Tuesday 11 February 2014

'President Jonathan Cannot Give Me Sleepless Night' – Amaechi

Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers state has said he is not bothered about the activities of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) or that of President Goodluck Jonathan against him and the state.
Speaking during the presentation and launching of Education sector plan in Port Harcourt, Amaechi said he has no reason to have sleepless night because of PDP or Jonathan but he is rather concerned with how to complete the projects his government had embarked upon including the payment of salaries of civil servants in the state.
According to Amaechi, the Federal Government was trying to frustrate his government and that's why they reduced its allocation.
"I never thought that there would be a time when our revenue would fall from N20 billion to N13 billion and for the past 6 months, that is what we have been receiving. We are literally and virtually begging to pay salaries," he said.
He however assured the teachers that their salaries would be paid despite shortfall in  the allocation while also calling on the people of Rivers to find means of agitating for their rights before things become more difficult.

Photo:New report claims Beyonce had an affair with President Obama

Beyonce had an affair with President Obama? Lol. I find this hilarious. Anything is possible, but this one is highly unlikely. Below is how MediaTakeOut reported it. Please don't even take this serious.

According to the French Press, Beyonce and President Obama had an affair y'all. Here is what they are reporting in the French version of Glamour magazine, not the National enquirer y'all, Glamour magazine" MTO writes
This morning the paparazzi Pascal Rostain invited the largest direct media Jean- Marc Morandini on Europe 1. According to him, the American press [will] disclose tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11, 2014 , a "love affair" between Barack Obama and Beyonce[He explained], "You know, at this time, the United States, there is something big that is happening. Moreover, it will come out tomorrow in an edition of the Washington Post, [so] we can not say the alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyoncé is being reported on by the gutter press."
Already last week , the National Enquirer indicated that the U.S. presidential couple was on the verge of divorce and multiplied disputes.

Two NYSC Members Arrested For Homosexuality

Two serving members of the National Youth Service Corps, O’tega Daniel, 27, and Sulaimon Abari, 26, have been arraigned before an Ibadan Chief Magistrates’ Court sitting at Iyaganku for engaging in homosexual practices with a male student.
The corpers who were arraigned on Monday are facing a three-count charge of conspiracy, procuring as well as  getting hold of their victim.
They were both serving at at St. Louis Secondary School 2, Molete, Ibadan.
The incident was said to have taken place sometime in November  2013 at Osungbade, Odo-Oba area of  Ibadan.
Addressing the court, the prosecutor, Inspector  Olufemi Eyiaromi said they both conspired to commit the offence, alleging that Daniel got hold of the male student, took him  into a room, laid him on a bed as well as  caressed and orally suc'ked his manhood until the minor released spe'rm.
Abari was said to committed same offence on the same victim.
However, the accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.

How I ‘Married’ Patience Ozokwor As A Young Man – Victor Osuagwu

Popular Nollywood actor, Victor Osuagwu, who is the new Lagos branch chair of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, opens up in a recent interview about his life, acting career, his wife and many other things.

Victor said he was born with neither a silver spoon nor a wooden spoon but rather a divine spoon. Born and bred in Port Harcourt, he said he shares blood relations with Rivers State as his mother is from Opobo.
“When I say I was born with a divine spoon, it means that I have a special talent, instilled by God after creating me, and that is the talent I’m using today for entertainment,” he said.
He met his wife at University of Port Harcourt when she was still a young girl of 17 years and he told her straight she was going to be his wife. They courted for a long time before they finally got married.
Describing his first experience on stage, he said it was awesome while adding that he had never had an embarrassing day on stage.
When asked his most memorable day as an actor, he said, “Every role given to you as an artiste, you must see it as challenging. There is no role that you consider bigger or smaller, because all it entails is for you to interpret those roles; it is not your character; it has nothing to do with your identity; you are playing somebody’s character. So, obviously, they are all challenging. But, then, there is one particular challenging role I did, and when I read the script, I was happy to be part of it; I didn’t go for the money, but the name I was about to make out of it – that was in One Dollar. Then, I was 30-something years old, and I was meant to play a 70-something-year-old man.
“You could imagine at that age I was getting married to somebody like Patience Ozokwor. So, you were meant to transform your character from your youthful age to that of an elderly man the script is talking about, not just his age, but his attitude and everything. When I got that role, I asked myself, “How am I going to do this?” I worked with my makeup artiste and we suggested ways we could achieve a better interpretation of that role, so we came up with ideas, like having baldhead, wrinkles and grey hairs. When I looked myself in the mirror afterwards, I was sure I wasn‘t the Victor that I know (laughs), and I played that role well.”
On how he handles stardom, he said he considers his relationship with his fans and the public outside there adding that managing oneself is not easy, because sometimes the stardom gets into your head.

Queen Of Robbers' Who Robbed With Godogodo Dies In Lagos

A woman suspected of being a notorious armed robber has died while in the custody of the police in Lagos.

The suspect, simply called Alhaja Faith Balogun aka the Queen of robbers is said to have gone on operations with the dreaded ‘Godogodo’ who was also recently apprehended.

Alhaja Faith is said to have died due to complications arising from HIV/AIDS while still under investigation by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.

She was said to have slumped and died at SARS on a day she had just returned from the General Hospital Ikeja.

It was gathered that she had also been suffering from and receiving treatment for Tuberculosis.

According to a reliable police source, immediately detectives confronted Balogun with her crimes, she had broken down and confessed. She had also told them that she was HIV positive and on retroviral drugs. The police thought she had only lost consciousness but she was confirmed dead by doctors after the police took her to the hospital.

A police source said: “Presently, SARS is waiting for an autopsy to be carried out on her, to determine the immediate cause of her death. We however all knew she was a HIV carrier. She never hid that fact from anyone.”

According to many robbery suspects, Balogun was one of the strongest, bravest and most daring females in the underworld. She had robbed with the likes of Abiodun Ogunjobi, alias Godogodo, and Goke. These two men were also feared in the robbery world.

She had been named several times by robbers arrested by SARS in different states to the extent that she became one of the most featured wanted female robbers on police lists. Balogun told police that she was 37 years old, but she is believed older than that. She had three kids, two girls and a boy, but they are all from different fathers

Here's Why Jonathan Could Not Cover His Chief of Staff, He Had To Fire Him Immediately

Corruption is a way of life for most political office holders in Nigeria, especially those working closely with the President because they see themselves as untouchable, since no one can challenge any financial requests from them as it would seem that such fraudulent requests are for the good of Mr President.

Sometimes the President is involved, agreed, but most of the times these people just use the name of the Oga at the Top to loot billions and become multi-billionaires and powerful men, overnight.
That is what is still going on in Nigeria today. A huge dossier prepared on the activities of the "sacked" Chief of Staff to President Goodluck Jonathan has revealed an extensive corruption profile...
But the former Deputy Governor of Edo State is unlikely to be asked to answer for the many "deals" because Jonathan does not want to open a Pandora’s Box involving persons at the highest levels of his administration, analysts have told Sahara Reporters.
Mr. Oghiadomhe’s bag of tricks includes Kerosene subsidy fraud at the NNPC to the magnitude of millions of dollars with a controversial businessman, Jide Omokore, owner of oil companies Atlantic Energy Limited and Seven Energy.
Both companies are at the center of $6billion fraud cited by the Governor of the Central Bank, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, in his recent revelation to the Nigeria Senate that the NNPC has not been able to account for as much as $20billion of the $67billion worth of oil it lifted between 2012 and 2013.
Jonathan reportedly asked Oghiadomhe to resign after security agencies revealed his deep involvement, first, in a Rice waiver scam used to fund Jonathan’s Presidential Election in 2011; the security reports traced billions of naira to the duo, showing that they did not declare or remit a greater portion of the “profit” from the Rice waiver to the Jonathan campaign.
The campaign treasurer then was Ms. Stella Oduah, the current minister of Aviation, enmeshed in various kind of financial and certificate scandals in her ministry.
In recent days, it also emerged that Mr. Oghiadome and Omokore benefited immensely from the alleged huge Kerosene subsidy fraud amounting to about  N1billion a day.
Last week Tuesday, Omokore sent his wife, Angela, to meet with President Jonathan in order to explain that her husband did not partake in the fraud, but Jonathan appeared unconvinced as the CBN governor buffeted the nation with further revelation of massive fraud in the petroleum sector.
You may wish to know that Angela Omokore is Oghiadome’s goddaughter.
Also, Nigeria’s Petroleum minister Mrs. Diezani Allison-Madueke reportedly washed her hands off the fraud case claiming that Oghiadome and Omokore short-changed Nigerians in the deals.
When the former Chief of Staff showed up for work at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Monday morning he was told to submit his resignation letter. After complying, he returned to his residence.
He was not subjected to any questioning or surveillance, leaving him free to do as he pleases with his time and resources. He is now claiming he resigned to pursue his political ambition.
In order to fend off inquiries, presidential spokesperson Reuben Abati told reporters that Mr Oghiadomhe had “voluntarily resigned” to go and participate in politics.
The spin is aimed at deflecting public outrage that could force Jonathan’s hands in taking action against others involved in the NNPC fraud, particularly the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Alison-Madueke. She is currently reported to be “sick,” and is maintaining a low profile in far away London.
The challenge facing Jonathan is that, particularly in an election year, it would be impossible for him to claim that Oghiadomhe carried out his full briefcase of alleged corruption activities at the NNPC all the way from Aso Rock without the knowledge of the Minister, and that he has done all of it since 2010 without the knowledge of the presidency and the security agencies.
Whenever there is obvious corruption in Jonathan's government, nobody is prosecuted.

Monday 10 February 2014

'How T.B. Joshua Took My Wife' – Pastor Peter Kayode Opens Up

Pastor Peter Kayode Falarungbon is the Head Pastor of Awakeners Chapel International. He was the first Head Pastor of the Ghana branch of T.B. Joshua's Church, Synagogue Church of All Nations.

In the latest edition of the world acclaimed Nigerian Religious magazine-Lifeway, Pastor Kayode reveals how the Head Pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet T.B. Joshua, virtually sent him into exile in Ghana in order to have canal knowledge of his (Pastor Kayode's) wife, Lola.

This is his story:

It was in 1991 that my wife, Lola, and I went to the Synagogue. We went there because we had been married for nine years without any child. When we met Joshua he looked like a gentleman, a kind person and someone that could be relied on. I saw him as someone representing God because of his physical and outward appearance. Within two weeks of our going there, he had gotten very close to my wife. That got me concerned but then I concluded that it could be because my wife hailed from the village next to his in Ondo State, Nigeria.

One day my former wife told me that the Prophet wanted her to work with him; that she had to do this before God could answer our prayer for a child. Since I did not want to be an obstacle, I gave her the go ahead. Suddenly I found myself going there every day because we wanted the fruit of the womb. One day, Lola told me the Prophet wanted to see me. T.B. Joshua told me God wanted to use me and that I should surrender myself to the service of the lord. It was a big battle in my heart and with my family but finally I succumbed.

The first thing he did was to relocate me from where I lived in a three bedroom apartment at Ipaja road. He gave me a Chamber and hall at Ikoutun Egbe. He told me that if I wanted to serve the Lord, I have to separate myself from the world, from my family and my friends. That was the beginning of my journey. I abandoned my parents and refused to see any of my siblings. I was placed in the evangelical department to study the scriptures. However, because of my Salvation Army background, I found loopholes in some of the things he taught us but I could not openly challenge him.

He later asked my wife to move into the church permanently, while I continue to stay in the chamber and hall. I would leave the house in the morning, go straight to the church and return home in the evening alone. On Sunday mornings, she would rush in early in the morning around 6am, take a change of clothing and rush back to the church. Anytime I showed my desire for intimacy, she will refuse on the grounds that the Prophet said we should not engage in sex yet.

After going through the Bible Training course for about three to four years, most of my colleagues left. I was one of two or three people who remained from my set. After a while, a Ghanaian named Ben and I came to Ghana in 1997 to plan a crusade, We contacted the Ghana Pentecostal Council and we marketed Joshua very well to them even though many of them did not know him. We returned to Nigeria and about months later. I was sent back to Ghana to start a fellowship. We began to grow from there. Up till this time, my former wife remained in Lagos; we could not talk on the phone and I could not talk to my family as well. Once in a while, maybe once in six months or once in a year, Joshua would call me and put my wife on the line. Our conversation usually went like this: “How are you?” “I am fine.” “Well I just want to find out if you are okay.” That was all. Meanwhile, the real reason why we went to Synagogue was yet to be resolved – that was our childlessness.

At some point during the years, I began to awaken from my spiritual slumber. I took a series of decisions. One of them was I must see my parents. Early one morning, while in Lagos on his orders, I left Ikotun Egbe at 5.am.for Agege and traced my parents. They received me coldly. I was not in the least surprised. But then my mum later disclosed to me that my wife had told one of my old friends that Joshua told her it was impossible for her to conceive through me, that the lack of conception was my fault.

An incident I witnessed convinced me there was something between Joshua and my wife. Joshua used to flog his followers, old and young. I was privy to him trying to flog my wife once, but she just walked out on him without anything happening. For her to have the guts to walk out on him when he was flogging others convinced me there was more to their relationship.

The allegation of my wife with the connivance of T.B Joshua that I could not father a child continued to bother me. I battled with temptation. I came to a decision that I needed to remarry in order to prevent falling for temptation and also to prove to Joshua, Lola and everyone who believed the lie that they were wrong. In Ghana, I met a lady here and I told her everything about my situation. And she agreed to my proposal. To the glory of God she got pregnant. I jubilantly announced to my parents, “I told you there was nothing wrong with me!

Five days before my father passed on, he insisted on speaking with me. But because none of siblings had my telephone number they could not reach me. Eventually, my father persuaded my siblings to take him to The Synagogue to meet with Joshua. He was sure that through Joshua a call would be placed to me.

Unfortunately, when they got to The Synagogue they were left at the gate unattended to for two hours. They sent for my former wife and briefed her. She went inside to return two hours later to tell them that the Prophet was not available to see them. They had to return home. The next day, my father passed on. That was why my siblings shunned me. Right there I made up my mind to leave The Synagogue. I told myself it was time to leave!

Check Out Actress, Omotola Jalade's Pretty Daughter (PHOTOS)

Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde is no doubt a beautiful and well endowed woman who is happily married to the love of her life, Capt. Matthew Ekeinde and they are blessed with four lovely children.

Well its not about Omotola this time, we want you to meet one of Omotola's beautiful daughters, Meraiah.

Meraiah just turned 14 on the 7th of February the same day her mother turned 36.

The screen diva is blessed with two girls and two boys: Princess, M.J, Meraiah and Michael and Meraiah is her second daughter.

More photos below

Thursday 6 February 2014

OIL SCANDAL: How NNPC Robbed Nigeria Of $20 Billion - CBN Governor Sanusi

CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi states that $20 billion received by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), from sales of crude oil between January 2012 and July 2013, is still missing.

In this seven-page document submitted to the Senate, Sanusi explains he is determined to present detailed evidence that NNPC has, in violation of the law and constitution, been diverting money from the Federation Account.
He has established the following:
By paying the 'kerosene subsidy,' the NNPC has confessed to a number of serious infractions, as kerosene is not a subsidised product; President Yar'Adua had issued a presidential directive eliminating this subsidy payment as from July, 2009; these losses inflicted on the Federation Account have not been appropriated.
Claims by NNPC of spending the money on PMS subsidy are not credible.
As NNPC's disclosed it shipped $6b worth of crude oil on behalf of NPDC, at least a part of this amount is due to the Federation Account. This part relates to oil produced from blocks operated under 'Strategic Alliance Agreement,' and Sanusi says these agreements merely serve to transfer revenue due to the Federation to private hands.
Additionally, Sanusi suggested his analysis of the crude-for-refined-product swap contracts entered into by PPMC and indicated where, according to him, Nigeria is losing money in these transactions.
Sanusi says, NNPC has submitted that it lifted $67b worth of Crude between January 2012 and July 2013. Of this, the following amounts have been remitted to the Federation Account:
$14 billion as equity crude
$15 billion as payment to FIRS by IOCs
$2 billion Royalty payment to DPR by IOCs
$16 billion out of the 428b taken as Domestic Crude Paid in naira, not dollars.
The following items are outstanding and need to be proven by NNPC:
$12 billion out of domestic crude sales yet to be remitted
$6 billion shipped on behalf of NNPC
$2 billion 'third-party financing' as there are no documents explaining or proving this along with other claims around pipeline repairs, maintenance, strategic reserves, etc.
In summary, Sanusi says, it is established that of the $67 billion crude shipped by NNPC between January 2012 and July 2013, $47 billion was remitted to the Federation Account. There is no dispute that $20 billion out of $67 billion has not been paid into any account with the CBN.
Sanusi makes the following recommendations:
NNPC should reduce the refining capacity of its refineries based on a signed refining contract that clearly states what products are to be delivered for each barrel. Sale proceeds net of recognised processing costs should to go to the Federation Account.
All Crude for Product Swaps should be terminated and crude should be exported and sold at market price.
Where NNPC needs to generate cash flow to fund PMS imports, it can 'borrow' crude, on the approval of the Finance Minister, for 90 – 120 days. This crude is to be valued at the ruling market price. NNPC may sell the crude, import PMS and sell through its outlets. It should claim subsidy from PPPRA like every other marketer and present all required documents. Thereafter, NNPC should pay back the full value of crude lifted to the Federation Account and retain the profit. Where NNPC delays payment, the amount outstanding should attract interest at commercial rates until payment.
All the SAAs entered into by NPDC should be investigated for constitutionality. The production numbers, Opex and Capex, and profit shares should be audited. The tax arrangements entered into with these parties should be reviewed and all revenues due to the Federation collected. If possible the SAAs should be terminated. Certainly, NNPC should be prohibited from entering into any SAAs in the future.
NNPC to account for subsidies claimed in 2010-13 by producing documentary proof of legitimacy.
As for what action needs to be taken on what has happened in the past, we express no opinion. The decision on what to do in this case rests entirely with the Government. My task is limited to raising an alarm over what I think is a development that is harmful to the economy, and establishing that the alarm was neither spurious nor baseless. I still insist that an investigation is needed to establish the extent of the losses and the nature of offence committed.
Governor Sanusi says he believes he has placed enough information to make the point. He says the first priority is to stop such practices, as it will ultimately "bring the entire economy to its knees."

Monday 3 February 2014

WAEC introduces 39 new subjects

The West African Examinations Council has announced the introduction of 39 new subjects in its examinations.
The Council’s Acting Head, Test Development Division, Mrs. Olayinka Ajibade, who announced this, said the new subjects would commence in this year’s May/June West African Senior School Certificate Examination.
Ajibade said this while delivering a paper titled “The New Senior Secondary Education Curriculum in Nigeria: Implications for Assessment” at the council’s monthly seminar in Lagos on Friday.
The fresh initiative, she said, was in accordance with the Nigerian Education Research and Development Council’s new secondary school curriculum.
The NERDC is the body responsible for reviewing primary and secondary schools’ curricula in the country.
She said, “The implementation of the new SSCE curricula began in September 2011, meaning that the maiden public examinations based on the new/ revised curricula are expected to be held in May/ June 2014.
“Each WASSCE syllabus is derived from the senior secondary education curriculum. In addition to the 39 new subjects for which NERDC engaged in curriculum development, curriculum review was also carried out for 35 existing subjects.”
In the new curriculum, four new subjects- Computer Studies, Insurance, Store Management and Office Practice- are in the electives category, while the remaining 35 subjects are in the Trades category.
Among subjects in the trade category are Painting and Decorating, Photography, Salesmanship, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting, and Upholstery.
Ajibade added that under the fresh directive, students would be required to take four core subjects, comprising English Language, General Mathematics, Civic Education and Trade/ Entrepreneurial Studies.
The candidates, she added, would be required to choose three or four subjects from Humanities, Science, Technology and Business Studies depending on their potential and interest.
Ajibade, while unveiling this, noted however that the new directive would face some challenges.
She identified inadequate teachers, appalling state of facilities in schools and large class size as some of the challenges that would likely beset the initiative

Pastor Impregnates His Wife's Friend In Lagos

A Lagos-based businesswoman, Iyabo Olusoji has appealed to a court to end her marriage as she described her husband, a pastor, as a chronic womanizer. She told a Customary Court sitting in the Igando area of the state that her husband, Pastor Taiwo, is an habitual adulterer, adding that he had impregnated her friend.

She accused Pastor Taiwo of using charm to marry her, saying she initially went to his church for prayers when she was having marital problem with her ex-husband and that Pastor Taiwo gave her soap to bath.
In her words: “I went to Taiwo to seek help concerning my marriage that was collapsing. He gave me soap to bath with that my former husband will come back. After using the soap, instead of my husband and I to settle our differences, it became worse and I don’t know how I became one of Taiwo’s wives.”
According to her, her husband always beat her anytime she goes to his church to ask for money and he will not leave her until he sees blood on her. She added that:
“My husband runs after anything in skirt. He flirts around with some of his female members, he also slept with my friend and got her pregnant.”
Iyabo, mother of one, consented to dissolution of the the union, saying that she was no longer in love and that Pastor Taiwo is only keeping her as a se'x tool.
On his part, Pastor Taiwo, 53, begged the court to dissolve the 7-year-old marriage, citing Iyabo’s constant embarrassment and defamation. He said she always came to his church to embarrass, defame his character in the presence of his members.
He added: “She will come to my church, lock me up in the presence of my members, calling me all sorts of names like thief, woman wrapper, cultist and other names. There was one day she came and naked herself in the presence of my congregation claiming that I abandoned her for two years.”
He pleaded with the court to dissolve the union, saying that that he is tired of his wife’s bad character.
The Presiding Officer, R.I. Adeyeri, adjourned the case to February 3 for judgement.

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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