Friday 17 January 2014

We Have Zero Tolerance For Corruption, Any Policeman Caught Is On His Own - CP

he Commissioner of Police in charge of Ogun State Command, Ikemefuna Okoye, says any policemen in the state that engages in corruption and other acts capable of tarnishing the image of the force is “on his own” and would face the consequence.
Okoye said policemen in the state had moved beyond acts of corruption and instead, were set to promote modern policing in the state.
The commissioner spoke during a training workshop for some policemen in the state.
It was organised by the command, in conjunction with Destiny Development Initiative, a Non-Governmental Organisation, a statement by the state command’s spokesperson, Muyiwa Adejobi, said on Wednesday.
Okoye, who was represented by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Haliru Gwandu, said, “We have zero tolerance for corruption and incivility in this command. Anybody who engages in them and other acts capable of tarnishing the image of the force is on his own and would be punished accordingly.
“You are advised to concentrate and grab the knowledge needed for efficiency and ideological perspectives for promoting modern policing in Nigeria in line with the philosophy of the Inspector General of Police Mohammed Abubakar.”
The one-week training was said to have been organised to enhance efficiency and good service delivery in the state.
Adejobi said the training, which started on Monday, would end on Friday, adding that the command planned to train over 5,000 personnel on rotational basis.
He said the topics at the workshop included team building, coping with job transfer, attitude and behavioural management, result-oriented communication, leadership styles and principles of public relations.
Adejobi added, “The command has made necessary plans to organise more than 20 training workshops for its officers and men in 2014 to promote effectiveness and efficiency in policing Ogun State in particular and Nigeria in general.”

President Jonathan Gathers Arms Ahead Of 2015 - Northern Nigeria Traditional Rulers

The Northern Elders' Forum (NEF) have yesterday raised the concerns that President Goodluck Jonathan might be gathering arms for unknown reasons ahead of the 2015 general election.

At the meeting with the Northern Traditional Rulers Council in Kaduna, Kaduna State, the NEF stated they are opposing relocation of sophisticated weapons to Southern parts of the country.
The group have also alleged President Jonathan is having secret agenda in choosing to convoke a national conference.
The group's spokesman Solomon Darlong told the Hausa Service of the Voice of America in Abuja that they support only a Sovereign National Conference the outcome of which will uphold and determine the corporate existence of Nigeria.

Furthermore, Darlong also maintained that the North is being short-changed and victimized in the Federal civil service as it accounts for only 16 percent of the total workforce. He said NEF are against injustice, and divisive politics towards Northeners aimed to win elections.
"And we want the national conference to hold after 2015 elections but if they said it must be, then we want sovereign conference whose recommendations will bind on the country," he stressed.
The traditional rulers held consultations behind closed doors under the leadership of the Sokoto Sultan, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar. He was quoted as saying that the region must be frank and sincere in handling the problems confronting it.
It would be recalled that in his famous December 2, 2013, letter to President Jonathan, former President Olusegun Obasanjo made the same disturbing claim as the Northern traditional rulers.
"Allegation of keeping over 1000 people on political watch list rather than criminal or security watch list and training snipers and other armed personnel secretly and clandestinely acquiring weapons to match for political purposes like Abacha and training them where Abacha trained his own killers, if it is true, it cannot augur well for the initiator, the government and the people of Nigeria," he wrote.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

2015: Only God Knows Who Becomes Leaders – Obasanjo

Ahead of another general elections in the country , Former President Olusegun Obasanjo Tuesday has said only God knows who becomes leaders.
He urged Christians to keep “fasting and praying” for God to see the country through its sundry challenges.
The former President who spoke in his Abeokuta residence when the leadership of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria(PFN), Dr Felix Omobude, paid him a courtesy visit.
He expressed confidence that regardless of what the present challenges of the country are, God would see Nigerians through. Obasanjo said early in his life as a military man, he had seen the country witnessed many turbulent eras and that just as everybody had thought the end was certain, God in his benevolence saw Nigeria through the ups and down.
He said Nigeria is a “God’s project” and has kept her as one indivisible entity despite the experience of war among other challenging problems plaguing her. Obasanjo said :”If there is anything that I would ask of you, it is that you should never stop fasting and praying for Nigeria I always say that I’m an incurable optimist about this country.
“In my short span of life, I have seen a few unexpected things in this country when we thought that the end would just happen, but God made us to scale through. “I personally never thought we would have a leader like (late Sanni) Abacha in this country, I was a victim(of his despotism) but God saw us through that situation.
“There is no situation we see or worry about that God will not see us through. That is my believe and that is what gives me confidence, it gives me courage, it gives me the ability to work for the country’s unity.
“No matter what is happening, as me and the country, all will be well. And those of you who believe all will be well for Nigeria should continue to shout Hallelujah.
God has done it for us.” In his remarks, Omobude who arrived Obasanjo’s home in company of PFN leadership in the state as well as pastors described Obasanjo as a “special treasure to Nigeria” who would continue to be pivotal in the affairs of the country.
Omobude however, assured that the PFN would not relent in its calling to pray for the peace, unity and progress of Nigeria, saying that is part of their pastoral duties to the country and its leaders.

Breaking News: PDP Chairman Bamanga Tukur Resigns

ABUJA – AFTER months of intrigues and political maneuvering ,embattled National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, Wednesday bowed to pressure and resigned his position.

A source told Vanguard that Tukur has tendered his letter of resignation to President Goodluck Jonathan, who is expected to read the letter to members of the National Caucus when they reconvene at 6 pm.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

PDP Crisis: Nobody, Not Even Jonathan Can Force Me To Resign – Tukur

The crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, took a turn for the worse on Monday as the embattled National Chairman of the party, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, declared that he cannot be forced to Jonathan-Tukur2resign, not even by President Goodluck Jonathan.
He said since he was elected at a convention, he can only be removed through the same process and not through a political gang-up.
In a three-paragraph statement entitled “Convention, Not Jonathan Can Remove Me”, which he personally signed and issued to journalists in Abuja, Tukur also dismissed media reports that the president had asked him to resign from his position, stressing that the rumour was being planted by those he described as being in the opposition.
Tukur said, “I am an elected National Chairman, I have my certificate of return, I cannot resign. The convention brought me, so it has to take the convention that brought me for me to resign.
“So, not even the President can ask me to resign. Remember, some members of the National Working Committee were asked to go recently because the election that brought them was flawed. So, Mr. President cannot thread that route again”, he said.
Tukur also maintained that he had not been accused of breaching the party’s constitution and that no one had successfully proved any allegation of wrongdoing against him.
Information Nigeria reports that Tukur’s fate will be decided at a National Executive Committee, NEC, meeting of the PDP slated for Thursday.

Monday 13 January 2014

Centenary Anniversary: Nigeria Moulded To Provide Leadership, Hope For Africa And Black Race, Says Shehu Sani

Congress, Comrade Shehu Sani, has described the 1914 amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorates by the British “as the start of our trip to a bounded future”.
The civil rights activist contented that despite the enormity of challenges confronting the country which has strained our faith and tested our collective resolve, Nigerians still look to the future with renewed hope, adding that “We are a people moulded to provide leadership and hope for Africa and the black race”.
Sani, in a statement issued yesterday in commemoration of Nigeria centenary celebration said: “We have come a long way and have a long way to go. We have been through the thin of the independence struggle to the thick   of the civil war. We have been through the dreary and despicable era of colonial repression and plunder to the era of chaotic self-rule. We have been through the years of cruel military dictatorships to the years of democratic rule. We have climbed to the mountains of our fate and down to the valley of our future”.
He, therefore, implored Nigerians to extract from the bitter experiences those lessons that will keep the wheel of the future moving.
“The biggest hindrance to our country’s collective development is the persistence presence of pests and parasites in the corridors of power and nothing continually and negatively corrode our national solidity, solidarity and serenity than the ritual of manipulation of our ethnic and religious differences. We have lost so many good people to politics of ambition and self-interest, we have lost so many people to a period of senseless bloodletting and disorder, we have lost so many good people to neglect and insensitivity of the state, we have also lost so many people to a period of cruelty, infamy and abandonment”, he said.

PHOTO: Why Is Actress, Ebube Nwagbo Looking Different?

Sexy Nollywood actress, Ebube Nwagbo shared the photo below of herself online and her fans have expressed their concerns and fears over her new photo.

The beautiful actress since releasing the above picture, fans have been expressing conflicting opinions about how she looks.
Some have suggested that she looks completely different from her “original” self, while others have liked her new look and think there’s nothing wrong with it.

PHOTO: Ini Edo – Irresistible Beauty

One of the most admired Nollywood actresses Ini Edo has recently shared this amazing photo of herself on her Instagram page.
Check out the picture of the actress. She looks 100% stunning, doesn’t she?

STYLISH KING: Meet the Billionaire Oba Who Possesses $1M Wristwatch

The Olugbo of Ugboland in Ondo, billionaire and the Chairman of Obat Oil, Oba Obateru Akinruntan, has recently spoken of his love for the good things of life. He also narrated how he loves to be the first in acquiring such things.
The ruler has also referred to himself as a ‘stylish king’. Check out the abstracts of the interview with City People below:
“First and foremost I am very creative and secondly, I emulate the style of our forefathers, wearing royal beads as an old style.
“You know these days, if you want to become a popular and flamboyant king, you have to use diamonds. Diamond chains, diamond wrist watches, diamond shoes, diamond ring and my muffler is also made of diamond or gold.
“And that will make you unique among other Obas and that doesn’t make you proud.
I like to be the first in everything. I have the largest oil tank in West Arica today. Again my chain of cars, I use the same type of automobile with the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, we use the same Rolls Royce and Bentley. Asides that, I have 7 door limousine Mercedes, I want to be the first in everything.”
The Oba has also revealed some facts about his wristwatch collection:
“I also have a wrist watch that cost $1 million.
“Aside that I am a car freak and what I wear with the way I dress, my shoe, my royal diamond cap, wrist watches, diamond ring, and my diamond Mofila is the new thing I have added to it now.
“I do my shopping in London Jeweller, a special store for top ranking personalities of the world. I wear expensive wrist watches, shoes and chains all made of diamond”.

US Gives Nigeria Knocks For Banning Same-s*x Marriage

The United States on Monday criticized Nigeria for approving a law that punishes same-s*x marriage with prison, saying the move would curtail basic human rights.
Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States was “deeply concerned” by Nigeria’s new law which “dangerously restricts freedom of assembly, association and expression for all Nigerians”.
Kerry said the act “is inconsistent with Nigeria’s international legal obligations and undermines the democratic reforms and human rights protections enshrined in its 1999 constitution.
“People everywhere deserve to live in freedom and equality. No one should face violence or discrimination for who they are or who they love”, Kerry said in a statement.FILE PHOTO
Under the new law, anyone in a same-s*x marriage or union would face up to 14 years in prison, with such partnerships reached overseas considered void in Nigeria.
President Goodluck Jonathan signed the law because he considered it consistent with most Nigerians’ views toward homosexuality, his spokesman, Reuben Abati, told AFP.
The United States has generally warm relations with Nigeria but President Barack Obama’s administration has increasingly put a priority on fighting for gay rights overseas.
In Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni has said that he will not rush into signing a law under which gays would be jailed after criticism from Obama, Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu and other global figures.

You Are Not Bigger Than Nigeria, Jang Tells Sanusi

Plateau State Governor and factional Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum, Chief Jonah Jang, Sunday criticised the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, over his face-off with President Goodluck Jonathan, urging him to moderate his utterances as he was not bigger than Nigeria.
Jang’s criticism was contained in a statement in Abuja, by the NGF media office, signed by Kassim Yakubu.
Jang said as an appointee of the president, if there was any lack of trust between him and Jonathan, the only honourable thing for him to do was quit so that the president could appoint someone he would be comfortable to work with.
“If the relationship between the CBN governor and President Jonathan has become frosty, it is only logical that the president becomes uncomfortable knowing how sensitive the CBN is to his transformation agenda. Moreover, we elected the president to run the country and so we cannot be held hostage by an appointee of government if it is true that Mr. President has asked for the resignation of the CBN governor,” he added.
He warned that Jonathan should be allowed to run his government without unnecessary distractions, as he was voted as president by the people who trust him to pilot the nation’s affairs.

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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