Tuesday 1 February 2022



The race to all political offices is around the corner. The opinion of the people is divided into two unequal parts where majority wants zoning of political offices to rotate among the different political bloc while the other few insist on a free for all contest. Though the constitution allows a free for all contest, but for brotherliness, love and peace offices are shared into different camps.
Just like power rotates along the three senatorial districts at the state level, Uyo senatorial district also has its own unique way of sharing the senatorial set among the three federal constituencies of Etinan, Uyo and Itu/Ibiono.
Since 1999 upon the return of democracy, Uyo federal constituency took the first shot with Senator John James Akpanudoedehe who spent just one tenure and vacated the seat for Senator Effiong Bob in 2003 who by sheer luck won a second term ticket. In 2011, the elders decided that while other local governments wait for their turn, Ibiono under Itu federal constituency should produce the next senator a decision that gave otuekong Ita Enang had the opportunity to serve in the red chambers.
Ita Enang emerge the choice not because he was the most qualified but because in 1992, Itu state constituency represented the district in the senate with Senator Anietie Okon seating on that seat for Uyo Senatorial district. Today those same leaders of thought have agreed that Uruan State constituency under Uyo federal constituency should produce the next senator. Ibesikpo Asutan is another local government that is yet to produce a senator but because they once had an elected governor Uruan won the day. This explains why we have more aspirants from Uruan local government eying the seat with few from Ibesikpo Asutan.
It is only sad that those who championed the rotation of the seat especially in the build-up of the 2019 general elections are the very set of people who are willing to vacate the seat for the realization of the writing on the wall. Uyo Senatorial District with nine local government areas should allow the seat to go round so that others that are still queuing can also seat there. Truth be told, if one man or one local government should go more than one term when will Etinan, Nsit Ibom, Ibesikpo or Itu have a shot? Supporting Uruan now means the others will soon have an opportunity. This is in line with our party’s belief in fairness, justice and equity.
Now that Uyo Senatorial District are on the same page with our party as far as sharing rotating the senate seat, let us search inwardly and go for a grassroot democrat who has the people’s interest at heart. Whoever goes to the senate for us in 2023 should be accessible and ready to take the problem of his people as his personal problem and look for ways to either solve it or cushion its negative effect. Being accessible implies that apart from presenting our common problem he should also come home to brief us on actions so far taken since our problem was presented on the floor of the senate. We need somebody who will come home with a good account of his representation and not one of those who will only vibrate on national issues while the people at home continue to suffer deprivation.
After the awesome representation of Chief Nyong Essien from Uruan in the 1930s, Uruan have not had opportunity to represent Uyo people in the red chambers. Chief Nyong Essien's results of effective representation could be linked to creation of our dear state, Akwa Ibom. Just as we yearn for dividends of democracy and stomach Infrastructure. I am of the opinion that all should rise up in support of Uruan Local Government to produce another Nyong Essien.
This will give Uruan people a feeling, that they haven’t been sidelined by the PDP and the Government.
By a Concerned Uruan Citizen.

Sunday 9 May 2021

High profile Nigerians to face prosecution for financing terrorism – AGF Abubakar Malami


Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami has disclosed that the long arm of the law would soon deal with some high profile Nigerians.

According to him, the Department of State Services (DSS), Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) are working closely to convict criminals who have been found guilty.

He said:

“As you will actually know, some time back, there were certain convictions of Nigerians allegedly involved in terrorism financing in the United Arab Emirates.

“That gave rise to a wider and far-reaching investigation in Nigeria and I’m happy to report that arising from the wider coverage investigation that has been conducted in Nigeria, a number of people, both institutional and otherwise, were found to be culpable.

“I mean reasonable grounds for suspicion of terrorism financing have been established, or perhaps has been proven to be in existence in respect of the transactions of certain higher profile individuals and businessmen across the country.

“I’m happy to report that investigation has been ongoing for long and it has reached an advanced stage.

“Arising from the investigation, there exists, certainly, reasonable grounds for suspicion that a lot of Nigerians, high-profile, institutional and otherwise, are involved in terrorism financing and they are being profiled for prosecution.

“In essence, it is indeed true that the government is prosecuting and it’s indeed initiating processes of prosecuting those high-profile individuals that are found to be financing terrorism. It is indeed true.

“As to the number, investigation is ongoing and it has to be conclusive before one can arrive at a certain number. But one thing I can tell you is it is a large number and they are being profiled for prosecution,” he said.

“It is indeed a large number and I’m not in a position to give you the precise number as at now, because the profiling and investigation are ongoing.

“The message is clear; nobody is going to be spared. No stone will be left unturned. We shall certainly and aggressively pursue those people that are involved in terrorist financing as far as the Nigerian state is concerned.”

Notorious criminal ‘Beleke’ shot dead by his partner in Delta


A notorious criminal identified as Ugbaudu Williams, a.k.a Beleke, has been shot dead by his partner in crime in Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State.

Acting spokesperson of the State Police Command, DSP Edafe Bright, who confirmed the incident on Friday in Warri, said the deceased and his accomplice, Desmond, now at large, went on a robbery mission at Ijomi village near Oghara.

“On the 5/5/2021 at about 0405hrs, a distress call was received from an indigene of Ijomi village that in his compound at the above village, his dogs started barking signifying the presence of danger within the compound that he came out to inspect what was happening when he saw two armed boys,” Edafe stated.

“The DPO Oghara division deployed patrol team to the scene, the suspects on sighting the police, took to their heels. The suspects ran into the nearby bush which was later combed by a combined teams of police and vigilante teams where one Ugbaudu Williams ‘m’ 31yrs a.k.a Beleke, a notorious criminal was found fatally shot on his right hand and was seriously bleeding.

“He confessed that he was shot by one Desmond his partner in crime. He was taken to his house for a search where another locally made barrel gun was recovered with two live cartridges, one expanded cartridge was recovered. He was rushed to the General hospital Oghara for treatment where he gave up a ghost while receiving treatment. Manhunt for the fleeing suspect is ongoing.”

Stray bullet kills NSCDC official inside her home during Army and hoodlums shoot out in Imo state


A stray bullet has killed an officer of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in Imo State.

Mrs Glory Nkwocha was at her house with her family on Thursday, May 6, when a stray bullet from a gun duel between combined security operatives and hoodlums in Orlu town hit her.

Mrs Nkwocha was immediately rushed to the Intensive care unit of the Federal Medical Center, Owerri, where she later died on Friday, May 7.

Her remains have been deposited in a morgue.

The gun battle also left no fewer than eleven hoodlums dead.

Facebook users have taken to Facebook to mourn the deceased.

Friday 27 November 2020

Summon Fashola over Lekki tollgate camera – #EndSARS lawyer tells panel


A lawyer representing #EndSARS protesters at the Lagos state Judicial panel on Inquiry, Adesina Ogunlana, has called on the panel to invite the Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, over the camera he found at the Lekki tollgate on Sunday, October 25.

Fashola had accompanied some South-West governors and Ministers to Lagos to commiserate with the state governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, over the massive destruction of lives and properties that took place in the wake of the hijacked #EndSARS protest. While taking a tour of some of the public facilities destroyed, Fashola found a camera which he said would help in the investigation.

At the resumed hearing of the panel on Friday, November 27, Ogunlana told the chairman of the panel, Retired Justice Doris Okuwobi, that the former Minister needs to be summoned so he can explain the circumstances in which he found a camera at the tollgate five days after the shooting incident.

He averred that the visit to the tollgate on October 25 when Fashola found a camera “suggests an intrusion” into the evidence of the October 20 shootings.

Ogunlana made the request to summon Fashola while cross-examining the Managing Director of the Lekki Concession Company, operators of the Lekki tollgate, Abayomi Omomuwa.

Ogunlana had asked Omomuwa if he was aware that “on October 25, the Governor of Lagos State brought some persons to visit the tollgate?” to which, Omomuwa said he only read it in the news. He further told Ogunlana that he was not present during the visit because he does not report to the Lagos State Government.

Then Ogunlana asked him, “Where is that camera that the minister, popularly known as Agent Fash, removed?” And in response, Omomuwa said, “I don’t know.”

However, counsel for LCC, Rotimi Seriki, objected to Ogunlana asking Omomuwa questions about Fashola. Replying to Seriki, Ogunlana said the issue was crucial to his case and asked if the panel had issued a summon on Fashola.

Justice Okuwobi who chairs the panel then told Ogunlana that he would have to follow the proper procedure if he wanted Fashola’s appearance before the panel.

Responding, Ogunlana said

“I wouldn’t know if it is too early for me to apply for Minister Fashola to appear before the panel to assist investigation?”

N5m fine: Court strikes out SERAP’s lawsuit against Lai Mohammed and NBC

 The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) lawsuit against Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed and the National Broadcasting Commission(NBC) has been struck out by a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.

SERAP had approached the court to stop the N5million fine imposed on some broadcast stations in the wake of the #EndSARS crisis weeks ago.

However ruling on the case, the Court held that SERAP has no locua standi in the case as it is not a part of the matter. The Judge further stated that the case is a mere academic exercise.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Airborne transmission of COVID-19 is possible – NCDC DG Chikwe Ihekwazu

Chikwe Ihekweazu, the Director-General of the Nigeria Center for Disease Control NCDC, has said that airborne transmission of COVID-19 is possible and has urged citizens to wear face masks and adhere to other non-pharmaceutical protocols like avoiding mass gatherings, practicing social distancing and maintaining hand hygiene by washing of hands.
Speaking during the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 briefing in Abuja today July 13, Ihekweazu said:
“Over the past few weeks, increasing evidence has emerged that in addition to droplet infection, we cannot rule out that airborne transmission is also possible as a mode of transmission of COVID-19.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its guidelines on this saying exactly the same thing, that we cannot rule out airborne transmission. Therefore, we have to act in a precautionary way assuming that this is also possible given the new evidence that is emerging.
This means that staying together in closed spaces and clusters such as in restaurants and in small rooms with very poor ventilation increases the risk of transmission. Indoor activities are riskier than outdoors activities especially when there are many people in the room when we don’t adhere to distancing them and when we don’t wear masks.” he said

Boko Haram attacks military barracks in Borno

Boko Haram insurgents on Monday July 13, attacked 333 Artillery Barracks in Maiduguri, Borno state.
The barracks said to be a short distance from the Nigerian Air Force base in the ancient city, was attacked by 11:20pm. TheCable reported that the insurgents had attacked some parts of the town before heading to the barracks which they surrounded.
Tajudeen Umar, a Maiduguri resident told the publication that loud explosion roused him from sleep.
He said;
“We are under serious attack in this city. Sounds of gunshot and bombs from different direction. I can’t tell precisely where this is from but the sounds are clear.”
Military sources who reportedly confirmed the attack, said soldiers responded immediately but the insurgents had already surrounded the barracks. The attack happened on a day the service chiefs marked their fifth anniversary in office.

EFCC presents witnesses against Mompha’s alleged accomplices

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has presented witnesses against Mompha’s alleged accomplices, Kayode Phillips and Hamza Koudeih.
The defendants are alleged to be high-valued targets in Organized Cyber Syndicate Network (OCSN). They were arraigned on November 28, 2019 on 25-count charges bordering on conspiracy and money laundering.
One of the charges read;
“That you, Kayode Phillips (a.k.a Voice of the King) and Hamza Koudeih (a.k.a. HK), sometime in May, 2019 within the jurisdiction of this honourable court, conspired among yourselves to commit an offence to wit conversion of the aggregate sum of $7, 069, 000 (Seven Million, Sixty-nine Thousand United States Dollars), £1, 000, 000 (One Million Pounds) and €80,000 (Eighty Thousand Euro) which sums you reasonably ought to have known form part of the proceeds of fraud and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Sections 18 (a), 15 (2)(d) of the Money Laundering Prohibition Act, 2015 and punishable under Section 15(3) of the same Act.”
Buhari, a forensic expert with the EFCC who was led in by prosecution consel A.O. Mohammed, gave a detailed account of the findings he made on the computer hard disk and two mobile phones recovered from Philips, the first defendant.
He disclosed that these included the lead document and transfer instructions to some people. Buhari said “My lord, I also found in the phones, chats between the first defendant and some other people, where he was discussing how to market each lead document to them.”
They however pleaded not guilty to the charges, thus setting off their trial. Justice Hassan subsequently adjourned the matter till July 20 and 21, 2020 for ruling and continuation of trial.
A statement released by the anti-graft agency partly read;
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Lagos Zonal Office has presented the first prosecution witness, Nuru Buhari, in the trial of the duo of Kayode Phillips and Hamza Koudeih, both of whom are alleged accomplices of Ismaila Mustapha, popularly known as Mompha before Justice Muslim S. Hassan of the Federal High Court, Ikoyi, Lagos.
The defendants, who are high-valued targets in Organized Cyber Syndicate Network, OCSN, were arraigned on November 28, 2019 on 25-count charges, bordering on conspiracy and money laundering.
They pleaded not guilty to the charges, thus setting off their trial.
They were tendered and admitted in evidence by the court after a failed opposition to their admissibility by Olutade Falana, counsel to the first defendant. Justice Hassan adjourned the matter till July 20 and 21, 2020 for ruling and continuation of trial.

FG in need of more oxygen as COVID-19 deaths increase

The federal government said on Monday, July 13, that it is working towards getting more oxygen to attend to emergencies as deaths resulting from coronavirus complications keep increasing.
The Secretary to the Government of the Federation and PTF Chairman, Boss Mustapha, said this in Abuja during the briefing of the COVID-19 task force.
The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 said the number of patients hospitalized with the deadly virus is on the increase and the major concern of the government is to have enough oxygen nationwide to attend to emergencies.
“An enhanced risk communication strategy becomes inevitable when we realise that within the last 24 hours, the world witnessed the largest single day cases of 230,370 while in Nigeria, last week recorded the highest weekly fatality of 70 deaths,” the SGF said.
He said there were plans to establish one sample collection centre in each of the 774 local government areas in the 36 states of the federation and the FCT.
Tanks of oxygen are used to treat people with breathing problems, a common problem faced by some COVID-19 patients. When the case is severe, a ventilator is deployed

602 repentant Boko Haram members denounce their membership of the terrorist group

602 repentant Boko Haram members have denounced their membership of the terrorist group and swore an oath of allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Monday, July 13.
The former insurgents, who have completed a de-radicalization, rehabilitation and reintegration program organized by Operation Safe Corridor, denounced their membership of the insurgent group at the Malam Sidi Camp in Kwami Local Government Area of Gombe State. They denounced their membership of the terrorist group before an 11-man Quasi-Judicial Panel headed by Justice Nehizena Afolabi, of the Federal High Court, Gombe.
The Coordinator of Operation Safe Corridor, Maj. Gen. Bamidele Shafa, said the appearance of the repentant insurgents before the judicial panel was a major requirement before their reintegration into the society.
“The panel is for the clients to appear before it to confess their pasts and denounce their membership of Boko Haram, Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP) as the case maybe and swear Oath of Allegiance to be loyal, discipline and obedient citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and then make commitment.
The commitment is that at the end of the programme, where they commit any offence, they stand to forfeit all privileges that they have acquired today and will be liable of offence against the State.” Shafa said
The Borno State Commissioner of Women Affairs and Social Development, Zuwaira Gambo, said the state government already has a structure on ground that continues the process of reintegration for the repentant sect members.
“We will provide them with psycho-social supports; continue with religious admonition in order to make them good citizens of the country. We will also give them starter packs to help them practice the skills that had been acquired in the camp here,” Gambo said
According to her, all the reintegrated members of the sect are doing well. She disclosed that one of them makes N250, 000 from barbing on a monthly basis and has employed several youths into his barbing salon.

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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