Monday 10 April 2017

WOW!!! A Tour Into Psquare Heaven Home (photos)

P-square New Mansion – The Okoye brothers, comprising the duo of P-Square and their elder brother, Jude Okoye, recently moved into their homes in Parkview, Ikoyi. And the property consists of three different houses – in three different compounds.

They have since posted a few photos from their new mansions – and we can tell they all come with similar stunning design. The houses all come in same design.
And as Paul captioned; ‘Only God..’ Seeing things like this just makes you sit down and think about your life you know… You’re just motivated all of a sudden to set some serious goals mehn!

The singer shared the interior of his house and even his followers have been like “wooww! Hooo my God, this is a castle” – and you can’t but agree… it really is wowing!

This happens to be Paul’s crib

In his caption; ‘’… Or how else do you relax in a luxury home? Okay, this is just torment!, Peter literally has a museum for a house, no kidding… It’s like mini art gallery with the luxurious pieces of artwork, the chandelier, the flower vases, the mirror stand, oh! Come on! He has a movie theatre in his home… #sighs If ever I were to visit any of these houses, I’ll most definitely need a tour guide… Okay, P-Square, this is me putting this out there, can I please have a tour of your magnificent home?! I need it for inspiration … Lol.

Dope design. It can’t get any better than this. Peter don’t have to go to the cinemas… seeing as he’s got one in his house.


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