Monday 30 October 2023

Fire Breaks Out At Rivers State House Of Assembly Amid Impeachment Against Governor

 Barely few hours after the rumour spreading viral concerning the alleged impeachment of Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, a fire has broken out at the Rivers State House of Assembly Complex.

Information gathered by journalist reports that the fire started at about 10 p.m. on Sunday.

It was gathered that some suspected arsonists threw an explosive into the complex around 9:25pm, causing a fire in the building.

It was reported that some properties inside the chamber were also destroyed beyond repair.

Confirming the incident, a senior police officer who pleaded anonymity to Punch, claimed that it was politically motivated.

He said: “Yes it is true. The fire occurred around 9:30 p.m. or so. But as we speak, it (the fire) has been put out by firefighters who arrived at the scene just in time. I think it has to do with politics.”

Punch revealed that arrangements have been concluded by some lawmakers in the state legislature to first impeach the House leader, Eddison Ehie, to pave the way for Fubara’s removal. The House leader is said to have been blocking moves aimed at removing Fubara.

It was gathered that the Assembly had been taken over by the police and other security operatives, as about 17 security trucks and one Armoured Personnel Carrier were stationed at the entrance and surroundings.

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