Thursday 14 July 2016

Court Grants Abba Moro Permission To Travel Abroad For Medical Treatment

Former Minister of Interior, Abba Moro has been granted permission to seek medical attention abroad by Justice Nnamdi Dimgba of the Federal High Court, Abuja.
Moro’s lawyer, Paul Erokoro (SAN) had prayed the court to allow his client seek medical treatment abroad.
Lawyer to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Farouk Abdallah, while arguing that the ex-minister failed to show that his ailment cannot be treated in the country, and that he also failed to provide evidence of an appointment with a specialist abroad opposed the motion.
However, Justice Dimgba, in a brief ruling, ordered the release of Moro’s international passport, currently in the custody of the court’s registrar and directed him to return the passport to the court 48 hours after his return from the two-week medical trip.
The judge also ordered Moro to ensure his presence in court on September 29 for the continuation of their trial.
Moro is being tried with a former Permanent Secretary in the Interior Ministry, Mrs. Anastasia Daniel-Nwobia‎, an ex-director in the ministry, Felix .O Alayebami and a firm, Drexel Tech Nigeria Limited, on an 11-count charge of defrauding 675, 675 graduate applicants of about N675,675,000 having been made to pay N1000 each as processing fees for 5,000 (five thousand) job openings
They are being tried over their alleged involvement in the botched 2014 recruitment exercise of the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) while Moro was Minister.
The four defendants were also accused of breaching the Public Procurement Act, No. 65 of 2007 in the award of the contract for the organisation of the recruitment test to Drexel Tech Nigeria Ltd.

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