Friday 28 October 2016

Meet the 6 powerful cabals that have hijacked Buhari’s government

Ever since the explosive interview of Mrs Aisha Buhari claiming that her husband’s government has been hijacked by a cabal, Nigerians have been made to understand that there are some set of people who influences the president’s decision.
The president’s wife in the BBC Hausa interview said that President Muhammadu Buhari’s government has been hijacked by cabal who are “behind presidential appointments”.
These “cabal” serve as close to ears to the president with so much power at their disposal.
Nigeria’s Senate president, Bukola Saraki during his trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) alleged that a powerful cabal within the President Muhammadu Buhari’s government had hijacked power from the retired general.
In a statement, Saraki alleged that the powerful forces in Buhari’s administration are bent on humiliating him.
However, the presidency said Saraki’s claim was not only ridiculous and baseless since it was not backed by facts and detailed information.
Naij has compiled a list of powerful cabal that have taken over the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari in Aso rock:

1. Abba Kyari, the chief of staff to the president
Abba kyari
File photo of Buhari’s chief of staff Abba Kyari
A retired Brigadier general in the Nigerian army and an uncle to the president. He had been in corridors of power since Yakubu Gowon’s era. He wielded so much power, loves power and dispenses as he wishes.
He is been accused of using power for personal gain. Kyari is reported to have a firm grip on Mr President and is a force to reckon within this government.

2. Mamman Daura
Mammam Daura1
Mamman Daura and President Buhari
Daura is the nephew of President Buhari, he’s the unofficial vice president, much more than VP Osinbajo.
Although, he holds no political office in this dispensation, Daura, is often seen with the president and travels with him. He is believed to have considerable input in the choice of those who emerged as ministers, especially those from the North. Between the two they have made this government nepotic, despotic and lacks focus.
In 1983, when the then General Muhammadu Buhari took over power from the democratically elected government of Shehu Shagari, Daura became very influential at the time. He even became the head of African International Bank and chairman of the board of Nigerian Television Authority.
3. Babachir Lawal, Secretary to the Government of the Federation
Lawal occupies a powerful position on the ladder of Nigeria’s powerful rulers. By virtue of his position he serves as secretary to important government organs such as the Federal Executive Council and the Council of State.
As government’s scribe, Lawal carries out supervisory functions on some government departments and agencies. Very outspoken, he does not hide the big influence he wields in the administration.
At the commencement of meetings of FEC, the SGF does not shy away from tackling ministers who do not settle down on time for meetings. He is also said to have the ears of the President.
4. Kayode Fayemi, Babatunde Fashola and Rotimi Amaechi – Ministers
These ministers are the new mover and shakers of APC-led government. They are believed to have inputs alongside the APC National Chairman, John Oyegun at various state primary elections.
They are the young minds of President Buhari and hold powerful ministries at the Federal Executive arm.

5. Ismailia Funtua
Ismaila Isa Funtua is said to be a personal friend of the president and the Chairman of Bulet International construction. It is reported that he has Buhari’s ears on national issues, including appointments.
Although Funtua, like Daura, does not hold political office, he has much influence on the President even more than those who are holding offices. He has been part of Buhari’s delegation on some of his foreign trips, including his official visit to the United States last year.
6. Theophilus Danjuma
General Theophilus Danjuma (rtd)
General Theophilus Danjuma (rtd)
Danjuma who is one of Nigeria’s most influential and respected senior military officers ever is a power broker. He is always sought after by successive governments.
That he was one of the major sponsors of Buhari’s Presidency is not a secret. With an interest in oil blocs, Danjuma, is believed to have played a major role in the emergence of Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, as the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, and as the Minister of State, Petroleum Resources.

Dasukigate: Arrest Jonathan now – APC tells Buhari (video)

Goodluck Jonathan addressing UN Swiss press in Geneva
– Former President Goodluck Jonathan recently said there was no way an amount as huge as $2.2 billion could go missing under his government
– Jonathan defended Sambo Dasuki, his former National Security Adviser (NSA) now at the centre of the scandal
– The All Progressives Congress (APC) is now insisting that Jonathan had knowledge of all the corrupt practices that took place under his administration
The All Progressives Congress in Lagos state has demanded the arrest of former President Goodluck Jonathan for defending Sambo Dasuki, the former National Security Adviser.
Dasuki is in detention over a $2.2 billion scandal but Jonathan, while speaking recently at the Oxford Union, said he did not believe that such an amount could be stolen under him.
Joe Igbokwe
Joe Igbokwe, spokesperson of the APC in Lagos
The APC in Lagos insisted that there was no way Jonathan would say he did not know of the massive corruption under his government.
A statement by the party, through its spokesperson, Joe Igbokwe, and reported by Premium Times, said: “Even as we concede that Jonathan is on a desperate bid to rehabilitate himself, we wouldn’t believe that a former president should be so contemptuous of the intelligence of Nigerians as to give the kind of defence he gave to Sambo Dasuki.
“We wonder what Jonathan makes of the horrid details that are emanating from the Dasukigate issue with shocking evidences, confessions and even refunds made by those that participated in that monumental corruption.”
Jonathan had reportedly said: “I don’t believe somebody can just steal $2.2 billion. We bought warships, we bought aircraft, we bought lots of weapons for the army and so on and so forth and you are still saying 2.2 billion, so where did we get the money to buy all those things?”
The party warned Jonathan against defending someone who, though his action, compromised the security of the country, adding: “To claim that Dasuki and his partners did not steal the arms purchase fund reveals the inner beliefs of Jonathan and explains that he is intrinsically webbed to corruption.
“Even while he is perceived as pathologically corrupt and his regime seen as the most corrupt in Nigeria’s chequered history, one would have expected Jonathan to be cautious in seeking to advance very childish and inadmissible exculpation of his subordinates for glaring acts of corruption.
“We had expected that Jonathan would have striven to water down the lowly impression held of him by Nigerians and the international community by not deciding to be so patronising to clear cases of corruption by his subordinates. But with each day, Jonathan continues to baffle by his chameleonic acts.
“By Jonathan’s cheap defence of Sambo Dasuki, we believe time has come for the security agencies to pick up Jonathan to tell the nation all that he knows of the many cases of corruption that happened under him.
“We don’t believe any thing shields Jonathan from prosecution for corruption as we believe it is becoming indefensible for Jonathan to pretend he was innocent of the corrupt acts of his subordinates.
“While we condemn Jonathan’s cheeky defence of Dasuki, even in the face of monumental damning evidences, we want to state that the anti corruption war is incomplete until Jonathan is prosecuted for he continually proves, by such defence of his corrupt subordinates, that he knew everything that transpired in his corruption-ridden regime.”

Thursday 27 October 2016

Niger State Repatriates Illegal Immigrants To Niger Republic

The Niger State Command of the Nigeria Immigration Service said on Wednesday that 53 illegal immigrants have been repatriated to Niger Republic. Mrs Tamuno Oyedeji, Comptroller of Immigration Service in the state disclosed this in an interview in Minna.
Adededji said the state government provided vehicles for the transportation of the illegal immigrants to the border post at Jibia in Katsina state. “We successfully handed them over to the Niger Republic Immigration officers at the border post,’’ she said. Adedeji said that the immigrants were repatriated because their presents constitute security threats in the state.
She said that most of the illegal immigrants possess expired documents, while others have no legal documents to back their legitimate stay in the country. The comptroller said that the command has taken proactive security measures to ensure only immigrants with proper documents are allowed into the country through Babana border with Benin Republic.

Being The President’s Chef

Club des chefs des chefs
                   Club des chefs des chefs
The chefs who cook for the world’s leaders usually keep a low profile, leaving the limelight to their bosses. But once a year, it is their turn to be wined and dined and treated as honoured guests in a foreign country.
Billed as the world’s most exclusive gastronomic society, the Club des Chefs des Chefs brings together the men and women who cook for heads of state to exchange ideas and — presumably — insider information on their bosses’ tastes.
They have met annually since the club was first established in Paris in 1977 and this year for the first time they are doing so in India, hosted by the president’s personal chef, Montu Saini.
“The presidents all met each other. I thought it was a good idea to make a sort of G20 of the chefs,” the club’s founder Gilles Bragard told journalists in Delhi.
“If politics divides men, a good table will unite them.”
Naturally, the tradition involves trying out local delicacies. But Saini has left little to chance when it comes to the Indian capital’s most notorious complaint.
Rather than subjecting the chefs to Delhi street food, he has had the kitchen of their five-star hotel recreate golgappas and aloo tikkis — popular fried snacks made of wheat flour and potato and served with sweet and spicy chutneys.
“I can’t take them to the street because they are foreigners. Their tummies are too sensitive,” said Saini.
“So I am creating a replica in the hotels.”
India excels in the extravagant welcome, and the visiting chefs are treated like the royalty many of them work for.
Arriving in their immaculate chef’s whites at Old Delhi’s chaotic spice market, even more crowded than usual ahead of the Diwali festival, they were showered with pink rose petals and garlanded with jasmine.
“This is fantastic,” said Bernard Vaussion, who cooked for six French presidents before he retired, as he pushed his way through the market’s packed alleyways.
“I mean it’s dirty and noisy, but who cares. It’s such an experience.”
India takes its toll though. By day three, one of the visiting chefs has fallen ill, while another is feeling the effects of Indian cuisine.
“After four days of eating spicy (food), you feel it,” said Fabrizio Boca, chef to the Italian president. “I think it’s only because you have to get used to it.”
Like most of the visiting chefs — 16 men and one woman, America’s Cristeta Comerford — Boca is eager to learn more about India’s vast range of spices.
Comerford, a Filipino-American, said she saw parallels with the cuisine of the Philippines.
“It’s not a recipe driven food, it’s more of a philosophy,” she told AFP.
“I would use the analogy of the Philippines, because each household has their own way of doing a certain dish.”
For the chefs, the annual gatherings are a chance to exchange ideas and get to know each other.
They also have a hotline known as the “blue telephone” that allows them to consult each other on their bosses’ preferences before a state visit.
None of the chefs gave away much about their bosses’ tastes, although all agreed on the growing importance of seasonality in food, and of making state dinners a lighter, healthier affair.
“Looking for more sustainable more local produce has become more prominent,” said Mark Flanagan, chef to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth.
Given the move towards lighter dishes, it was perhaps doubtful whether the first recipe they tried on arriving in Delhi — the heart-stoppingly calorific Indian sweets known as jalebis, made of deep-fried batter soaked in syrup — would be recreated at home.
But Christian Garcia, the club’s current president and personal chef to Prince Albert of Monaco, said he might be tempted to ask for the recipe. Princess Charlene, he said, was a big fan of Indian cuisine.
“I thought I knew how to cook Indian food a bit, but now I realise I was completely wrong,” he said.
“Apart from curry and a few spices, I didn’t know how to cook any of the dishes that I’ve been able to discover during our stay.”

From Nigeria to Italy: Women trafficked into se x work tell their stories “I had no choice, I had to pay him… I was like a prisoner”

A Nigerian lady , Victoria, who was told she was going to Italy to study and work afterwards tells her story of how was forced into prostitution and how she sufferered in the hands of her traffickers
”They promised me an education. They promised me if I came with them I could go to school and get a good job” 18-year-old Victoria tells ITV her story from a small cafe house in Turin, a shelter for rescued Nigerian prostitutes.
The promise was the slick patter of a modern slave master, who saw Victoria in her native Lagos back in Nigeria, and realised she was rich pickings. Her trafficker, whom she trusted, said he could get her to Italy.
With little to live for in Nigeria, Victoria found the money to pay and with her head full of teenage dreams of a better life, she went for it. She is one of thousands of Nigerian women who take the gamble every year – the numbers have shot up in the past two years as the traffickers hide their victims in the endless flow of migrants heading to Europe.
Victoria’s 2,500 mile journey became an epic of exploitation and abuse. By the time they’d got her to Libya, Victoria had been beaten and forced into prostitution: making money for her trafficker to pay off her now endless debt to him. Her eyes widen as she tells ITV presenter she had no choice. Her dismay is heartbreaking.
“I had no choice, I had no choice! I had to pay him… I was like a prisoner”, she said.
But thankfully the shelter we’re chatting in is a place of safety. Just a few weeks ago she arrived in Italy by boat via the now well worn route of thousands of Nigerian women. Before the traffickers awaiting her in Italy could pluck her from the crowd, she was spotted by a charity run by Princess Inyang Okokon, who was herself trafficked from Italy to Nigeria, via London, nearly 20 years ago.
Her husband Alberto is happy to admit he was once one of her paying clients.
But when he met Princess, his eyes were opened to the phenomenon of modern slavery: she was trapped in a life of prostitution in Italy, her documents kept by her female trafficker – and with massive debts to pay. He helped her get out. For Princess, Victoria’s story is her story.
She and Alberto now run shelters for women just like her, but are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer numbers they are dealing with. The couple took the reporters onto the streets of Turin late at night: in one suburb there is a sex worker on almost every corner – nearly all of them we are told, will have been trafficked from Nigeria.
Wearing barely any clothes, they stoke fires they’ve made in small oil drums to keep warm whilst they wait for the next car to pull up (see video in the link) Rescuing them is dangerous work: the traffickers watch their every move.
ITV spoke to many of the women Princess and Alberto care for. All of them had tales of rape, beatings, enforced servitude. Two of them had babies with them – thrown onto the boats from Libya to Italy because their trade value went down when they got pregnant in Libya. Every single one of them had been bought, sold, used, and resold. They were treated as goods in transit.

Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly spends thousands of Euros on cosmetic therapy and botox (photos)

The world’s most famous sportsman Cristiano Ronaldo, set tongues wagging when he uploaded a photo of him wearing facial mask during a spa session last week. Now a popular Portuguese gossip magazine have reported that the footballer allegedly spends thousands of Euros on cosmetic therapy and botox procedures and prefers spending time on his looks than his football.
The magazine who used C.Ronaldo on their front page alleged that the footballer is addicted to botox, but interestingly, used an old photo of Cristiano Ronaldo to buttress their claims.
The photo Ronaldo posted on his IG page

Woman reveals love note, accuses Michael Jackson of sexually assaulting her when she was 12

An unidentified woman has filed in a lawsuit accusing late pop king Micheal Jackson for sexually assaulting her when she was just 12.
According to the TMZ report, the woman who filed in the lawsuit as a ‘Jane Doe’ said the singer started abusing her in 1986 when she and her mother had stopped by his Hayvenhurst home as sightseers. She says Michael invited them into the house to see his candy area. She claims Michael fondled her genitals and gave her movie kisses tongue kissing her mouth and body. She also alleges there was vaginal penetration.
In the document provided which includes copies of cheques and love letters, the woman claimed that she received more than $900,000 in three years to stay mute, with the first payment of $2,500, followed by a bumper pay of $600k in 1993.
Meanwhile, a statement from Micheal Jackson’s attorneys has debunked the accusation, saying:
‘This is yet another attempt to hit the lottery by suing the Estate of Michael Jackson more than seven years after Michael’s death and close to 30 years after these incidents supposedly occurred. We believe this claim was created from whole cloth and is without any merit. It’s also no coincidence that this woman is represented by the same attorneys involved in two other frivolous claims against the Estate.’
See copies of the alleged ‘Cheques and love letters’ below…

Super Eagles’ William Troost-Ekong nominated for 2016 best defender in Norway award

Super Eagles defender and FK Haugesund captain William Troost-Ekong has been nominated for the 2016 Defender of the Year award in the Norwegian Tippeliga league.
His club FK Haugesund’s confirmed his nomination on their official website on Wednesday.
“FK Haugesund William Troost-Ekong is nominated for the ‘Year defender’,” . The series is nearing its end and the Norwegian Football Association (NFF), Norwegian Toppfotball (NTF) and Adult Women (SKF) invite people to vote on which players, coaches and referees who have been the best in their field this year;” the club announced
Congrats to him!

Photos: Nigerian pastor, 10 others involved in one of the biggest sham marriage in the UK jailed for 50 years

Eleven persons, including Nigerians were involved in one of the biggest sham marriage to be uncovered in West Midlands, UK. They were on October 21, 2016, jailed for a total of 52 and a half years.
A Nigerian pastor and two other men are regarded as the driving forces behind the racket that involved at least 45 fake relationships received the longest sentences. 41-year-old Donald Nwachuckwu, senior pastor at the Kingdom of Godfire Church in Bilston, was jailed for eight years .
He used his position to identify West Africans in the country illegally who were prepared pay up to £6,500 for permission to stay on the bogus grounds of being married to, or in a long term relationship with, a person from the European Union living and working in this country.
An astonishing £153,000 worth of credits passed through bank accounts run by the pastor under a false name before he was arrested at his home in Titford Road, Oldbury.
Nwachukwu and others had joined forces with a Nigerian law student to cash in a valuable asset -a person’s right to stay in the UK and claim benefits. The sham marriage gang was busted in 2013, following a tip of about a dodgy wedding between a 26-year-old Nigerian Edward James and Czech Julie Ondova, 20, who already had a boyfriend and two children but had accepted £800 to play the role of bride at Stoke Register Office with a further £1,000 due on completion of the nuptials. The both pleaded guilty at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court to facilitating a breach of immigration law. He was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment and deported on July 29, 2014. She was jailed for 16 months and kicked out of the country on completion of her sentence.
Clemence Marijeni, aged 43, from Weston Road, Bilston was the master forger who created the fake documents to support the spurious applications for European Economic Area (EEA) resident’s cards that allowed the holder to stay in the UK and claim benefits. He was jailed for ten years. The graphics expert created fake histories for the West African and person supposed to be their long term lover – mainly Czech or Slovakian and promised up to £1,800 each to take part in the plot which ran from January 2012 to March last year.
False utility bills, rent books, pay slips and employment records backed the bogus claim of a legitimate marriage or lasting relationship. Some included pictures of the pair – who were strangers – side by side in bed, fully clothed or shopping together
Olatunji George, 44, a law student who had completed a module on immigration law administered the operation. He also got 10 years behind bars. He claimed to be paid up to £1,000-a-time to prepare packages of the correct documents and fill in the necessary paperwork for the bogus resident’s card applications.
His home in Taylor Way, Tividale held an ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ of information when raided by Immigration Enforcement investigators who, after a tip off, halted the marriage of a 26-year-old Nigerian and a Czech woman, who both lived in Wolverhampton. She revealed that Nwachuckwu had been involved in organising the bogus wedding. Checks on the pastor revealed phone calls between him, George and Marijeni.
Jozef Puzo, aged 28, St Pauls Road, Smethwick, was jailed for five years. He provided the final piece of the jigsaw by earning up to £750-a-time finding women and men from the zech and Slovakian communities prepared to take part in the scam. Both he and George are now on the run after fleeing during their trial but were convicted and sentenced in their absence.
Also convicted of conspiracy to facilitate a breach of immigration law were: Victor Ibeh, 32, Cherene Cotterill,27, and pavel Farbar, 30: Lenka Jocova, 38, Peter Fredrick, 27, Idris Agia, 31 and Aishatu Ibrahim, 25.
However, Aishatu Ibrahi has also gone missing but was given three and a half years while Agia was arrested moments before flying out of the country to Nigeria just days ago. He was jailed for three and a half years. The other five defendants were each jailed for between two and three and a half years. All defendants were found guilty of immigration offences. Jailing them at Worverhampton Crown Court yesterday, Judge Amjad Nwas said:
“These were all willing participants in a well organised system operated for profit”
Photos of other convicts below …
Source: Express and Star

Jay Z bids $40M to acquire unreleased music of late rock icon Prince

Rap mogul and Roc Nation CEO, Jay Z has reportedly bid $40M to acquire the right to buy the unreleased music of late rock icon Prince.
According to TMZ report, Jayz flew Prince’s sister Tyka and her husband, Maurice Phillips to NYC to meet with him for further discussion on the $40M deal. However, it is also believed that Tyka who shares same parent with the late singer that died in April 2016 will have to get sign-off from all her half siblings before Jay Z can have full right to the deal.

‘If i don’t get back in the team, i’ll respect it, Chelsea is bigger than me!’ – Mikel Obi

John Mikel Obi, Chelsea’s longest serving player after captain John Terry has admitted that he will respect the decision of the club and it’s manager Antonio Conte if they decide to not bring him back to the Chelsea first team and offload him in the winter or summer transfer window.
Mikel, who has won virtually every title at club level, has not featured for Chelsea this season. He hopes to play in Wednesday’s English League cup clash against West Ham as the arrival of Frenchman N’Golo Kante further pushed him down the pecking order below Nemanja Matic, Cesc Fabregas, Nathaniel Chalobah and Reuben Loftus-Cheek.
“I hope I will get some playing time against West Ham [in the EFL Cup], but it is down to the manager,” said Mikel to journalists.
He has been open and honest with me. I respect him for that. He has explained the situation and I totally understand. When you have been at a club for a long time, these things happen where a club wants to move forward.
“I just have to be professional, work as hard as I can to try and get into the team. I work twice as hard every day and it’s because I appreciate this club. I have been here a long time, have a lot of trophies and memories that will never go away. If I don’t get back in the side, I will respect it. I always respect the football club’s decision. The club is more important than me.”
Mikel, who joined Chelsea in 2006, did not start this campaign with the Blues as he was away on international duty with Nigeria at the Olympic Games in Brazil.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Checkout This Stylish Cape Of Aisha Buhari That Costs A Whooping N1.2Million. (Photo)

So this side by side photo of the first lady wearing a cape that costs a slapping N1.2million has been shared by an online media platform.
According to the platform, the first lady’s outfit is a Salvatore Ferragamo Cape Dress which costs $2,600 (1.2 million) when converted.
The first lady stepped out today for the first time, following her controversial BBC interview – She currently is in Brussels, Belgium for a forum, where she is expected to speak on “Women’s role in global security“.

BREAKING: Tension as Boko Haram raid military camp, kidnap soldiers

Some soldiers of the Nigerian army have reportedly gone missing after a raid by the Boko Haram sect.
There are emerging reports that a remote military camp in the northeastern region of Nigeria, has been raided by Boko Haram insurgents.
The insurgents reportedly stormed the camp on Monday, October 17, wounding 13 soldiers and taking away an unknown number of soldiers.
According to a statement made by the army on Wednesday, October 19, an operation to get back the missing soldiers is still ongoing as the army has gone after Islamic extremists that attacked the camp.
Monday’s attack comes a week after one faction of Boko Haram released 21 of more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped from northeastern Chibok town, and as Nigeria’s government is negotiating for the release of another 83 of the girls abducted 2½ years ago.
The attack on Gashigar, on the border with Niger, is the third reported attack on the military after months of a lull during which the Islamic extremists hit soft civilian targets.
Army spokesman Col Sani Kukasheka Usman called the attack a “temporary setback” committed by “remnants of Boko Haram” that forced the soldiers to retreat. An operation is in progress to find the missing troopers and “clear the Boko Haram terrorists at the general area,” his statement said.
It is believed the attack is by a splinter from Boko Haram that calls itself the West Africa Province of the Islamic State. The IS named a new caliph of its only franchise in sub-Saharan Africa in August, provoking a struggle with Boko Haram’s longtime leader Abubakar Shekau. A battle of words on social media indicated the dispute is over Shekau’s indiscriminate killing of Muslims.
The group loyal to Shekau negotiated – with the Swiss government and International Committee of the Red Cross acting as intermediaries for Nigeria’s government – last Thursday’s release of 21 Chibok girls, the first such negotiated settlement.
President Muhammadu Buhari, who flew to Germany the day the girls were set free, is scheduled to meet with them and their families later Wednesday, according to a social media message posted by the official account of Nigeria’s presidency.
Boko Haram’s 7-year-old Islamic uprising has killed more than 20,000 people, forced some 2.6 million from their homes and left tens of thousands facing famine-like conditions, according to aid agencies and the U.N.

Friday 14 October 2016

“If I had $2m I would have abandoned this horrible profession” – Justice Liman After His House was Reportedly Raided By DSS

Following the massive clampdown on judges suspecte to be involved in corrupt practices, Honourable Justice Muhammad Liman has reacted to reports that his house was raided by officers of the Department of State Services (DSS) over alleged corruption.
The DSS said that about $2 million was stashed in the house of a judge but a governor prevented them from gaining entrance into the house.
Liman, in a statement published on The Nigerian Lawyer, said:
I believe most of the members heard or read about the reported raid in Port Harcourt and my name has been mentioned as the judge in whose house $2 million was stashed. Since yesterday this story has been on the headlines and captions on most social media platforms. The truth is that all that you’ve read is more of misinformation and disinformation; substantially untrue account.
The truth is that we live as neighbors to the DSS, their address is 35 and mine is 33. That night the DSS came to house 34 where they wanted to search but they were refused entry and later Governor Wike was said to have come and engaged the security outfit in a near physical struggle, as the report suggested.
I wouldn’t have known of the incidence if my neighbor in house 34 had not called me to inform me of the presence of strange people at her gate. All this while the melee lasted to around 4AM, I was in my house monitoring the events, and remained indoors until later in the day when I felt it was no longer safe for me to continue to remain.
However I feel distressed that the DSS indirectly claimed they have evidence I stashed $2m, and when contacted I employed thugs and with Governor Wike to obstruct them from carrying out the search and that I later transferred the money to an unknown place. I do not think I need to refute this allegation because it would only make sense if they had actually targeted my house for the search.
The truth is that due to their incompetence they bungled the operation and are desperately searching for alibi to save their heads. Unfortunately I have found myself in the middle of a dirty politics between Wike and the Federal Government and perhaps my notoriety for delivering controversial judgements; because the cases are also controversial and the stakes probably very high.
I’m not asking anybody to believe or disbelieve whether I stashed $2m, an amount that is equivalent to about N1b. Perhaps you might think the DSS probably exaggerated the amount, but all these would have been relevant considerations if they had actually searched my house. If I had $2m or even a quarter of it I would have abandoned this horrible profession that has lost its dignity. In fact I have already lost interest in it and have made up my mind to say bye bye to it. I believe there is a life beyond every other thing.
Photo Credit: Federal High Court

Washington Post backs Hillary Clinton for president

One of America’s leading daily newspapers, The Washington Post has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
The most widely circulated newspaper in America wrote that the Democratic nominee is not just the lesser of two evils but is “dogged, resilient, purposeful and smart.”
Though Clinton isn’t trusted or liked by many Americans, the board writes in its endorsement, she has a level of experience in government that neither her husband Bill Clinton or President Obama had when they won the White House. The endorsement also points to the historic nature of her candidacy.
“We believe that Ms. Clinton will prove a worthy example to girls who celebrate the election of America’s first female president,” the board writes.
The board stresses that the endorsement isn’t just a reaction to Trump – whom they describe as “dreadful” and “uniquely unqualified to be president.”
“If we believed that Ms. Clinton were the lesser of two evils, we might well urge you to vote for her anyway — that is how strongly we feel about Mr. Trump. But we would also tell you that was our judgment. Fortunately, it is not.”
And the writers point to what they call “genuine flaws, missteps and weaknesses,” namely secretiveness and a willingness to profit handsomely from paid speeches. But her successes, both in the Senate and later in the State Department, make her a strong fit for the presidency, according to the Post.
“Anyone who votes for her will be able to look back, four years from now, with pride in that decision.” The paper concluded

My Wife Belongs In My Kitchen and Other Rooms – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has responded to the BBC interview with his wife, Aisha, where she questioned his leadership.
The President is on a state visit to Germany, from where he had reacted to the interview during a joint press briefing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The Associated Press reports that he laughed it off and said: “I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen and my living room and the other room.”
He also said that he had much more political experience, AP reports.
Aisha, in an interview with the BBC, had said that the president did not know most of the top officials he had appointed.
She said: “The President does not know 45 out of 50, for example, of the people he appointed and I don’t know them either, despite being his wife of 27 years.
“Some people are sitting down in their homes folding their arms, only for them to be called to come and head an agency or a ministerial position.”
In the BBC interview, the First Lady refused to name those who had “hijacked the government,” saying: “You will know them if you watch television.”
On whether the President is in charge, she said: “That is left for the people to decide.”

Wednesday 12 October 2016

EFCC Declares Goodie Ibru Wanted Over Alleged Fraud niyi 25 mins ago

Businessman Goodie Ibru has been declared wanted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.
This was made known in a statement issued on Wednesday, October 12, by the agency’s spokesman, Wilson Uwujaren. It states Ibru is wanted in connection with alleged money laundering, conspiracy, theft, capital market fraud and diversion of billions of naira and assets of Ikeja Hotels to his personal use.
“The public is hereby notified that Goodie Minabo Ibru, whose photograph appears above, is wanted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in connection with a case of conspiracy, capital market fraud, stealing, diversion of funds and money laundering.
“He allegedly diverted billions of naira and assets of Ikeja Hotels Plc, owners of Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, Federal Palace Hotel, owners of Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, to his personal benefit.
“The 74-year-old Ibru is 5’11 ft, dark in complexion and a native of Agbara-Otoh, Delta state. He speaks English, Yoruba and Urhobo fluently. His last known address is No 5 Ogalade close, Victoria Island/Sheraton, Ikeja Lagos.
“Anybody having useful information as to his whereabouts should contact the commission through any of its offices located in Abuja, Kano, Gombe, Lagos, Ibadan, Maiduguri, Enugu and Port Harcourt.”

Emir of Kastina accused of marrying off abducted 14-year-old girl

Emir of Katsina, Abdulmumini Usman have been accused of marrying off, fourteen year old Habiba Isiyaku to her kidnapper.
The fourteen year old who according to her father, Mal. Isiyaku Tanko was kidnapped from school, Government Senior Secondary School, Kudun Kankara, Kastina State by one Jamilu Lawal, has been forcefully converted to Islam and married off by the Emir without her parents concept.
Mal. Tanko who was made to present his case by the Stefanos Foundation at a press conference in Abuja, stated that Jamilu had not only admitted to abducting his daughter but also revealed that she is presently being kept at the Palace of the Emir of Katsina.
He added that the Emir had informed him that his daughter had been converted to Islam and he had received the sum of N50, 000.00 as dowry from Jamilu Ibrahim, he also said the Emir had informed him that he will marry Habiba off to Jamilu in accordance with islamic rites and injunctions.
His words,
“My little girl was abducted on the 16th of August 2016 from her school. After my investigations, I discovered that Jamilu Lawal who lives in the same community was responsible for my daughters’ disappearance.
“I requested that a formal complaint about the incident be lodged to the Commissioner of Police in Kastina, Jamilu and his parents were summoned to the police station and he not only admitted to abducting my daughter Habiba but also revealed that she was presently being kept at the Palace of the Emir of Kastina.
“On arrival at the Palace, the Emir informed me that my daughter has been converted from Christianity to Islam henceforth, there is no longer any relationship between me and my daughter and we can no longer inherit each other.
“He further informed me that he has received the sum if N50, 000.00 as dowry from Jamilu Ibrahim for my daughter therefore, he will give her out in marriage in accordance with Islamic rites and injunctions.
He accused me of defaming him at the Police Station and I was threatened, intimidated and coerced to sign an apology drafted on my behalf in his Palace.
“As at today, I am aware that the Emir of Kastina has gone ahead to marry out my little girl without my consent, having received a dowry he is not entitled to receive, it fills me with so much pain and grief to realize that my daughter, who will turn 15 this Saturday the 15th may be celebrating her birthday in a forced marriage.
“I appeal to all well-meaning Nigerians and those in authority to help join hands to see that my daughter is released to me though the violations already done to her person may be irreversible. I further appeal that the Incident be well investigated and diligently prosecuted.”
Programme Coordinator for Stafanos Foundation, Mark Lipdo, a Non-Governmental Organization assisting the parents with the release of Habiba stated
“Habiba is a girl that just completed her Junior Secondary school and had very good grades, she had so much prospects only to be abducted, when her parents were invited to the Emirs palaceN she was brought out in a hijab and he told them that they no longer have any relationship with the girl anymore because she has been converted to Islam and that he the Emir of Katsina has now become the father of the girl and he can do whatever he wants with her.
“After a few days that the father was sent back, we followed with the Commissioner of Police to try to get the girl, we took a lawyer with us as Stefanos Foundation to stand with the parents to demand for their rights but the rights where denied, we petitioned the Inspector General (IG) of Police here in Abuja to see if he can secure the girls release but till date, he is yet to respond, we brought the parents to Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) for help, to see if they can help secure her release and they said that they will be following the matter up with the IG, but up till today, nothing, we have been in this town for three days now we have not heard anything from CAN and the IG.
“The girl is a minor and things like this has to stop happening in this country because if it continues, people are going to result to self-help because where a person has been told his right but he it has been deliberately refused it, if the person has any strength, he will result to self-help.”

Nothing wrong with arrest of judges-Lai Mohammed

The Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed on Wednesday said there was nothing wrong in the arrest of judges’ in the fight against corruption.
Briefing State House correspondents at the end of Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting presided by President Mohammadu Buhari,he said:
“What the government is concerned and passionate about is to fight corruption. In the process of fighting corruption, it is not unusual that you step on some very sensitive toes but the question to ask and I think these has been adequately answered by the Attorney General is that let’s remove emotion from facts.
“One, do judges have immunity? The answer is no. Can judges be arrested? The answer is yes. Have judges that are serving been arrested in Nigeria? The answer is yes. Justice Okoli had been arrested and tried.
“Now the next question to ask is what is the proper procedure for arresting anybody including judges? There must be properly executing of the search warrant. Was such presented? The answer again is yes. People have tried to muddle the facts about when do you search the person’s house, the truth of the matter is that under the new criminal justice law, you can search anybody, anywhere, anytime.
“Again they have tried to muddle issues by trying to say that the NJC is the only authority that can attend complain and discipline, the answer once again is no,” he added.
He continued
“Some people are saying oh, the reason why they went to some particular judges house is because the President wants somebody from one part of the country to be Chief Justice of Nigeria. I think that is preposterous.
“I want to assure you that this government has no intention to humiliate the judiciary and for those who are talking about separation of power, I think you are stretching it too far. I and members of the Executive, I can be invited by any arm of the government and I will go. So I think we should situate this thing in the right perspective.” He added
He recalled when 22 out of 32 judges in Ghana, who were caught on tape by journalists asking for a bribe, were dismissed in 2015.
He added: “Yes it’s true that what is happening today has probably never happened at this level before but frankly speaking and with all due respect we do not intend to humiliate any judge, we have no intention to humiliate the judiciary but believe me what we have done we have done within the ambits of the law.
“I think the Federal Government is being very careful with handling of this particular issue, I want to state clearly that this government believes very much in separation of powers, this government has a lot of respect for the judiciary and for obvious reasons, not just because the constitution says so but I think probably this is one cabinet that has the highest number of lawyers as ministers.
“As at the last count about eleven or twelve council members are lawyers and we have female lawyers also in the cabinet until death robbed us of late Ocholi we had five SANs in our cabinet and I think this is unique, therefore you can understand the kind of respect we have for the judiciary.”
He also pointed out that the President himself, who sought to be President four times and had it thwarted three times, took his case to court on the three occasions.
“He took his case to the judiciary, so I can say clearly that this administration has a lot of respect for the judiciary and I think I stand by what Mallam Garba Shehu said that please do not confuse the fight against corruption as a fight against judiciary,” he added

Tuesday 11 October 2016


God created men and women differently and by default, their peculiarities come to play especially within the confines of marriage. Where there exist a lack of understanding of these differences or better put; uniqueness, there will be lots of mistreatment and misunderstandings. Women by creation are more 'refined' and delicate beings who need to be treated with lots of care. As such, there are things wives really wish their husbands knew. Some of them are as follows:THINGS WIVES WISH THEIR HUSBANDS KNEW
Lead the home by providing direction. Wives hate it when they have to be the ones to think up something and be the head, when there is a husband at home.
 It is easy for a wife to follow a spiritual husband. Your wife submits
People talk to rule, they give instructions and directives; that seems fine but it is a lot easier when you are the first to do what you have said. Your wife wants the children to learn the right things from you as their father. A leader takes the lead, but a ruler just dishes out instructions. You will earn your wife's respect when you lead and not rule.
She wants your time, your affection, conversation and attention. You love by giving yourself. (Ephesians 5:25.)
She wants you to understand that she may not be able to explain all that she feels. However, she wants you to take her seriously whenever she cautions you about a particular line of action or anything at all. Just take it seriously, no matter how crazy it sounds. Don't quickly dismiss her suggestions and ideas only to take someone else's seriously over her.
Any time you approach her, it shouldn't be about sex alone. Your wife does not want to be viewed as a sex object only, such that anytime you see her it is sex you want, regardless of all the horrible things you might have done to her earlier. She wants to be held, touched and spoken to without sex in your mind. She wants you to cuddle her into sleep without winding up in sex.     *This is hard for men, but it is the reality of what women want*
Be involved in your children's lives; be a part of all that they do. Your wife wants you to know the children more than you probably do right now. Don't make it look as if the children are not yours as well. Every time you get involved with the children, you make her fulfilled and very very happy. A wife just loves to sit back and watch her husband play with the children; it is a great sight for her to behold.
She hates it when you put any other person or thing ahead of her - not your friends, your work, the children or even your work for God. If you give your wife her rightful place, your work for God will not suffer.
Don't even try to do anything special for anyone in your past. Your former girl friends should be kept very far away.

  1. Have a time with your spouse, and then discuss these points with each other.
  2. Find ways to make corrections.
  3. Allow your spouse to mention two other points that may not be on the list.
  4. Determine not to make it into quarrel session. Be matured about it.

-Lord give me grace to accept my wrongs and make all the necessary adjustments in Jesus Name.
-Lord I pray your blessing on my spouse and on my marriage in Jesus Name.

Your wife does not want to be viewed as a sex object only, she wants to be held, touched and spoken to without sex in your mind.

Culled from the book "Transform your marriage in 40 days" by Pastor Ezekiel Atang.

Monday 10 October 2016

Police/DSS Operatives manhandle Governor Wike in failed attempt to abduct a Federal High Court Judge

Governor Wike alleges plot to declare state of emergency in Rivers State. According to a statement signed by Special Assistant to the Rivers State Governor, Electronic Media, Simeon Nwakaudu, the illegal siege on Rivers State by Federal eecurity agencies continued unabated during the early hours of Saturday as hundreds of Department of State Services (DSS) operatives and policemen attempted to illegally abduct a Federal High Court judge residing at Number 35 Forces Avenue in Port Harcourt.
The illegal failed abduction was led by Mr Tosin Ajayi, Rivers State Director of the Department of State Services (DSS) and Rivers State Police Commissioner, Mr Francis Odesanya.
The operatives of DSS reportedly rough-handled Governor Wike, pushing him around and injuring his hand. A few of the operatives cocked their rifles and threatened to shoot the Governor.
They were irked by Governor Wike’s arrival at the scene shortly after the failed abduction process began. It was learnt that Governor Wike received security information on the illegal moves, minutes after the operation started.
The security operatives blocked the entrance of the residence of the Federal High Court judge at about 1am on saturday morning, claiming that they were acting on orders from above. As they dragged Governor Wike, they insisted that they must be allowed to leave with the judge.
However, the commotion attracted passers by and journalists who thronged the vicinity to know why hundreds of security agents in several Patrol vans had been mobilised.
Upon the arrival of the national media, the Rivers State Director of the DSS, Mr Tosin Ajayi jumped into his vehicle and fled the scene.
However, addressing journalists, Rivers State Police Commissioner, Francis Odesanya said the two security agencies were at the scene because they received privileged information.
Odesanya claimed he was at the scene as a peace maker. He declined comments on why the Police joined the DSS to abduct a serving Federal High Court judge.
In an interview with journalists at the scene of the failed illegal abduction of a Federal High Court judge by the Police and DSS, Governor Wike said it will not be under his watch that security agencies wiĺl be allowed to entrench needless impunity.
He declared that their reckless action portends danger to the nation’s democracy, noting that he is convinced that President Buhari is not aware of the level of impunity being perpetrated by Federal Securiy agencies.
Governor Wike stated that whatever the situation, the rule of law must prevail in a democratic setting.
He said if the security agencies had a lawful directive to implement, they must follow due process .
According to him:
“Not under my watch wiĺl I allow this kind of impunity to take place. That is why we are here. I don’t know which judge they were detailed to abduct. I didn’t bother myself to know which judge. All I am interested in is that, at this level, it is not allowed.
“He is not a criminal and he is not an armed robber. If the person has committed an offence, invite him. It is only when he refuses to honour the invitation that you can adopt this commando style.
“The Commissioner of Police is here, the Director of DSS is here. Their operatives cocked their guns and threatened to shoot me. I have never seen that before. Again , this is to tell you what we are facing . We know that more will come. For us in this state, we shall continue to resist it.”
Governor Wike added:
“It doesn’t matter what it will cost. When you talk about liberty, sacrifices must be made. We are not trying to stop an arrest. All we are saying is that things must be done decently and in line with the rule of law.
“Rivers State is under siege. For you to see a governor out at this time of the day, something is wrong. A siege is an understatement. If this type of thing happens next time, the people wiĺl resist it to the last”.
The governor stressed:
“They are trying to do something funny in this state, probably to declare a state of emergency.

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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