Friday 29 July 2016

Customs Boss Laments Influx Of Illegal Arms

Hameed AliThe Comptroller General of Nigeria Customs Service, Col. Hammed Ali (retd.), has raised the alarm over increasing influx of illegal firearms into the country.
Mr. Ali, however, said the trend could be reversed if security agencies work hand-in-hand.
The Customs boss spoke in Abuja yesterday when the Acting Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris, paid him a visit.
Ali said: “It is a must for us to curtail the influx of firearms. You could recall that the Libyan episode and Mali episode has now created more serious nature of circulation of arms in the whole of Africa.
“The influx of arms is what gives impetus for criminals to operate. If we are able to block and make sure that arms is not circulated the way it is, I am sure we will reduce to minimal the menace. Some of the people who are armed robbers and kidnappers, without arms in their hands, they cannot confront most of their victims”.

Shocking Photos Of A Body Builder Who Survives By Carrying His Heart In A Schoolbag

A bodybuilder who suffered heart failure was rushed to hospital for a transplant – and now has an artificial heart he carries around in a backpack.
Andrew Jones, from Conneticut, first became unwell in 2012 after struggling to breathe during a run.
He was horrified when two years later he started to cough up blood and developed a high fever.
In hospital, doctors diagnosed the 26-year-old with cardiomyopathy – a hereditary disease of the heart muscle – and soon he became so weak he couldn’t stand, walk or dress himself.
A few months later, medics told if he didn’t have a transplant immediately he would die.
As there were no organs available, he was fitted with a pacemaker and an artificial heart – which he now carries around in a bag on his back.
Despite his brush with death, he is now back to the gym and said he cries after workouts as he feels so ‘thankful to be alive’.
Recalling suffering from heart failure, Mr Jones said: ‘It’s something I would never want to wish upon my worst enemy.
‘You can’t breathe, you can’t think, you don’t eat and you don’t sleep.
He continued: ‘Living with this disease put me in a pattern with depression and physical pain.
‘I had to stop working because I wouldn’t be able to stand for more than 10 minutes.
‘I dreaded going to the kitchen because that meant that I had to go up and down my stairs.
‘I couldn’t even get dressed without panting and gasping for air – my life was falling apart and I just wanted relief.’
Cardiomyopathy isn’t a single condition, but a group of conditions that affect the structure of the heart and reduce its ability to pump blood around the body.
The heart muscle can become enlarged, thick, or rigid – or muscle can become replaced with scar tissue.
Mr Jones was devastated when his condition left him to weak to walk, let alone lift weights.
But since having the artificial heart implanted he has slowly recovered and is now back to training in the gym.
His artificial heart has two tubes that exit the body and are connected to a machine he carries around in a bag.
The machine delivers compressed air into the ventricles to allow blood to be pumped through the body.
His doctors have said as long as he tells his transplant routine about his weight-lifting routine, he is able to keep training.
He said: ‘I will never forget the day I had to throw in the towel until I started feeling better.
‘I tried my hardest to push through the shortness of breath, but I just could not train without my heart functioning properly.
‘Today, thanks to my medical devices, I feel like a new person.
‘I am almost back to the old Andrew that was able to train with passion and intensity.
‘I do everything I can without compromising my health and the security of my devices.’
Mr Jones even launched his own charity, Hearts at Large, to raise awareness for organ donations and has over 14,000 followers on his Instagram, @FitnessWithAJ.
Grateful to be alive, he now breaks down in tears at the gym as he is so happy he is still able to train.
He said: ‘I always loved working out and staying in shape, but I never actually took the time to be thankful to even have the ability to do so.

‘Now I end my workouts almost in tears because I am still alive and I feel amazing.’
While some would hide their scars, Mr Jones wears his with pride, and explains to anyone who asks why he carries a backpack with him everywhere.
He said: ‘I work in retail part-time and customers ask me all the time why I wear my backpack.
‘When I tell them what it is for the response is somewhere along the lines of shock.
‘They think I am pulling their leg, or seem surprised because I look healthy.
He continued: ‘I’m never afraid to go out in public or take off my shirt in front of other people.
‘I do try to be considerate because it is different and some people may feel uncomfortable.
‘But I have no problem explaining what my device is, how it works and why I need it.’

He said during his four-month stay in hospital, he was constantly reminded of how serious his circumstances were.
‘Despite this I couldn’t shake the thought of the people who aren’t healthy enough to even be considered for a transplant, or the people who don’t have access to good health care,’ he said.
‘That is what I want to change with Hearts at Large. We can advance our already incredible technology to save lives.’
Source: Dailymail

Buhari Makes Health Sector Appointments

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed new chief executives for five health agencies, with two coming from the US and another from the UK.

From the US are Echezona Ezeanolue, a professor of paediatrics and public health at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who will head the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), and Usman Yusuf, a professor of paediatrics at St. Jude Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, who becomes the executive secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme.
Aliyu Hussein, a consultant in microbiology and infectious diseases at Cambridge University, UK, will head the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA).
Below are their bios in full.
Currently a professor of paediatrics at St. Jude Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He is a graduate of medicine at ABU Zaria where he also worked at the Teaching Hospital from 1984 to 1989. He moved to the UK in 1990 where he worked in the Paediatric field at various hospitals until 1995 when he moved to South Carolina, in the USA where he rose to become a fellow in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology in 1998. In 2000, he moved to Seattle, Washington to work in Cancer Research rising to become an assistant Professor. In 2002, he relocated to Tennessee to take on the post of professor of paediatrics where he remains till today. Over his career, he has published many journals and made many presentations at global institutions. He has won many awards including the Physician of the year award for excellence in 2006 and 2007. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the West African College of Physicians and the American Academy of Physicians.

Currently a professor of paediatrics and public health at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. He got his medical degree at the University of Nigeria in 1995 where he also did his internship.In 1999, he moved to Howard University, Washington DC where he did his paediatric internship and residency. In 2002, he proceeded to the New Jersey Medical School and got his fellowship in Paediatric Infectious Disease. In 2005, he moved to Nevada where he remains to date practicing paediatric medicine. He is a recipient of many awards including being ranked the top doctor in Las Vegas, 2015 and one of the top paediatric doctors in the US 2012. He has written many journal articles and has received grants worth millions of dollars over the years to fund his research.He is a member of the American Board of Paediatrics, a director, Global Health and Implementation Science and Director, Maternal-Child HIV Program.

Currently the provost, College of Medicine at the University of Ibadan. He is also a professor and honourary consultant of Nephrology at the University College Ibadan. He had his first medical degree from the University of Ibadan in 1986 where he still works to date. He has attended courses at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburg and London and was elected a fellow in both institutes. Although most of his career has been in Ibadan, his work is globally respected including at highly acclaimed institutions like the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta where he has been a member of an international panel of experts. His research and various publications were funded from local and international grants. He is a well know public commentator on health matters and a pillar of his community.

Currently a consultant in microbiology and infectious diseases at Cambridge University, UK. He got his medical degree from ABU Zaria in 1993 after which he proceeded to become a medical officer at the State House Medical Centre in Abuja. In 1998, he moved to Cambridge’s Addenbrooke Hospital as a senior house officer in Microbiology where he rose through the ranks becoming a consultant in Microbiology today. He has participated and supervised various research and publications in his career funded from numerous grants. He is a member of the Trust Healthcare Associated Infections Task Force and also chairs the Information and Governance Steering Group of the Caldicott Guardian Trust, an authority that focuses on policy and strategic planning in medicine in the UK. He is the chairman of the exam board for Infectious Diseases Speciality Certificate Examinations (SCE) of the Royal College of Physicians and also the clinical audit lead for the infectious diseases department.

Currently the managing partner at EpiAfric, a public health consultancy firm that focuses on Africa. He obtained his first medical degree at the University of Nigeria in 1996 after where he also did his housemanship. In 2001, he moved the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin where he worked as a medical epidemiologist investigating outbreaks of hospital associated infections. In 2003, he moved to the UK and rose to become the consultant medical epidemiologist at the Health Protection Agency, England by 2011. He then relocated to South Africa in 2011 as the co-director, Centre for Tuberculosis at the South African Institute of Communicable Diseases. In 2014, he established his consulting firm, EpiAricand in 2015, was appointed the consultant and coordinator of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Ebola Response team in Monrovia, Liberia. In addition to consultancy, he is also the curator of the Nigeria Health Watch, an NGO that uses advocacy to seek better health care access in Nigeria. He has many publications and received numerous awards including the honourary lecturer on Infectious Diseases at the University College London.

Ondo APC, PDP Trade Accusations Over Jonathan’s N15bn For Mimiko’s Re-Election

Olusegun MimikoThe Ondo State chapters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have traded accusations over an allegation that ex-President Goodluck Jonathan ordered the release of N15 billion accruable to the state from excess crude oil, to fund Governor Olusegun Mimiko’s re-election in 2012.
According to the Ondo APC, the money, which “purely belonged to the government”, was allegedly received by Mr. Mimiko through the bank accounts of his cronies, from the Ministry of Finance via the Central Bank of Nigeria.
But the PDP accused the opposition party in the state of “prosecuting a disinformation agenda that is calculated to cause disaffection and commotion”.
The APC insisted that Mimiko’s alleged action was wicked, unlawful and unacceptable to the people.
A statement by the party’s spokesman, Omo’ba Abayomi Adesanya, yesterday in Akure, the state capital, said: “We have it on good authority that Mimiko collected N15 billion from the Federation Account on November 15, 2012, which he personally signed for”.
It said the action was against due process and deliberately orchestrated to siphon public funds, which has gone into private pockets with no records of it in the state.
The party, therefore, gave the governor seven days ultimatum to address the people on the alleged N15 billion and refund the money to the state treasury.
The statement warned that failure to meet the deadline, will force the opposition party to “write petitions to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to help the suffering people of Ondo State to recover the loots”.
But the PDP’s Publicity Secretary, Ayo Fadaka, described the APC’s allegations as mostly outlandish and pedestrian, even to the extent of being difficult for people to react to because of its ludicrous nature.
Fadaka said: “To set the records straight, however, there is no iota of truth in the allegation. Dr. Jonathan did not give out any money to pursue the re-election of Governor Mimiko as alleged. It is a blatant lie from the pool of APC’s fallacies”.

Indonesia Execution: Titus Igweh Begged To See His Wife And Kids

Indonesia has executed Michael Titus Igweh and two Nigerian drug convicts by firing squad, an official said.
The Nigerians were put to death along with one Indonesian on Thursday (after midnight Indonesian time), Noor Rachmad, deputy attorney general for general crimes, told reporters.

The sister-in-law of Michael Titus Igweh,(pictured in veil holding up a family statement condemning the execution) who alleged police had applied electricity to his private parts to force him to confess to heroin possession, said his final request had been to see his wife and family for the last time.
However she said Mr Igweh’s wife was in Nigeria and would not arrive in Indonesia until Friday – hours after her husband was killed.
“Yesterday I met Titus and he was angry and upset,” Nila said. “He said: ‘What kind of justice is this? What kind of country is Indonesia?”

Nila said she had chosen to sacrifice her last-ever visit to Mr Igweh in order to tell his story to the media:
“At this time I believe there are two things that can help Titus, one is God and one is the media. If that was the last time to see Titus, than so be it.”

On Thursday morning 17 ambulances – 14 containing coffins – were ferried to Nusakambangan, known as Indonesia’s Alcatraz, where the prisoners will be strapped to wooden posts and shot dead by a firing squad.
Source: 042 Express

Operation Awatse: Military Bombs Militants In Fatola, Scores Feared Dead

There was pandemonium on Thursday in the Arepo area of Ogun State and some part of Lagos State after the military bombarded the base of suspected militants in the states.
The PUNCH learnt that scores of militants were reportedly killed in the joint military operation which lasted for more than one hour.
A source said the military attacked Fatola, the base of the militants, adding that houses around the area were shaken by the impact of bomb explosions on the Ijaw militants.
He said, “There has been a lot of commotion. The Nigerian Air Force bombarded Fatola, in Arepo, which is the base of the militants. They are shelling the place with fighter jets. Some soldiers also surrounded the area to make sure that if any of the militants should run out, they would be gunned down.”
A resident said people in the area had started fleeing their homes due to the bombardment.
Another resident in the Imushin area of Ogun State told our correspondent that two aircrafts were involved in the operation, adding that only one base of the militants was attacked.
He said, “An aircraft had actually been surveying the creek for the past three days. But a second one joined this evening around 6pm. All we heard was a sudden bomb blast released from the second aircraft. But it appeared that some of the militants had fled into the bush. There are four major bases of the militants in the creek and they are led by two men- OC and Agbala. If the military can get these two people, then they would have succeeded in clipping the wings of the militants.”
A community leader, who claimed to have spoken with one of the officers, said, “The military officer said residents should not panic because it was a military exercise. I also gathered that the casualty figure was high and that a lot of the militants had been killed.”
The Director, Defence Information, Brig. Gen. Rabe Abubakar, confirmed the operation, saying it involved the army and the navy.
He said, “The military only conducts its routine operation for the purpose of denying the vandals and other criminal elements from causing terror in the area. The operation, codenamed, Operation Awatse, was initiated by the defence headquarters to dominate the area with a view to flushing out all manners of criminals including militants and saboteurs. The operation involved the joint forces of the navy and army and it has been successful.”
The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State, SP Dolapo Badmos, said the police were part of the operation.
She said, “The Nigerian military and policemen from the Lagos and Ogun commands are part of the operation. We are sweeping through the waterways where we share boundaries to end the activities of the militants. It is a continuous exercise and we cannot tell the number of casualties.”
The acting Police spokesperson, ASP Abimbola Oyeyemi, promised to call back our correspondent, but he had yet to do so as of press time.

Thursday 28 July 2016

See Federal Allocation To States For The Month of July 2016

Thirty-six states of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, collectively received a whopping N673.324billion as their share of statutory allocation for the month of July and first tranche of the excess crude earnings distribution for the period. This was revealed in a document from the office of the Accountant-General of the Federation titled: Distribution of Statutory Allocation and Excess Crude Proceeds to the three tiers of Government in July 2016.

According to a  document obtained by ThisDay, five of the states: Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta, Akwa Ibom and Kano carted home between N10 billion and N25 billion.
Nasarawa and Ekiti States received N4.508 billion and N4.732 billion respectively. Other states which also got huge amounts from the distribution include: Ondo with N9,060,035,806.15 Lagos state got N8,299,806,965.06 Kaduna state got N7,654,995,396.83 Imo state got N7,366,417,410.84 Borno state got N7,276,602,098.96 Niger state got N7,151,791,231.47 Jigawa state got N7,048,660,361.35
Rivers state got a grand total of N25,883 billion which is made up of N10.138 billion from 13 per cent derivation, N12.803 billion from excess crude, N1.39 billion from statutory allocation and another N1.5 billion excess crude for local governments in the state.
Bayelsa state received N7.97 billion from the 13 per cent derivation account as well as N10 billion from excess crude account. The state also had its accounts credited to the tune of N538 million for its councils and another N597.7 million excess crude for the same councils in the state. In total, the state smiled home with a whooping grand total of N19,197,410,863.92.
Delta State which garnered a total of N18.622billion, had its share broken down thus: 13 per cent derivation N6.977 billion; excess crude N8.734 billion; statutory allocation for local governments N1.379 billion and excess crude distribution to the councils N1.531 billion.The fourth highest beneficiary and another oil producing state of the Niger Delta, Akwa Ibom, has its breakdown as follows: statutory allocation N6.458 billion, excess crude distribution N8.065 billion, statutory allocations for state councils N1.569 billion while the excess crude account for councils was credited with a whopping N1.738 billion. In total, the state got N17,831,804,082.85.
The only non-oil producing state that garnered over #10 billion was Kano. It got N10.776 billion and was distributed as follows: statutory allocation N2.44 billion; excess crude N2.7 billion, statutory allocation for its 44 councils, N2.669 billion and excess crude to same accounted for N2.959 billion.
Conversely, the FCT, Gombe, Ebonyi, Nasarawa and Ekiti States went with the least allocations of between N73.3 million and N4 billion. While the document further showed that the FCT got its accounts credited to the tune of N673.324 million, Gombe State became richer with M4.435 billion lumped into its accounts.
According to the report, this is the first of such payments as states will continue to enjoy this windfall over the next several months

Thursday 21 July 2016

Aisha Buhari Sues Fayose Over Halliburton Claims

President Muhammadu Buhari’s wife, Aisha, has sued Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti State for claiming that she was involved in the Halliburton corruption scandal, Premuim Times reports.
Mr. Fayose had in June said Mrs. Buhari was the “Aisha Buhari” named in a U.S. court document, alleged to have been involved in a bribery case involving a convicted former U.S. lawmaker, Williams Jefferson.
The governor, in what appeared to be an error, referred to the scandal as the Halliburton corruption case. The Halliburton case is different from the Williams Jefferson scandal.
But Mr. Fayose insisted he was right despite Mrs. Buhari’s denial and threat of legal action,
The court summons, dated July 20, 2016, was exclusively made available to PREMIUM TIMES.
As governor, Mr. Fayose has constitutional immunity against criminal prosecution.

Why I Strangled My Daughter To Death In Village Stream – Man Blames Strange Voice

One Joseph Ibanga has been arrested in Akwa Ibom State for allegedly strangling his daughter to death in a stream.
The 30-year-old man, who blamed his act on the devil, said something entered into him when he strangled the four-year-old, Gloria Ibanga to death.
The state Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, ASP Cordelia Nwawe, paraded the suspect before newsmen in the state on Thursday.
According to the PPRO, the suspect is in police detention and investigations have commenced.
In his confession, Ibanga said he carried out the act after eating a meal prepared by his mother.
“I stay in Port Harcourt, I came to the village that day; I don’t really know what happened, I started quarreling with my mother.
“Suddenly, something just entered into me and urged me to kill my daughter who was fast asleep. About 4a.m., A voice spoke to me and I carried her to the village stream and strangled her.
“I still cannot understand why I committed that crime as my eyes became clear after my daughter had died. I cannot say how it happened. It was after I had killed her that my eyes became clear and I began to understand that I had committed a grievous offence.
“As I got home, my mother asked me the whereabouts of the girl and when I could not explain, she raised an alarm and alerted the neighbourhood.
“The police was invited to arrest me. I do not know what got into me. I regret everything,” he begged.

Michelle Obama Raps Alongside Missy Elliot

First Lady Michelle Obama is never a ‘dulling’ woman as she continues to entertain us with this latest feat.
She joined a late night show host, James Corden, for an appearance on ‘Carpool Karaoke’ Wednesday night, discussing her girls’ education initiative and her hopes for when her family leaves the White House in January.
A skit on the Late Late Show often features celebrities having a karaoke session in the car.
Celebs like Adele, Justin Bieber, Jason Derulo, to mention a few, have made appearances on the skit.
Obama apparently entered the car to give Corden a tour of the White House, though the pair spent most of the time rocking out to hits including Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” and Beyonce’s “All the Single Ladies.”
Female rapper Missy Elliot also made a cameo in the car, singing along to “Get Ur Freak On” and “This is For My Girls.”
Michelle Obama said that as wife of the commander-in-chief, she rarely rides in the passenger seat of a car.
When asked what she would miss about the White House, She said she would miss the people the most.
You can watch the video below and judge her singing skills.

Diamond Bank Reportedly Sacks Over 400 Staff, ‘Refuses’ To Pay Entitlements [DOCUMENTS]

In the letter, the solicitors requested the bank “to commence redundancy negotiations immediately and to reverse the scandalous and unilateral deductions from the bank accounts of the said over 400 staff of the bank in the wake of the sudden mass termination of the employments.”
Denying the allegations however, Diamond Bank replied the attorneys to the sacked workers thus: “Please be Informed that there was no disengagement of staff of Diamond Bank Plc as a result of redundancy and as such your claims on the subject is unfounded,” adding that “this is the Bank’s final position on this matter.”
Meanwhile, the retrenched workers, have through their solicitors, also written to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, requesting him to direct the management of Diamond Bank to pay compulsory redundancy allowances to the over 400 sacked staff, pointing out that the bank has refused to pay the allowances despite a formal request made to it.
This letter was copied to the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Governor, Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Commission, the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress and others.
Speaking on the next line of action, the Principal Associate of the chambers representing the sacked workers, Frank Tietie Esq, who is also the Executive Director of Citizens Advocacy for Socio Economic Rights, CASER, told DAILY POST that while the chambers cannot drag the matter to court unless asked to do so by the affected workers scattered across the country, CASER will institute legal action against Diamond Bank since some of the affected workers are its members.
“We will ensure there is a legal resolution on this matter,” he said.
Read documents below…
diamond2 diamond3 diamond4 diamond5 diamond6
Source: Dailypost

NAFDAC Seizes Three Tankers For Conveying Vegetable Oil With Petrol Tanker In Lagos

  At least three petrol tankers transporting vegetable oil have been seized by officials of the National Agency for Drugs Administration and...

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