Friday 23 December 2016

I Won’t Run For President In 2019 – Jonathan

Former president, Goodluck Jonathan, has cleared the air over reports flying around that he would contest for the 2019 presidential election.
Jonathan, who contested as incumbent and lost to President Muhammadu Buhari in the 2015 presidential election, according to reports said he has been under immense pressure to return to power in the next general elections.
In a statement by his Media Assistant, Ikechukwu Eze, the ex-president was quoted as saying he has absolutely no plan of contesting the 2019 presidential poll.
Mr. Eze said the former president did not at anytime declare an intention to contest, describing it as mere “fabrication.”
“Our attention has just been drawn to a fabricated online publication alleging that the former President Goodluck Jonathan made comments on the 2019 elections, while hosting his kinsmen in Otuoke last Tuesday.
“Those reports are false and bear no truth whatsoever. The former President was not in Otuoke on Tuesday, neither did he make the comments attributed to him. In fact, he has only just returned to his community to spend Christmas having been away for two weeks, so he could not have been hosting anyone there last Tuesday,” Mr Eze said.
“Of what good is it to our national development efforts if some people spend so much energy spreading falsehood about fellow citizens and our nation?

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