated Mubi, Hong, Gombi and Maiha – all in Adamawa state – from Boko Haram. The residents of these towns have felt increasingly abandoned by the authorities and they trust the local hunters. "The hunters should receive more support, be it from the government or from wealthy people," said Bilkisu Aliyu Adam, who lives in Gombi. He argues that financial support should be forthcoming since anyone who takes up the fight against Boko Haram has little time or resources left to look after his family.

Two teenage female suicide bombers kill 30 people in Nigeria today

BAUCHI, Nigeria — Two teenage female suicide bombers blew themselves up Tuesday in a crowded market in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Maiduguri, killing at least 30 people, according to witnesses and a security official.
Boko Haram, Nigeria’s Islamic extremist rebels, are suspected of the bombings, as they have carried out many similar attacks. The bombings highlight Nigeria’s ongoing insecurity in which 1,500 people have been killed by the militant’s insurgency this year, according to Amnesty International.
The two girls dressed in full hijabs entered the busy marketplace and detonated their explosives, said Abba Aji Kalli, the Borno state coordinator of the Civilian Joint Task Force.
The first set off her explosives and killed about three women, said Kalli.
A victim of a suicide bomb attack committed by two teenage girls at a market receives treatment at a specialist hospital in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Tuesday. Jossy Ola/AP A victim of a suicide bomb attack committed by two teenage girls at a market receives treatment at a specialist hospital in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Tuesday.
When others gathered around the scene, the second bomber screamed and blew herself up, killing about 30, he said.
“I am right here at the scene and I have before me 11 corpses ... many have been taken away by relatives, while others are taken to the state specialists’ hospital,” said Kalli.
Soldiers and police officers cordoned off the area while rescue workers helped survivors to the hospital. Nigeria’s police have not yet issued a statement on Tuesday’s blasts.
I am right here at the scene and I have before me 11 corpses.
Today’s blast is the first in Maiduguri since July 2 when 56 people were killed in the same market area when a car bomb hit a group of traders and shoppers.
Maiduguri is the provincial capital and largest city in Borno state, one of the three states in northeastern Nigeria that are under a state of emergency because of the extremist violence.
In April Boko Haram kidnapped more than 200 schoolgirls from Chibok, about 125 kilometers (78 miles) southwest of Maiduguri. The schoolgirls are still missing and their plight has aroused international concern and prompted the (hash)BringBackOurGirls social media campaign.
TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2014 PHOTO Jossy Ola/AP The two suspects dressed in full hijabs entered the busy market and detonated their explosives, killing at least 30 people, officials said.
Last month, on Oct. 17, the parents were encouraged when the Nigerian military announced a cease-fire with Boko Haram and said negotiations had begun for the release of the schoolgirls.
Those hopes were quickly dashed, however, when Boko Haram fighters continued attacks and seized several cities and towns across the northeast. In a video statement, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau denied the ceasefire and scoffed at claims of negotiations to release the schoolgirls.
Boko Haram still holds many centers in an area covering an estimated 20,000 square kilometers (7,700 square miles) and has declared the area to be an Islamic caliphate where they are imposing their strict version of Shariah law. The insurgents want to impose Islamic rule over all Nigeria, Africa’s most populous state with its 170 million people about evenly divided between Christians and Muslims.

Wednesday 29 October 2014



Patience and steadfastness are two attributes critically lacking in Nigerian politics. Very few politicians remain patient and steadfast if their interests are not guaranteed. There is hardly a spirit of sacrifice.
This explains the constant defection of politicians from one party to the other. These politicians often have a defense in politics, there are no permanent friends and permanent enemies but permanent interests. ‘While I hold my own political views, it’s important not to get too wrapped up in individual candidates and personalities, but instead to focus on the real issues’.- Marcus Samuelson.
As 2015 general election is fast approaching, many aspirants have indicted their intentions to invest their wealth of experience in the service to the people.
According to Peter Drucker ‘Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes . As such Leadership is not a mere gift but it is an in-born potential that springs up as a result of being able to empower and motivate people, During an interview session with group of Journalists in His office, a humble personality, a technocrats with quality years as a private Entrepreneur, Engr. Donald Bassey speaks on his Aspiration to vie and represent Nsit Ubium State Constituency comes 2015. Read the Excerpt below:
Good Day Sir, Please Can we get to know You?
Good Day, My name is Engr. Donald Uko Bassey, born into the family of Engr./Hon. Mrs Bassey Gideon in Ikot Akot Ubium in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Am a graduate of Civil Engineering from the prestigious Federal University of Technology Owerri. By the grace of God, am the President of ShadeCover Group.
Tell us About Your Success in Business World?
Well, this year makes ShadeCover Group 10 years old, we started from building of two legs suspended carport, I brought in the innovation into this part of the world, and over 10 years counting, we have been doing that very well in production and customer satisfactions remains our core priority. We expanded our service and innovation by introducing other associate products like Danpalon, Golden POP ceilings, Steel gates /rails, Interior and Exterior finishing. So far so good, we have employed over 200 people since we started and our staff strength now is about 50, then we are still employing and empowering of trained staff.
Your Community Support Programme?
Over the years, we have introduced a community support programme, as a way of giving back to the society and empowering the less privileges. Last Year we were in Leprosy Home in Etinan and also in Salvation Army Children Home in Akai Ubium in Nsit Ubium. This year we are going back to those places and likewise extend our support programme to other humanitarian homes.
As a business man, what do you think Akwa Ibom State needs for the businesses and the private sector to grow?
What Akwa Ibom needs is industries. That is all we need to create jobs and wealth for the common people. We need the kind of industries you find in China, Korea even in Taiwan. The next government should industrialize the State; attract foreign investors to come in and invest in the state; create an enabling environment for people to come in and invest. With that, the centre of excellence in Lagos will move to Akwa Ibom. So I believe the next government should pursue industrialization of Akwa Ibom State. As someone who is into shipping.
Why Venture into Politics?
Already in the Private sector there is politics, so I wouldn’t say am just venturing into politics for the first time. Basically, through my wealth of experience, I have gone through a whole a lot of processes in terms of empowerment, community development and communication with the Masses. So I feel and understand both their plights and difficulty they pass through just to access basic social amenities. So my Kind of politics is to apply, those success keys that has made me, who I am today in the Society.
Acceptability has been warmly welcome and embrace by The Elders, Youths and Women. They have giving me their blessing and support that I should contest and represent them as the Next House of Assembly Member for Nsit Ubium State Constituency.
Pressure from Group?
Well, over the years I have received over 500 awards from corporate and socio-political groups. Most of them have tipped me severally to vie for any elective position. So this is like answering their Clarion call to service. I promise not to fail their believe, trust, and hope they all have in me to cause that DESIRED CHANGE comes 2015

Monday 27 October 2014


The race to all political offices is around the corner. The opinion of the people is divided into two unequal parts where majority wants zoning of political offices to rotate among the different political bloc while the other few insist on a free for all contest. Though the constitution allows a free for all contest, but for brotherliness, love and peace offices are shared into different camps.
Just like power rotates along the three senatorial districts at the state level, Uyo senatorial district also has its own unique way of sharing the senatorial set among the three federal constituencies of Etinan, Uyo and Itu/Ibiono.Tony Akan
Since 1999 upon the return of democracy, Uyo federal constituency took the first shot with Senator John James Akpanudoedehe who spent just one tenure and vacated the seat for Senator Effiong Bob in 2003 who by sheer luck won a second term ticket. In 2011, the elders decided that while other local governments wait for their turn, Ibiono under Itu federal constituency should produce the next senator a decision that gave otuekong Ita Enang had the opportunity to serve in the red chambers.
Ita Enang emerge the choice not because he was the most qualified but because in 1992, Itu state constituency represented the district in the senate with Senator Anietie Okon seating on that seat for Uyo Senatorial district. Today those same leaders of thought have agreed that Uruan State constituency under Uyo federal constituency should produce the next senator. Ibesikpo Asutan is another local government that is yet to produce a senator but because they once had an elected governor Uruan won the day. This explains why we have more aspirants from Uruan local government eying the seat with few from Ibesikpo Asutan.
It is only sad that those who championed the rotation of the set especially in the build-up of the 2011 general elections are the very set of people who are reluctant to vacate the seat despite the realization of the writing on the wall. Uyo Senatorial District with nine local government areas should allow the seat to go round so that others that are still queuing can also seat there. Truth be told, if one man or one local government should go more than one term when will Etinan, Nsit Ibom, Ibesikpo or Itu have a shot? Supporting Uruan now means the others will soon have an opportunity. This is in line with our party’s belief in fairness, justice and equity.
Now that Uyo Senatorial District are on the same page with our party as far as sharing rotating the senate seat, let us search inwardly and go for a grassroot democrat who has the people’s interest at heart. Whoever goes to the senate for us in 2015 should be accessible and ready to take the problem of his people as his personal problem and look for ways to either solve it or cushion its negative effect. Being accessible implies that apart from presenting our common problem he should also come home to brief us on actions so far taken since our problem was presented on the floor of the senate. We need somebody who will come home with a good account of his representation and not one of those who will only vibrate on national issues while the people at home continue to suffer deprivation.
After the awesome representation of Chief Nyong Essien from Uruan in the 1930s, Uruan have not had opportunity to represent Uyo people in the red chambers. Chief Nyong Essien results of effective representation could be linked to creation of our dear state, Akwa Ibom. Just as we yearn for dividends of democracy and stomach Infrastructure. I am of the opinion that all should rise up in support of Uruan Local Government to produce another Nyong Essien.
This will give Uruan people a feeling, that they haven’t been sidelined by the PDP and the Government.

Why Northern Youths Donated N2m To Jonathan

Some youths acting on the basis of Northern Youth Forum donated N2m to President Goodluck Jonathan for him to buy the presidential form for the 2015 elections.

President Jonathan addresses the general debate of the 69th of the General Assembly. Photo: UN/Cia Pak
The move to support Jonathan’s desire for re-election was announced on Saturday, October 25, by Forum coordinator Engr Bello Bichi during Kano State rally, Punch reports.
“We decided to support Mr President with this token amount to enable him purchase the nomination form for the presidency. The youths in the north believe that President Jonathan has the country and youth at heart in view of his commitment toward transforming the country.”
Bichi expressed commitment of northern youths to stand for Jonathan who earlier this week finally declared interest to contest.
Education Minister Malam Ibrahim Shekarau, on his part, urged youths not indulge into acts that might cause chaos during the elections.
He was quoted saying:
“Gone are the days when we should take up dangerous weapons during the election. As youths, you are expected to conduct your affairs peacefully, especially during election in order to ensure peace in our state and the country. We have a herculean task ahead of us, so you have to come out en masse and vote so as to ensure the success of the party at all levels in 2015.” 
He also praised the youths for the generous gesture adding that Jonathan himself wanted to appear at the occasion but did not manage to do so because of the “pressing national matters”.
Jonathan has already established the committee for the official declaration, with is set to be made on November 11

How Wife And Pastor Killed Her Husband

A 45-year-old Pastor Amos Odorimo and a married woman, Roseline are currently cooling their feet at the Ebonyi state Criminal Investigation Department over their involvement in the untimely death of the woman’s husband.

Wife, Roseline and Pastor Amos Odorimo arrested for killing her husband
According to Sunday Sun the deceased, 45-year-old Nwe­bonyi Nwuguru, a native of Edukwu Inyima had given his pastor Amos Odorimo who is the General Overseer of Divine Salvation Ministry one hectare of land to buid a church auditorium.
Apparently when the late Nwe­bonyi Nwuguru discovered that there was more to the relationship between his 41-year-old wife and the pastor as they were having a love affair, the suspects decided to kill him as they were not willing to end their illicit affair.
The pastor and the wife of the deceased decided to execute their evil plan on September 30, 2014, after Pastor Odori had offered to give the Nwuguru a ride to the farm. Along the way he stopped and killed the late Nwuguru.
Speaking with Sunday Sun at the Ebonyi state police command, the Pastor Amos Odori confessed he was romantically involved with the deceased’s wife:
“I am married and have five children. The deceased Nwebo­nyi Nwugwu was nice to me. He gave me a hectare of land to build my church.
His wife, Roseline Nwuguru attended my church. It was from there that I started having love affair with her. When the love was getting deep we found out that the de­ceased was disturbing us and we have to plan for him,” Odorimo said.
“I took deceased’s cutlass and cut him on the head. His wife also hit him on the head with a big stick. He died on the spot and we ran away to Benue State, but men of the local vigilance group arrested us and handed us over to the police.”
The wife of the deceased, Roseline Nwuguru, who hails from Ado Local Government Area of Benue State and has seven kids for her husband narrating how herself and the pastor killed him said:
“Actually I was having a love affair with Pastor Odorimo. I don’t regret my action and joining in killing my husband. He was a wicked man, because he prevented people from entering the church.”
Ebonyi State Commissioner, Maigari Dikko has said after investigations has been concluded they will be charged to court.

Shocking Story! Woman held captive for 9 years by lover in Lagos (Photo)

This is the shocking story of a woman who was kidnapped by her lover and locked in a house for 9 years..She gave birth to 4 children while in captivity ..Culled from the Sun
A woman from Delta State (names withheld by us) who was kid­napped nine years ago by her lov­er has miraculously regained her freedom.
The woman who lived in the Ikotun Egbe area of Lagos stepped out of her lover’s house with her four children for the first time in nine years. The woman said to be a grad­uate and speaks fluent English narrated her ordeal to the people in the area who gathered around to have a glim of her.
Sunday Sun was told by eye witnesses that the woman’s lover who hails from Ekiti State loved her so much and wanted to marry her but because her family was against the relationship, he decided to kidnap her for keeps, to keep her away from her parents. He later took her to a wooden house he built for her in Okerube area of Abaranje, Ikotun, Lagos.
Neighbours said the woman claimed not to have known where she was kept because her lover would go to the market to get food for her and her children very early in the morn­ing and threatened that she would die if she stepped out of the house. When he leaves, he makes sure he locks the house so she had no way of coming out. Sunday Sun was told that it was in the wooden house that the woman gave birth to her four children while the hus­band acted as the midwife.
Three weeks ago, her lover fell ill and could not as usual go out to fetch food all through the period of his illness. Extreme­ly starved and weak, the woman forced him out on Friday, October 24, 2014 to get what they would eat and drink before they all die of hunger and thirst. Luckily for her and the children, the man forgot to lock the house.It was at this point that the woman decided to urinate and was shocked to see what had hap­pened around her.
When the people in the area discovered her, they came out in their numbers and started questioning her as they thought she was mad. She and her children were so much emaciated but from her responses and body language, they realized she and the children were okay and mentally sound. While in forced confinement, she had taught the children their lessons such that they spoke very well when with their mother in the crowd. She remembered her sister’s con­tact and one of the sympathizers quickly put a call through to her. In about 30 minutes, the sister arrived at the scene and took her and the children away.
Eyewitnesses reported that her husband had not returned from the market when she was taken away. They said she was so upset at the forceful rescue that she was scream­ing at the top of her voice:
“My husband oh, my husband!” thereby getting her sister an­gry and shouting back at her; “which yeye husband you dey call?”
A lady who lived in the neighbourhood said the man built the wooden house near her house. Whenever people go near the place to see if anyone lives there, he would use a catapult and stone to hit them and chase them away. She said:
 “Anyone who tries to get close, this man will use catapult and stone to shoot them so people had to let him be thinking he was mentally unbal­anced. We didn’t even know he was living there with five people. When the man got back, he found the house empty. He be­gan to shout, ‘’I hate human beings, that is why I isolated myself and my family from them.’’Can you imagine”?
It is uncertain if the man is himself a grad­uate or if he is mentally stable but one thing is certain: He was not ready to set his “wife” free and was very upset when she left

PHOTOS: Bodybuilder Brothers, Aged 7 And 9, Train Every Day To Look Like This

These two Romanian boys lift heavy weights for 2 hours every day and by the age 7 and 9 they are already in an impressive fitness shape.
According to Daily Mail, Giuliano Stroe is nine and his brother Claudiu is seven. They train hard under the control of their father to be the world’s strongest boys.

Giuliano Stroe, aged 9
Their 35-year-old dad Iulian is determined to make his sons famous. The two started demonstrating acrobatic feats and lifting weights when they were toddlers.

Claudiu Stroe, aged 7
The elder brother has already broken 2 world records (information effective as of May 2014) for 90-degree vertical pushups and another holding on to a pole like a human flag.

Giuliano Stroe, aged 9
They young bodybuilders routinely lift 4 kg dumbbells and heavy weights to develop their biceps and chest muscles.

Claudiu Stroe, aged 7
Interestingly, Claudiu got to training when he was a year and a half, copying his brother Giuliano. At his sensitive age he can already do the complex tricks like splits between metal rings and backflips along the ground.

Giuliano Stroe, aged 9
Some criticized the father for subjecting his children to such training, which they characterized as cruel for their age, the others however left positive replies and praised the family.
Both parents explained the children were eager to exercise adding that they had “natural ability for this”.
Their mother Ileana said:
“Nothing is forced, it is what God intended for them.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Arms Deal: South Africa Returns $15 Million To Nigeria

The South African government has returned the $15 million seized from Nigeria, which were said to be used for the purchase of arms, a Punch report states.
The news was made public by the South African ambassador to Nigeria, lulu Mnguni who said both the $9.3 million and the $5.7 million would be released to the Nigerian government as promised.
Mnguni also talked about the collapse of a section of the Synagogue church in Lagos in which several South Africans died and how it affects the relationship between both countries, stating that both countries had come a long way and the recent developments will only make relationship between both countries stronger
“South Africa’s relations with Nigeria has come a long way, so now this actually will make us much closer, to see how we can close some of these gaps that result in such accidents. South Africa’s relation with Nigeria is priceless; it cannot be sold for $15m,” he said.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Corps Member Accused Of Stealing Money Speaks

NYSC member, Abayomi Isaac Oyebukola accused of stealing N2.3m meant for 144 Corpers in Osun has spoken out.

According to Naijagists report, Abayomi Isaac Oyebukolawho was the Corps members’ Liason Officer (CLO) as chosen by the NYSC local government inspector(LGI) has cleared the air on the accusation.

Read below;
Aside the tenable fact that I graduated from University of Ibadan; a reputable frontier of knowledge where graduates worthy in character and sound judgment are groomed, I loathe activities capable of negating my integrity and hitherto spiting my father’s hard earned name. In all, I find it difficult to ascertain what individuals tend to gain from wanton damage to one’s reputation.
On Tuesday, the 14th of Oct, a friend of mine called my attention to an infamous viral piece that had spread like wildfire on the internet which detailed clusters of harmful and unjustified allegations about me. I thought it was a joke but after my swift internet view, I became utterly dejected and shocked to my bone marrow with my jaw dropped as I read every line of that shocking news.
Shortly, calls came flying in from friends, family and colleagues who knew I’d never ventured into such impish act. After listening to my side of the narration, Many urged me to sue for defamation while others besieged me to write a rejoinder. Apparently, they believed I was incapable of any iota of corrosive tendency.
For hours, I couldn’t even document anything but latter I summoned the strength of defending my cherished personality against parlous information on the internet. Thus I have these to reel off:
Sequel to the election, some Corp members approached me asking me about what they stand to get from the politicians and even went to the extent of gratuitously given them my phone number. In response, I apprised them in respect of pivotal responsibilities of Corp members explaining my position as being in Osun State to serve my fatherland and not to engage in political gimmicks. My words fell on deaf ears because their minds were made up that cash inflow from Osun state bigwigs is certain.
In the article released, I was accused that I bought a car and an apartment out of 2.3 million in this present Nigeria. How is that possible ? This calls for a logical reasoning… At present, I still stand not understand the poster’s definition of ‘Abscond’ because on the 26th of July, 2014, all the schools in Osun State went on holiday and out of 100% corp members in Iwo Local Government, 95% teach in secondary school (Place of Primary assignment). Also, Majority traveled because it’s a long break. That I as well did in a bid to meet my family. So, should I not have traveled to check on family and friends in Ibadan because I’m the CLO (Corper Liaison Officer) ? But mischief makers tagged my traveling as ‘Abscond’ even when schools resumed on the 8th of October, 2014.
As regards some salient issues raised in the detrimental report, here are fundamental questions a sound mind should ask:
1. What is the name of the benevolent politician who gave the money ?
2.What is the money meant for ?
3.Where did the person give me the money ?
4. When is the money paid ?
5. Who witnessed it ?
6. Is it INEC’s money or Corpers allowance ?
Conclusively, I’d like to reiterate that I am not privy or involved in this alleged sinister act capable of denting my name and that of my great citadel of learning, University of Ibadan and It must be noted that as a corp member, collection of any form of largesse from politicians is unreservedly wrong, baseless and punishable. That NYSC Statute, I never breached.
Abayomi Isaac Oyebukola

Some days ago, news went viral that the NYSC member, Abayomi Isaac Oyebukola with the NYSC code no Os/13c/1402, serving in Osun state was accused of stealing and fleeing with a sum of N2.3m meant for the 144 corps members that participated in the state’s gubernatorial election on the 9th of August.
According to reports, the Batch C corp member, Abayomi serving in Iwo local govt area of Osun state and also the Corps members’ Liason Officer (CLO) allegedly fled to Ibadan, Oyo state after stealing the money. With claims that he used the money to buy a car and an apartment with the hope of collecting his NYSC discharge certificate through the back door as they passed out this Thursday.
Apparently some aggrieved corps members posted the report on social media, Nairaland.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

2015 Guber: Udom Emmanuel Resigns, Declares for Governorship Ambition

The Secretary to the Akwa Ibom State Government, Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel,has resigned from office yesterday 20th october 2014.

Mr Udom who has been under intense
pressure from different quarters to contest the 2015 governorship election, he appeared to have heeded to the pleas and is set to declare his  governorship ambition today Tuesday 21 october 2014.
Speculations had been rife that the former banker top shot, who became Secretary to the State Government (SSG), less than a year ago, was set to succeed Governor Godswill Akpabio, whose second term expires in 2015.
With his resignation and declaration scheduled for today in Uyo ,at the uyo sports stadium by 9am. The state capital is in good preparation for this great event of our time.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Bishop Oyedepo Reacts To Being Named Richest Pastor In The World

Some days back, a list of richest pastors in the world surfaced online and Bishop David Oyedepo, founder of the Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel topped the list with an estimated net worth of $150 million.

Speaking with Reuters, Oyedepo who defended the income generated from tithes and offerings in his mega church said it is used to build schools and serve the needs of the poor.

Bishop David Oyedepo
According to the man of God, the wealth the church gathers is invested in expanding it, and if he did not use a private jet, he would be unable to oversee its many foreign operations and still return to Ota every week in time for Sunday’s worship.
Asked about Forbes’ estimate of his fortune, Bishop Oyedepo said that he doesn’t know how Forbes arrived at their figure.
For me, to have fortune means someone who has what he needs at any point in time. I don’t see myself as having $150 million stacked up somewhere. Whatever way they found their figures, I am only able to say I am blessed by the Lord,” he said.
On whether churches should pay tax considering how much they make, the Bishop replied: “There is no single government input on this premises. We supply our water, we make our roads, then you … say: ‘Let’s tax them’. For what?”
Oyedepo claimed his Corporate Affairs department has employed more than 18,000 people in Nigeria alone.
The headquarters of Oyedepo’s church, Canaan land is a 10,500-acre (4250-hectare) campus located in Ota. It comprises a university, two halls of accommodation, restaurants and a church seating 50,000 people.

Youth Corper Allegedly Absconds with $14,400 Meant for 144 Corpers in Osun (Photo)

A Youth Corper by name Abayomi Isaac Oyebukola is being accused of absconding with about N2.3m  given to him to share among 144 corp members in Osun State.
According to sources who sent the info,he is a Batch 'C' corp member,serving in Iwo Local govt.Area of Osun state.His NYSC code no is Os/13c/1402.He is the corper liason officer(CLO) as chosen by the NYSC local government inspector(LGI).Abayomi is a graduate of the department of English from the prestigious University of Ibadan.
He has since been 'at large' with $14,400 given to him on the 9th of August 2014 by political parties participating in the Osun state gubernatorial election as a largesse to the 144 corp members of the local government that participated in the election.i.e $100 per person.
Abayomi was seen by some of his friends in Ibadan with claims from them that he has bought a car and said he will collect his NYSC discharge certificate through the back door.
The NYSC officials reportedly do not want it to be brought to light but the aggrieved corp members are scared he may end up getting his discharge certificate and later on become a political figure and steal from 170million Nigerians.

Friday 10 October 2014

Arms Deal: South Africa’s Actions Show Lack Of Gratitude

A former President of the Nigerian Senate, Chief Ameh Ebute has described South Africa as ungrateful following the seizure of about $20 million meant for procurement of arms to boost the country’s fight against Boko Haram.
“What we are seeing shows clearly that South Africa does not reciprocate our brotherly gesture,” said Ebute, in reaction to the alleged seizure of the money meant for arms purchase, despite the federal government’s communication with the government of South Africa after the first seizure.
Ebute said further: “It is wrong for the country to continue to humiliate and embarrass us every day by exposing our attempt to secure arms through it to fight insurgents in the country.
“It is most unfortunate that a country we sacrificed so much for to overcome apartheid is now working stridently to disgrace us at every point instead of showing solidarity and support to Nigeria at this crucial moment in its history,” Ebute noted.
The former Senate President in the Third Republic expressed disbelief that Nigeria could be treated the way it was being treated by the South African Government, which is headed by a member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Jacob Zuma, who must still remember the role played by Nigeria to end apartheid.
He therefore said what South Africa should have been more concerned about was whether Nigeria has paid for arms supplied to it by South African companies and not how the money is paid to the suppliers given the emergency situation under which Nigeria is sourcing for arms.
The federal government had last month claimed that it authorised the use of the money for the acquisition of vital war machines to confront insurgency in the country after the South African government arrested two Nigerians and an Israeli for being in possession of $9.3 million ferried into the country illegally. Despite the intervention of the FG, the South African government has remained adamant, seizing another sum sent into the country for the same purpose.

I’m Very Sick And Addicted To Alcohol - Brain-Damaged Gov Suntai Opens Up

The ailing governor of Taraba state, Danbaba Suntai has reportedly admitted he is sick and not fit to govern the state.

In a report by Pm News, the governor is said to have revealed this in a secret recording by Channels TV.
He said: “Well I can tell you it is well with me to return to my office simply because I want you to support me. But you know the truth I am not well at all to return to my office, as I am now.
“I know that I will pick up with time and be able to discharge my duties, but that will take some time. And I promise never to misbehave again.”
The governor, who according to the report appears incoherent in his speech, disclosed that he was addicted to alcohol, though he did not disclose who was enabling his addiction.
His wife has been accused of being selfish, power hungry and enabler of his addiction.
He advised the people of Taraba state to live according to the laws of God, saying, “If you go outside from God’s laws you will just destroy yourself, and this is what is happening to me. Drinking of alcohol is not a good thing at all.”
When asked his message to Nigerians, the governor replied: “If they can put all those things aside and attend to God, because God did not like what we are doing, but we are still doing it. God does not permit us to do bad deeds, but it is unfortunate that we decided to listen to the devil in this case. it is very unfortunate that I am addicted to alcohol (too much drinking of beer).”
Some days back, Suntai had been declared missing by the state’s acting governor, Alhaji Garba Umar.

In April 2007 Suntai won the election as Governor of Taraba State under the platform of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) and he was re-elected in 2011.
However, in October 2012, the governor suffered serious injuries when a helicopter he was flying crashed near Yola, the Adamawa State capital and since then, he has been undergoing treatment in hospitals abroad.
After months abroad, he was brought back to Nigeria in August 2013 which sparked a lot of controversy. He was once again flown abroad in June, 2014 for a medical check-up and he was brought back on Saturday night, 13 September. On his return, he spoke to reporters in Abuja and according to report his condition is yet to improve.

What A Mad Woman Did To Two Children

Two children were reportedly abducted by a suspected kidnapper disguised as a mad woman in Asaba, the Delta state capital yesterday, October 8.

According to Leadership report, the woman had told the mother of the children that she was on her way to Abakiliki and had missed her way.
She then asked for direction and water to drink.
The unsuspecting mother, out of sympathy, was said to have rushed to a nearby shop to ask for some money to give to the woman, leaving her two children behind.
Before she returned, the “mad” woman had disappeared with her two children.
It was gathered that the suspect had arranged for a waiting vehicle and quickly ferried the kids of between two and four years into the waiting vehicle and zoomed off.
Some residents of the area where the incident took place described the children’s disappearance as mysterious while also calling on the police to do all it can to catch the perpetrators.
Confirming the incident, the police public relations officer in the state, DSP Celestina Kalu said the police have sent out their dragnet to fish out the strange woman as soon as possible

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Maku To Nigerians: Don’t Take Ebola Patients To Prayer Houses

The Minister of Information, Labaran Maku, on Monday in Abuja advised Nigerians against harboring people suspected to be infected with the Ebola Virus Disease in prayer houses.
He spoke at a conference organised by the Ministry of Health to provide guidelines to commissioners of health on how to sensitize the people on the deadly virus.
Maku said that while it was important to note that God still performed miracles, the public ought to be sensitized to help the federal government contain the disease by leaving their loved ones at designated quarantine centres.labaran_maku
Making reference to the story of the centurion in the Bible, the information minister asked relatives to rather send names of patients to prophets and religious leader for prayers.
“Miracles should take place in quarantine centres. If you have a prayer warrior in Lagos, just send the name of the person to him for the miracle”, Mr. Maku said.
He said that while the disease was deadly, it was important to note that there was no need to stigmatize anyone with the infectious disease. He called on persons who might show symptoms of the disease, to help by reporting themselves to quarantine centres in order to save their own lives and that of their family members.
He also encouraged state Commissioners of Health to work towards the translation of pamphlets shared at the conference to their various local dialects.
Thanking the media for its coverage of the virus since its outbreak in the country, Maku urged media organizations to ensure that stories on the disease did not cause anxiety among residents even as he sought their help in public enlightenment.
The Head, Port Health Services, Sani Gwarzo, said that Nigeria had started land border screening in Seme and Idiriko. He said it was the responsibility of every country to protect its borders.
Mr. Gwarzo said since the outbreak of the disease, the Ports Health Services was making sure that it delivered safe, healthy and easy screening at all ports and borders in Nigeria.
The Ebola Virus Disease spread to Nigeria in July through a Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer, who it was later learnt, evaded quarantine in Liberia to attend a conference in the country. Although he died some few days later in Lagos, nine Nigerians have since tested positive for the virus with one dead.
Also, 177 primary and secondary contacts of the index case have been identified and isolated.

REVEALED: How Lagos Nursing Mother Contracted Ebola Virus

A medical doctor has revealed how a nursing mother contracted the deadly Ebola virus at a Lagos hospital.
Ebola Screening-naija
It was learnt that the woman was the patient who visited the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation staff clinic on Muri Okunola Street in the Victoria Island area of Lagos.

NNPC had issued a press statement on Friday, saying that the clinic would be shut due to a suspected case of Ebola reported in the clinic.
Our correspondent gathered from the source, who had a first-hand information of the incident, that the nursing mother had first visited the First Consultant Medical Centre, Obalende.
He said, “The lady attended ante-natal at First Consultant prior to the arrival of the Liberian, Mr. Patrick Sawyer. She was delivered of her baby at the hospital after which she was discharged.
“A few weeks later, Mr. Sawyer came around and was attended to by health workers. He was first treated for malaria, then typhoid, before there was high index of suspicion. He tested positive for Ebola and died.
“Then the woman, who gave birth at the hospital came back to the hospital for her baby’s immunisation. The nurses who attended to Sawyer also attended to her.
“When she visited the place again last week, she discovered the place had been shut down for proper fumigation as a means of control against Ebola.”
He said the nursing mother decided to visit a neighbouring clinic which was the NNPC clinic.
He said it was there she began her treatment after she fell ill.
“She was first treated for Malaria. However, after some medical tests, there was a high suspicion of Ebola haemorrhagic fever.
“On Friday, the Lagos State’s emergency response team on Ebola virus came around and took her to the Infectious Diseases Hospital,” he added.
Our correspondent learnt that the yet-to-be-identified mother and her baby, who were taken away from the hospital on Friday, had been quarantined.
Confirming the report, the Medical Officer of Health, Iru-Victoria Island Local Council Development Area, Dr. Wale Akeredolu, said the patient tested positive to the Ebola virus after a second test was conducted on her.
He confirmed the incident at a sensitisation programme organised for residents of the Eti-Osa Local Government Area by the council on Monday.
He added, “The baby has also been quarantined to see if after the incubation period of two to 21 days, she would manifest the symptoms of Ebola.”
The council boss, Abayomi Daramola, appealed to residents not to shirk their responsibilities on the pretext of running away from the virus.
He said, “This is a trying time in Nigeria. But the presence of Ebola does not mean people should run away from their responsibilities. The public apprehension is what can even spread the disease faster. So, people should just follow personal hygiene, use sanitisers and wash their hands regularly.”

Passenger Waiting To Board Dies At Lagos Airport

A passenger waiting to collect the Yellow Card from Port Health Officials at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos has collapsed and died.
The ugly incident happened Monday, during the first official tour of the airport facility by the new Minister of Aviation, Mr Osita Chidoka.
The deceased was identified as Mr Akunne Osei, a Nigerian residing in Accra who arrived Lagos for business transactions aboard an Arik Air flight on Friday August 8, 2014 and was on his way back to Accra for medical treatment, reports Vanguard.
General Manager, Corporate Communication, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Mr Yakubu Datti, while reacting on the passenger’s death said; “The passenger, Mr. Akunne Osei took ill on Saturday August 9 and started stooling. When the situation got worse, he called his doctor in Accra who instructed him to return to Ghana immediately for further treatment.”
“During boarding formalities for his return trip to Accra, at the international terminal of MMA, Mr. Osei, who had obviously become weak at this time, was subjected to Ebola Virus test by port health officials, the result of which was negative. No further attention was paid to him after his Ebola Virus result read negative but the passenger later slumped and died around the port health office.”
The body of Osei was said to have been kept at zero car park of the airport terminal and was still there when the minister visited the facility.

The First Ebola Victim: Read the Story of the 2 Year Old Boy in Guinea

The largest outbreak of Ebola in history was likely started by a 2 year old boy in a remote village in Guinea according to researchers. The boy, called Patient Zero in this outbreak, died on December 6th 2013 after suffering from fever, black stool & vomiting. That illness has now been found to be Ebola 

Before he died, he infected his mother, his 3 year old sister, his grandmother and a mid wife who was caring for him when he was ill. His mum and sister died before the end of December 2013 after suffering bleeding symptoms. His grandmother died January 1st. The mid-wife died by February 11th but before dying, she had passed the virus to her family members who died the following month in March 2014. Continue…

The virus spread from the Southern Guinea village to other parts of Africa after villagers from Sierre Leone and Liberia, who share a border with the village, attended the grandmother’s burial. Two of the funeral attendees fell ill and the virus spread from their families to their villages and to health care workers and family members taking care of patients. And one Patrick Sawyer brought it to Nigeria!

How the child became infected is a biggest mystery as scientist who have traced the the outbreak this time say they don’t know how the toddler got infected.

So far, 960 people have died from the virus while 1,779 people have been infected…

Newly Married Nurse Tests Positive To Ebola Virus In Lagos

This deadly Ebola Virus Disease, EVD, has caused and still causing trouble for many families. The Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, has revealed that another Lagos nurse has tested positive to Ebola.
This sad development is coming 22 days after the first first case of the virus was recorded. The minister said the newly married nurse was among those that had direct contact with the late Liberian man, Patrick Sawyer, who is said to be the one who imported the disease into Nigeria.
Unfortunately, before the Nurse was diagnosed, she had gone home and slept with her new husband. So, her husband is now among the 177 people that government has placed under strict surveillance in Lagos.
The Health Minister added that, so far, nine persons have developed EVD, thus bringing the total number of the confirmed Ebola cases in Nigeria to 10. Two persons have died as a result of the virus in Nigeria.
All those who had primary contact with late Sawyer had been placed on either surveillance or quarantined.
The minister confirmed that the Ebola had so far been restricted to Lagos as it had not spread to other states.

SAD: ‘Ebola’ Corpses Litter Streets Of Monrovia For Days, Angry Crowd Protests (PHOTOS)

Riot police raced to quell a demonstration blocking Liberia’s busiest highway Saturday as an angry crowd protested the government’s delays in collecting the bodies of Ebola victims.

In Guinea, where the deadly Ebola outbreak emerged in March, health officials announced Saturday that the country was closing its land borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone — two of the countries where the killer virus has now spread and where deaths are mounting.
The World Health Organization declared the Ebola outbreak an international health emergency Friday. The growing unease in Liberia, where nearly 300 people have died from the gruesome disease, raises the specter of social unrest.
Several bodies had been lying by the roadside for two days in the central town of Weala, 50 miles (75 kilometers) from the capital of Monrovia, and no government agency had picked them up, residents said.
The Ebola virus spreads through the bodily fluids of its victims and many in West Africa have fallen ill after touching or handling corpses. Liberia’s government has ordered that all Ebola victims be cremated amid community opposition to neighborhood burials for fear of further contamination.
Information Minister Lewis Brown sounded a warning on state radio Saturday.
“Security people are on their way to put things under control,” Brown said, directing his comments to protesters. “We don’t want people taking the law into their own hands.”
The latest Ebola outbreak is the largest ever recorded for the disease and so far has killed at least 961 people, according to figures released Friday by the U.N. health agency. This outbreak emerged in Guinea and has since spread to Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.
The situation is particularly dire in Liberia, where the Doctors Without Borders charity group has described the conditions as “catastrophic.”
“There are reports of dead bodies lying in streets and houses,” said the group’s emergency coordinator in Liberia, Lindis Hurum.
At least 40 health workers in Liberia have contracted Ebola in recent weeks and most of the city’s hospitals are closed, Hurum said.
On Saturday, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was meeting with health workers at City Hall in Monrovia.
“The president wants to express the collective gratitude of the entire nation to our health care workers who have continued to make tremendous sacrifices for this country and people,” said Brown.
State radio broadcaster Smith Toby called health workers “front-line soldiers” leading the fight against Ebola.
Liberia has launched “Operation White Shield” under which soldiers are deployed in different locations and at checkpoints outside the capital to discourage residents’ movements, part of Sirleaf’s emergency measures to better fight the disease.
Health workers were stationed next to soldiers at checkpoints Saturday, taking the temperatures of commuters. People with temperatures above normal were blocked from leaving.
Also Saturday, a Catholic humanitarian group based in Spain said a Congolese nun working in Liberia had died of Ebola.
The San Juan de Dios hospital order announced that Sister Chantal Pascaline died “from Ebola in the Hospital San Jose de Monrovia, despite the care she received from a volunteer nurse.”
Pascaline belonged to the same order as a Spanish missionary priest and nun evacuated to Madrid by jet this week. Both are in stable condition in a Madrid hospital, officials say.


Wash Your Hands with Soap
Do this a lot. You can also use a good hand sanitizer. Avoid unnecessary contact!

No Bush Meat & Suya
Bush meat may be carrying the virus. Also avoid suya. Better to restrict yourself to food you prepared yourself.

Disinfect Your Surroundings
The virus cannot survive disinfectants, heat, direct sunlight, detergents and soaps. Clean up!

Fumigate If you Have Pests
Fumigate your environment & dispose of the carcasses properly! Better a clean environment for you!

Don’t Touch Carcasses
Dead bodies can still transmit Ebola. Don’t touch them without protective gear or avoid them altogether.

Protect Yourself
Use protective gear if you must care or go near someone you suspect has Ebola.

Report any suspicious symptoms in yourself or anyone elseIMMEDIATELY you notice them. Don’t delay!!

Educate Everyone
Tell your neighbours, colleagues and domestic staff. You’re safer when everyone is educated about Ebola.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Bomb Explosion Rocks Maiduguri Market, Scores Feared Dead

A bomb explosion has been reported at the busy Monday Market close to the Power Holding Company Nigeria (PHCN) building in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

Bombed Scene

According to SaharaReporters, the bomb exploded at about 8:20 a.m. within the market premises, a usually crowded commercial centre.

Following the huge security presence at the scene, number of casualties could not be ascertained as at press time, but Emergency officials are said to be on their way to the explosion scene.

However, one of the state government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed the blast and revealed that the number of casualties were very high.

The source also noted that security operatives were on ground, trying to rescue some of the victims as well as secure the area.

More to follow....

Monday 30 June 2014

Nigerians attack Joseph Yobo’s wife on social media after Super Eagles World Cup exit

Nigerians on social media have let all hell loose of Adaeze Yobo, wife of Super Eagles skipper Joseph Yobo, following the team’s exit from the on-going World Cup in Brazil.
Nigeria was knocked out of the second round after suffering a defeat against France. Les Blues won by two goals to nil thanks to two late goals – the first from french midfielder Paul Pogba and an own goal from Joseph Yobo.
Shortly after the match, Nigerians took to social media to express their disappointment in some of the team’s players including Mikel Obi and the team’s captain Joseph Yobo, stating that they should not have not made Super Eagles coach Stephan Keshi‘s final selection.
Others have turned on Yobo’s wife, former beauty queen Adaeze, using her as a point of contact to get to her husband.
Let’s report Adaeze’s IG as spam that way we won’t see Yobo’s face for awhile‘, model @KingUcheUdoh wrote. Another user @sketch_aj wrote ‘I think you need leave your man he isn’t loyal‘.
On Instagram, people commented on Adaeze’s last photo upload with derogatory remarks like; ‘you are disgrace to your family and Nigeria entirely‘ – @nashawnhunt and ‘Rotfl…I actually didn’t notice yobo during this world cup competition until now..dude sealed d deal..@adaezeyobo no mind dem jare‘ – @juxsugar.
Her fans however supported her by fighting back at the ‘critics’. ‘Mad people!! What did yobo do? Is he the first to score an own goal? Besides France had scored their first goal. .so all you rude peeps that didn’t even watch the match should shut up and free adaeze!! Enyeama did well but at the end committed blunder!! Send them not @adaezeyobo‘, wrote @janeiyke.
Joseph Yobo made his 100th appearance for the Super Eagles against France

Sunday 29 June 2014

Nigerian Military Narrated How Abuja Blast Suspect Was Killed

Confirming the death of Abuja blast alleged bomber, the Nigerian military narrated how it happened.
Photo: Abuja blast scene
According to the statement officially released on Friday on the Defence Headquarters website, the suspect, who was taken to hospital after had been shot by the military while trying to escape from the scene, died in the hospital, Premium Times reports.
It was claimed that in the hospital the suspect kept shouting: "People will die! people will die!"
Speaking about the immediate action after the explosion, which has already claimed 24 lives, the military said:
"The soldiers pursued the fleeing suspects and shot at one who fell off the bike with his bag, while the rider escaped through the crowd. The bag recovered from the suspect was later confirmed to contain a package of IED and other accessories."
It was also added that another suspect nabbed at the scene was under interrogation. The statement added that 15 more suspects were later apprehended in the country capital after a raid that led to the recovery of weaponry.
It would be recalled that Abuja shopping mall Emab Plaza was rocked by a ghastly explosion this Wednesday. While police first stated that 21 people were killed in the attack, the Health Minister yesterday said that 24 victims died.
Shortly after the bombing it was made known that one suspect was shot and one arrested in connection with the case

Adaeze Yobo Becomes Africa Fashion Week 2014 Celebrity Ambassador

Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (2008), Adaeze Stephanie Yobo, has joined the echelon of world class super celebrities on the Africa Fashion Week Ambassadors List.
24 year old Adaeze achieved her childhood dream of becoming the most beautiful girl in Nigeria in 2008, at the age of 18, beating 29 other beautiful Nigerian women to the crown. She also represented Nigeria at Miss World 2008 in South Africa, making the top twenty list in Miss World Talent, and placed second in Miss World Sports.
Adaeze Yobo who is also a UN Ambassador for Peace, established her own charity during her reign as Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria. Known as the Adaeze Igwe Foundation, the foundation of which is most passionate, sought to create awareness and garner support for Sickle Cell Anaemia, Aids and Breast Cancer patients. The foundation also raises funds towards similar causes such as Malaria and Tuberculosis. Its mission was to “create and increase access and opportunities to Nigerian Youth and Communities for addressing their needs and challenges towards sustainable development.
Adaeze whose beauty and fashion sense is subject of many celebrity magazines and blog features, met and married Joseph Yobo in Jos, after a brief courtship, and in 2011, was ranked 92, in a list of 101 Sexiest Soccer Wives and Girlfriends, according to Bleacher Report. Adaze and Joseph Yobo are now parents to their first child, Joey, and live in Istanbul Turkey, where Joseph is furthering his football career.
In enlisting Adaeze as Celebrity Ambassador, Africa Fashion Week London, the biggest African inspired fashion event in the UK for three years running since 2011 and parent event to Africa Fashion Week Nigeria, which is also the biggest platform supporting up and coming fashion talents in Nigeria, is furthering its key objective of  inspiring the teeming youth talent all over the world, especially in Africa, by presenting celebrity offerings and success stories as benchmarks for positive youthful aspirations.
Speaking on the appointment, the founder of Africa Fashion Week London, Ronke Ademiluyi, says: “I am delighted to have Adaeze on our platform. Her beauty, achievements and strategic status makes her a miracle and a rare find. Millions of our youthful followers all over the world will be inspired by her”
Adaeze will be joining the ranks of other Celebrity Ambasadors on the AFWL platform such as Ghana Ex Beauty Queen Menaye Donkor, Congo DCR  Ex Beauty Queen, Supermodel and UN Ambassador for Peace, Noella Coursaris Musunka, Bassist and lead vocalist of the Noisettes British Band Shinghai Shoniwa,  Sky Tv Presenter, Lukwesa Burak and Ugandan Born Editor of the London Based New Africa Woman Magazine, Regina Jane Jere.
In her capacity as AFWL ambassador, Adaeze will be working closely with some of the world’s best celebrities of African Origin such as Yinka Shonibare, artist and Member of the British Empire (MBE) and director of the Tiwanis Art Gallery London, and Princess Fifi Ejindu, Nigerian Born, World Class Architect and Real Estate Entrepreneur and Life patron of Africa Fashion Week London. Together they will all gear efforts towards increasing and strengthening the pedestal for launching the careers of young African inspired fashion designers globally.

Friday 27 June 2014

See What Michael Jackson Would Have Look Like Without Plastic Surgery At 50

There is no denying that Michael Jackson was one of the greatest talents to ever have lived. From winning 13 Grammys (eight of which he received in one night), to being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame not once but twice, and of course holding the record for the biggest selling album of all time for his EP Thriller, his career remains unrivalled.
But despite his success his life he was dogged by controversy regarding his appearance, including rumours of skin lightening (something he attributed to suffering from the skin condition vitiligo) and his increasing addiction to plastic surgery.Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson death, Michael Jackson surgery, Michael Jackson no surgery

Michael in his 20s
Few people know that Michael’s first foray into the world of plastic surgery was actually for medical rather than cosmetic reasons, when he broke his nose in 1979 after falling during a complex dance routine.
Still, by the time of his tragic death in 2009 at the age of just 50, it was clear that his addiction to plastic surgery was out of control, and his face bore little resemblance to the bright-eyed boy who’d sung his way into the world’s hearts over forty years earlier.
Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson death, Michael Jackson surgery, Michael Jackson no surgery

A fresh-faced Michael in the Jackson 5 years (far right)
So, what would Michael have looked like at the time of his death without surgery?
Well we believe it would have been something like the image above.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Why I Buried Ex-Customs Officer, Daughter Alive ─ Herbalist

A 64-year-old native doctor, Alhaji Olatunji Azeez who confessed to killing a retired customs officer, Angela Uzo Kerry and her adopted 10-year-old daughter, Obiagulum after selling the victim’s landed properties was yesterday paraded by the Lagos State Police Command.

L-R: The suspect, Alhaji Olatunji Azeez, Kerry and her daughter, Obiagulum

The suspect who led the Police to the building where he buried his victims committed the crime on May 10, 2014.

It was reported on Monday, June 23 that the decomposed bodies of the woman and her daughter were found in Azeez’s house in Ire Akari Crescent, Ajuwon Akute, Ogun State by operatives of the Lagos State Special Anti-Robbery Squad and the building was marked as a kidnapper’s den bythe police.

Azeez, an Oyo State indigene with three wives and five children, said he was forced to kill the customs officer and her daughter after she threatened to kill him over a sum of money.

He explained, “I have been a trado-medical doctor for about 30 years, but I knew Angela over five years ago. She initially came to me for protection from family attacks. One of her friends called Lizzy introduced her to me. The relationship began to grow, and she kept patronising me for one thing or the other.

“Then, about three years ago, she mentioned her barreness problem, adding that the daughter that was with her was adopted. I was shocked. But when she told me her age, I told her it was impossible to make her pregnant. But she insisted that prophets in the churches she went had assured her she would get pregnant.”

According to Punch Azeez later lied to the woman that she would get pregnant and collected N9m from her for the job.

Azeez added, “I did the normal concoction for her, but it didn’t work because of her age. But I collected the money because I knew if I did not, she would go to where they would collect it. After some months without result, she came to my place to complain. She then demanded a refund, but I told her that I could not repay it. She then began to threaten me. Within a month, I tried to repay N2.5m. On that fateful week, she came back for the remaining N6.5m.

“It was Saturday, May 17. She came with her daughter and insisted that she wanted her balance. She said as a retired customs officer, she could kill me if I didn’t pay back the money. Then I thought, I must kill this woman before she killed me. The hole at the back of my house was not built for killing. It was dug for drainage during rainfall.”

Azeez added that he went to the backyard, covered the hole with a white cloth that Angela normally saw in another shrine in his house.

He said, “After we talked, we moved with her daughter to the place. I said she should kneel down on the mat with her daughter. She did so and fell into the pit with her daughter. The operation was successful because no member of my family was around in the house.

I then began to cover the pit up with sand. I poured in roughly 50 buckets of sand. The following day, I got two bricklayers to cement the portion. But I had first taken out the belongings she brought.”

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, stated that the police had concluded their investigations on the case, adding that the native doctor was going to be charged to court for murder.

He said, “The woman and her daughter were reported missing on May 10 at the Oko Oba Police Division by the family.

“Azeez was eventually arrested through a tracking device installed on the victim’s Toyota Camry. Azeez, an herbalist, had hypnotized the woman for a long time. He had taken over N200m from her both in cash and property. We discovered he cleverly constructed a well in his house, lured the woman with her daughter into the room, and buried them alive.

“We were able to recover the decomposed bodies of the victims from the well. We also picked their property which was buried along with them. We have finished our investigations, and he will be charged to court for murder. We will leave the rest to be decided by the court.”

Gabon-Bound Plane Flying From Nigeria Goes Missing

A four-seater plane flying from Nigeria enroute Gabon via Cameroon has gone missing.

This was disclosed by Cameroon aviation sources on Tuesday, June 24.

The plane which had only an American pilot on board had taken off from Kano in the northern part of Nigeria at about 6pm on Monday en route Libreville in Gabon, where it was scheduled to arrive at 11pm, after a stopover in Douala, Cameroon.

PUNCH reports that the plane, owned by the US company Global Aviation, did not make it to Douala where it was supposed to stopover.

The last contact the plane had with the control tower took place in Mongo, which is a 2-hour flight from Cameroonian economic capital.

The search and rescue operations led by Cameroon's civil aviation authorities have so far not yielded any positive results.

See What Mercy Aigbe Says About Her Alleged Romance With Gov. Rotimi Amaechi

There were rumours about popular Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe-Gentry having love affair with Rivers State governor, Rotimi Amaechi.

Actress Mercy Aigbe-Gentry and her husband Lanre Gentry

In a recent interview with Encomium Yoruba movie actress and the mother of two refuted all the gossips about her close relationships with Gov. Rotimi Amaechi.

What’s the relationship between you and Rivers State governor, Rotimi Amaechi?

I only know him to be Rivers State governor, and from his performances so far, he has proved himself to be very sensitive when it comes to the plight of his people. He has worked tirelessly to give them good roads, improved healthcare, etc. He has also alleviated poverty in the state. That much I know because I have family and friends who live in the state, and I hear from them regularly the way he governs the state. And how people sing his praises. Although, I have not had the privilege of meeting him in person, I have heard much about his achievements since he became the governor of the state.

But it was rumoured that you collected N5m from him to feature at the 2014 Children’s Day celebration in the state. What’s your reaction to that?

There is no iota of truth in it. I never at a point collected a kobo from him. I don’t even know him one-on-one. The rumour also has it that both of you are in a sizzling romance, that’s’ why you were invited to the May 27, 2014 celebration? It’s not just untrue but laughable.

But were you truly the only actress invited for the ceremony and did you actually attend?

I wasn’t the only one invited. What happened was that there was a book reading session organized by Best of Nollywood in conjunction with the Rivers State government, and celebrities were invited, among whom Alex Ekubo, Yomi Fash Lanso, Dayo Amusa, Olaitan Ogunbele and others. I was also invited but I was out of the country then. So, I couldn’t attend. I think it was the initiative of Rivers State government. I wasn’t the only actress invited for the programme. So, I don’t know what could have informed such rumour.

Monday 23 June 2014

Boko Haram Fresh Attack Claims 40 In Chibok

Members of the radical Islamist sect- Boko Haram at the weekend killed no fewer than 40 people in an attacked launched on three villages of Chuha A, Chuha B, and Korongilim in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State.

According to vanguard newspaper, the assailants after carting away foodstuff and livestock, destroyed houses, shops and vehicles.  
A witness and a community youth leader, who gave his name as Yakubu Joshua, said the victims included teenagers while confirming the attack on Sunday.
“Some suspected Boko Haram terrorists invaded Chuha A, Chuha B and Korongilim villages of Chibok council of Borno State and killed over 40 persons" he said. “The terrorists injured many other villagers, burnt many houses and made away with our foodstuff. The attack, which commenced at 7a.m. yesterday lasted over five hours before military intervened. I and some other residents of Chibok had made several telephone calls to the military, unfortunately they (military) only started bombing the surrounding area of the attack after over 40 members of our community had been killed. The lifeless bodies of our people are still littered in the three villages as I speak, but our present fear is that many innocent villagers may be hit by the ongoing bombings by the military.”
Abba Aji Khalil, another resident, who is also the chairman of sector 5 of the local vigilante group in the state also confirmed the incident.
"My group is already in hot pursuit of the suspected terrorists. Our members in Chibok and neighbouring local government areas are already in hot pursuit of the suspected terrorists" he said.
The state Police Commissioner, Lawal Tanko, and his spokesman, Gideon Jubrin, could not be reached to get  confimation on the incident, but a senior police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk with journalist confirmed the attack.
Meanwhile, residents of Chibok community had been living perpetual fear following a letter that was allegedly sent by the sect detailing an impending attack.
It would be recalled that the sect members attacked Chibok on April 14, killed scores of people and abducted more than 200 female students from Government Girls Secondary School.
The girls, however, are yet to be rescued although international communities like U.K, France, Israel, Britain, US amongst others, whom volunteered to help the Nigerian government in bringing back the girls are yet to come up with a positive result.
The presidential fact-finding committee set up by Jonathan on the abduction of the girls, on Sunday, 22 June, 2014 submitted their report in Abuja, confirming that about 219 girls were still missing.

Meet Medusa, The World’s Longest Snake

A reticulated python has slithered into a place where few snakes have gone: Guinness World Records.
She’s named Medusa and the 25-foot-long, two-inch, 350-pounder has been confirmed as the longest snake ever in captivity in the Guinness World Records 2013 edition.
The 8 years old reptile is on display at The Edge Of Hell, a haunted attraction based in Kansas City. Mo., and spends her days helping to scare up business by scaring customers who are already afraid of snakes — not just gigantic ones.
Medusa’s handler Larry Edgar says, “We try to keep Medusa well-fed and slightly out of reach as there have been instances with Reticulated Pythons where they’ve had to cut people out of them!
“We never underestimate that she does always have the upper-hand.”
So far, Medusa does pretty well on a diet that includes rabbits, hogs and deer, served to her every two weeks.
Medusa inherits the title from the previous record holder, Fluffy, another Reticulated Python from Ohio’s Columbus Zoo, who measured in at 24 feet long.

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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