Friday 15 May 2020

What Obasanjo would have done to those demanding presidential address – Adesina

Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari has revealed what former President Olusegun Obasanjo would have done to those always pestering Buhari for presidential address.
He said Obasanjo would have insulted and embarrassed them serious on live programme on television.
Adesina was reacting to the criticisms he received from a large section of Nigerians over his outing during a programme on 95.1 Nigeria Info FM Abuja.
“You know what? If it was former President Olusegun Obasanjo that had come under the ‘you must talk to us’ barrage like that, and on live television, he would have first cleared his throat noisily, adjusted himself in his seat, and then bellowed:
“And who are you, that I must talk to you? I say who the hell are you? Who is your father? Who is your father’s father, that you are commanding me to talk to you? Were you born when we fought a Civil War to keep this country together?
“Where was your father when I received the instrument of surrender from the Biafra Forces? Don’t come here and tell me nonsense. Talk to us, my foot!” he said,
Adesina said Buhari would not upbraid anyone like that, but would rather keep his peace.
According to him, some people had now taken liberty for license, till they began to sound like broken records, saying he had no apologies for such people.
“The fact that you have voted a man into office is not carte blanche for you to lead the man around by the nose. A leader worth his salt would not even submit himself to such cavalier treatment. Definitely not President Buhari. I made that point clear on the programme.

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