Friday 27 June 2014

See What Michael Jackson Would Have Look Like Without Plastic Surgery At 50

There is no denying that Michael Jackson was one of the greatest talents to ever have lived. From winning 13 Grammys (eight of which he received in one night), to being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame not once but twice, and of course holding the record for the biggest selling album of all time for his EP Thriller, his career remains unrivalled.
But despite his success his life he was dogged by controversy regarding his appearance, including rumours of skin lightening (something he attributed to suffering from the skin condition vitiligo) and his increasing addiction to plastic surgery.Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson death, Michael Jackson surgery, Michael Jackson no surgery

Michael in his 20s
Few people know that Michael’s first foray into the world of plastic surgery was actually for medical rather than cosmetic reasons, when he broke his nose in 1979 after falling during a complex dance routine.
Still, by the time of his tragic death in 2009 at the age of just 50, it was clear that his addiction to plastic surgery was out of control, and his face bore little resemblance to the bright-eyed boy who’d sung his way into the world’s hearts over forty years earlier.
Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson death, Michael Jackson surgery, Michael Jackson no surgery

A fresh-faced Michael in the Jackson 5 years (far right)
So, what would Michael have looked like at the time of his death without surgery?
Well we believe it would have been something like the image above.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Why I Buried Ex-Customs Officer, Daughter Alive ─ Herbalist

A 64-year-old native doctor, Alhaji Olatunji Azeez who confessed to killing a retired customs officer, Angela Uzo Kerry and her adopted 10-year-old daughter, Obiagulum after selling the victim’s landed properties was yesterday paraded by the Lagos State Police Command.

L-R: The suspect, Alhaji Olatunji Azeez, Kerry and her daughter, Obiagulum

The suspect who led the Police to the building where he buried his victims committed the crime on May 10, 2014.

It was reported on Monday, June 23 that the decomposed bodies of the woman and her daughter were found in Azeez’s house in Ire Akari Crescent, Ajuwon Akute, Ogun State by operatives of the Lagos State Special Anti-Robbery Squad and the building was marked as a kidnapper’s den bythe police.

Azeez, an Oyo State indigene with three wives and five children, said he was forced to kill the customs officer and her daughter after she threatened to kill him over a sum of money.

He explained, “I have been a trado-medical doctor for about 30 years, but I knew Angela over five years ago. She initially came to me for protection from family attacks. One of her friends called Lizzy introduced her to me. The relationship began to grow, and she kept patronising me for one thing or the other.

“Then, about three years ago, she mentioned her barreness problem, adding that the daughter that was with her was adopted. I was shocked. But when she told me her age, I told her it was impossible to make her pregnant. But she insisted that prophets in the churches she went had assured her she would get pregnant.”

According to Punch Azeez later lied to the woman that she would get pregnant and collected N9m from her for the job.

Azeez added, “I did the normal concoction for her, but it didn’t work because of her age. But I collected the money because I knew if I did not, she would go to where they would collect it. After some months without result, she came to my place to complain. She then demanded a refund, but I told her that I could not repay it. She then began to threaten me. Within a month, I tried to repay N2.5m. On that fateful week, she came back for the remaining N6.5m.

“It was Saturday, May 17. She came with her daughter and insisted that she wanted her balance. She said as a retired customs officer, she could kill me if I didn’t pay back the money. Then I thought, I must kill this woman before she killed me. The hole at the back of my house was not built for killing. It was dug for drainage during rainfall.”

Azeez added that he went to the backyard, covered the hole with a white cloth that Angela normally saw in another shrine in his house.

He said, “After we talked, we moved with her daughter to the place. I said she should kneel down on the mat with her daughter. She did so and fell into the pit with her daughter. The operation was successful because no member of my family was around in the house.

I then began to cover the pit up with sand. I poured in roughly 50 buckets of sand. The following day, I got two bricklayers to cement the portion. But I had first taken out the belongings she brought.”

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, stated that the police had concluded their investigations on the case, adding that the native doctor was going to be charged to court for murder.

He said, “The woman and her daughter were reported missing on May 10 at the Oko Oba Police Division by the family.

“Azeez was eventually arrested through a tracking device installed on the victim’s Toyota Camry. Azeez, an herbalist, had hypnotized the woman for a long time. He had taken over N200m from her both in cash and property. We discovered he cleverly constructed a well in his house, lured the woman with her daughter into the room, and buried them alive.

“We were able to recover the decomposed bodies of the victims from the well. We also picked their property which was buried along with them. We have finished our investigations, and he will be charged to court for murder. We will leave the rest to be decided by the court.”

Gabon-Bound Plane Flying From Nigeria Goes Missing

A four-seater plane flying from Nigeria enroute Gabon via Cameroon has gone missing.

This was disclosed by Cameroon aviation sources on Tuesday, June 24.

The plane which had only an American pilot on board had taken off from Kano in the northern part of Nigeria at about 6pm on Monday en route Libreville in Gabon, where it was scheduled to arrive at 11pm, after a stopover in Douala, Cameroon.

PUNCH reports that the plane, owned by the US company Global Aviation, did not make it to Douala where it was supposed to stopover.

The last contact the plane had with the control tower took place in Mongo, which is a 2-hour flight from Cameroonian economic capital.

The search and rescue operations led by Cameroon's civil aviation authorities have so far not yielded any positive results.

See What Mercy Aigbe Says About Her Alleged Romance With Gov. Rotimi Amaechi

There were rumours about popular Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe-Gentry having love affair with Rivers State governor, Rotimi Amaechi.

Actress Mercy Aigbe-Gentry and her husband Lanre Gentry

In a recent interview with Encomium Yoruba movie actress and the mother of two refuted all the gossips about her close relationships with Gov. Rotimi Amaechi.

What’s the relationship between you and Rivers State governor, Rotimi Amaechi?

I only know him to be Rivers State governor, and from his performances so far, he has proved himself to be very sensitive when it comes to the plight of his people. He has worked tirelessly to give them good roads, improved healthcare, etc. He has also alleviated poverty in the state. That much I know because I have family and friends who live in the state, and I hear from them regularly the way he governs the state. And how people sing his praises. Although, I have not had the privilege of meeting him in person, I have heard much about his achievements since he became the governor of the state.

But it was rumoured that you collected N5m from him to feature at the 2014 Children’s Day celebration in the state. What’s your reaction to that?

There is no iota of truth in it. I never at a point collected a kobo from him. I don’t even know him one-on-one. The rumour also has it that both of you are in a sizzling romance, that’s’ why you were invited to the May 27, 2014 celebration? It’s not just untrue but laughable.

But were you truly the only actress invited for the ceremony and did you actually attend?

I wasn’t the only one invited. What happened was that there was a book reading session organized by Best of Nollywood in conjunction with the Rivers State government, and celebrities were invited, among whom Alex Ekubo, Yomi Fash Lanso, Dayo Amusa, Olaitan Ogunbele and others. I was also invited but I was out of the country then. So, I couldn’t attend. I think it was the initiative of Rivers State government. I wasn’t the only actress invited for the programme. So, I don’t know what could have informed such rumour.

Monday 23 June 2014

Boko Haram Fresh Attack Claims 40 In Chibok

Members of the radical Islamist sect- Boko Haram at the weekend killed no fewer than 40 people in an attacked launched on three villages of Chuha A, Chuha B, and Korongilim in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State.

According to vanguard newspaper, the assailants after carting away foodstuff and livestock, destroyed houses, shops and vehicles.  
A witness and a community youth leader, who gave his name as Yakubu Joshua, said the victims included teenagers while confirming the attack on Sunday.
“Some suspected Boko Haram terrorists invaded Chuha A, Chuha B and Korongilim villages of Chibok council of Borno State and killed over 40 persons" he said. “The terrorists injured many other villagers, burnt many houses and made away with our foodstuff. The attack, which commenced at 7a.m. yesterday lasted over five hours before military intervened. I and some other residents of Chibok had made several telephone calls to the military, unfortunately they (military) only started bombing the surrounding area of the attack after over 40 members of our community had been killed. The lifeless bodies of our people are still littered in the three villages as I speak, but our present fear is that many innocent villagers may be hit by the ongoing bombings by the military.”
Abba Aji Khalil, another resident, who is also the chairman of sector 5 of the local vigilante group in the state also confirmed the incident.
"My group is already in hot pursuit of the suspected terrorists. Our members in Chibok and neighbouring local government areas are already in hot pursuit of the suspected terrorists" he said.
The state Police Commissioner, Lawal Tanko, and his spokesman, Gideon Jubrin, could not be reached to get  confimation on the incident, but a senior police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk with journalist confirmed the attack.
Meanwhile, residents of Chibok community had been living perpetual fear following a letter that was allegedly sent by the sect detailing an impending attack.
It would be recalled that the sect members attacked Chibok on April 14, killed scores of people and abducted more than 200 female students from Government Girls Secondary School.
The girls, however, are yet to be rescued although international communities like U.K, France, Israel, Britain, US amongst others, whom volunteered to help the Nigerian government in bringing back the girls are yet to come up with a positive result.
The presidential fact-finding committee set up by Jonathan on the abduction of the girls, on Sunday, 22 June, 2014 submitted their report in Abuja, confirming that about 219 girls were still missing.

Meet Medusa, The World’s Longest Snake

A reticulated python has slithered into a place where few snakes have gone: Guinness World Records.
She’s named Medusa and the 25-foot-long, two-inch, 350-pounder has been confirmed as the longest snake ever in captivity in the Guinness World Records 2013 edition.
The 8 years old reptile is on display at The Edge Of Hell, a haunted attraction based in Kansas City. Mo., and spends her days helping to scare up business by scaring customers who are already afraid of snakes — not just gigantic ones.
Medusa’s handler Larry Edgar says, “We try to keep Medusa well-fed and slightly out of reach as there have been instances with Reticulated Pythons where they’ve had to cut people out of them!
“We never underestimate that she does always have the upper-hand.”
So far, Medusa does pretty well on a diet that includes rabbits, hogs and deer, served to her every two weeks.
Medusa inherits the title from the previous record holder, Fluffy, another Reticulated Python from Ohio’s Columbus Zoo, who measured in at 24 feet long.

Kano Bomber Finally Caught

The Kano State Police command has announced that they have apprehended Monday afternoon’s bomb blast at the Kano State School of Hygiene, BUK Road.

The Bomb blast killed eight people and injured about 12 other people and Mr. Aderenle Shinaba, Kano State Commissioner of Police revealed to journalist that soon the suspect’s motive would be revealed.
He said: “The suspect is in our custody, and the vehicle he used for the operation has also been towed to the police headquarters," Shinaba said.
“We will get to know the motive behind the attack, and who sent him on this deadly errand."
He also confirmed that the initial reported figure of eight casualties is right and 12 more have been hospitalized.

How fake spiritualist killed customs officer and her 10 year old daughter after selling property for N375million

Operatives of the Lagos State Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) Ikeja yesterday exhumed the dead bodies of a woman and her daughter killed and buried in a room by a suspected fraudster.
The decomposing bodies were exhumed in the suspect’s one room apartment at No, 9 Wadoye Street, Pipeline Ajuwon, Ogun state.
The suspect, Alhaji Olatunji Azeez, had allegedly abducted the 64-year old retired customs officer, Angela Uzo Kery and her adopted 10-year-old daughter, Obiagulum after selling the woman’s landed property.
The younger sister of the retired customs officer, Susan, was the person that reported to the police at Oko-Oba Division that her elder sister and daughter were missing.
It was gathered that when Susan paid a visit to her sister on 31st May, she discovered that the customs officer and her daughter had not returned home since 10th May when they went for a prayer session at Sango area of Ogun State.
The police were told that the victim left home in her Toyota Camry car marked LND 554 A2, which was later traced to an uncompleted building in Alakuko area of Lagos through a tracker.
When the police team from Oko-Oba and Alakuko divisions visited the building, two suspects, Ahmed Sholotan and Waliu Akiniyi, were arrested in connection with the missing car.
It was learnt that the owner of the uncompleted building is living in the United States but asked Akiniyi to take care of the building.
When Akiniyi was arrested, he told the police that Sholotan told him to keep the car for him until they find a buyer.
The police arrested Sholoton, who took them to Sango, where Azeez was arrested. 
It was alleged that the suspect offered N9 million bribe to the police to persuade them not to proceed with theinvestigation, which was turned down by the officers in charge.
During interrogation, Azeez allegedly confessed to the police that he deceived the customs officer he was a spiritualist and told her that her family members were after her property and wanted to kill her .

The suspect  told the police that he sold the woman’s property at Ajah for N180 million, the one at Omole for N75 million and the one at Oko Oba for N120 million, without the consent of the owner.
Azeez, in a bid to cover up the dastardly act, invited the deceased customs officer and her adopted daughter for prayers at Sango, where he kidnapped and killed them. 
He took the remains of the woman and the 12-year-old girl to a building at Ajuwon, which he reportedly just acquired, and buried them in a shallow grave.
Azeez also confessed to the police that he had to kill the young girl to completely erase traces of the murder to him. 
Culled from the Nation

Actress Juliet Ibrahim Officially Files For Divorce

Beautiful fair-skinned Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim has claimed her marriage with Kwadwo Safo is officially over.

Photo: Juliet Ibrahim and Kwadwo Safo
In the statement released by her publicist Bunmi Odunowo she confessed that the two had been long separated, but had kept it secret for the sake of their 3-year-old son Jayden, The NET reports.
The statement reads in part:
"Her [Ibrahim's] decision to keep the divorce on the low was so that the two involved would not be distracted from their responsibilities towards the child they have together. However, Juliet Ibrahim has found it necessary to let her fans know today that, she filed for a divorce and it is final."
There was also a call in the message for people to treat the "difficult but necessary decision" with respect, so the innocent child didn’t undergo the unnecessary suffering.
It would be recalled that earlier this month Safo debunked the circulating rumours about the alleged crash of their marriage saying that their bond was intact.

Igbo Group To Boko Haram: We’ll Revenge Any Attack On Igbo Soil

PAN Igbo socio-political organisation, Obigbo, has warned Boko Haram insurgents to regard the South East as a no go area, noting that any attack on Ndigbo on Igbo soil would be met with reprisal attacks.

It also said that Ndigbo would not be part of any activity that will disintegrate Nigeria, adding that the Igbo would not watch while her people were killed in Igbo- land.
The National Leader of the group, Chief Charles Ahize while briefing newsmen in Lagos urged all the governors of the south eastern states to tighten security in the region.
He said: “We want to make it aboundantly clear to the Boko Haram insurgents that if any life is lost on Igbo soil, there will be a reprisal of monumental proportions that the country will find difficult to contain.
“It is no longer in doubt that there is a clear and present danger to the lives and property of Ndigbo in Igboland. Obigbo, hereby, sounds a clear note of warning to the Boko Haram insurgents and their financiers that the South East is a no go region. Any attack on Ndigbo on Igbo soil would be considered crossing the rubicon.”
It would be recalled that on June 16, the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), has said they will bring down Nigeria if the Boko haram sect bomb any part of the Southeast.
This threat was coming after the discovery of two deadly improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the Living Faith church in Owerri by the Imo state policeon Saturday, June 15.
Meanwhile in In May, MASSOB had called on Ndigbos residing in the northeastern part of the country to come back home following the incessant attacks by Boko Haram in that region.

Lagos Na Wa: Man-With-A-Snake Is New Scam In Town [READ]

When a man with a snake who appears to be mad decides to target you, stop and ask yourself these questions:
Is he truly mad?
Why you?
Are you carrying anything valuable?
I know these questions may not easily come to your mind at that moment, escaping the madman, avoiding a snake bite will tend to be uppermost on your mind. Well not for long, especially when you discover that within that melee, you have lost a hundred grand! This happened recently to a colleague of mine and yes, here in Lagos, yes again on the island, the Victoria Island.
He had just stepped out of a bank and walked like 200 metres when he noticed a man with a snake. It looked like the man was making towards him so he decided to change direction. The man with the snake must have read his mind for at that same moment he changed direction as well and it was to the same place.
This happened again and again, my colleague, Mr X become agitated and concerned as this wasn’t looking like a coincidence anymore.
Well fortunately, he didn’t feel alone as there were other seemingly scared people who were also trying to avoid the “man with the snake” as well. Soon they all started bumping each other while trying to dodge and escape the scare.
Okay, thank God that is over, they finally avoided him. Phew, what a relief, but wait a minute . . . . where is the money? Mr X “borrowed himself some brain matter” immediately. He turned while remembering all that took place awhile ago, his eyes locked on to one of the guys who until a moment ago he thought was a victim like himself. He dashed for him and straightway demanded for his money. While still blabbering as if he didn’t understand, trust my brother from the other side of the Niger, tore his shirt top down, grabbed his trousers and picked a dangerous looking stone with which he threatened to redesign his head while shouting the popular “Thief! Thief!!”
People were already gathering, the accomplices of the cornered guy quickly came to his rescue, yes you guessed right, the mad man too. The money surfaced. “Count it, is it complete?” One wonders if they knew how much was there in the first place. Well Mr X didn’t bother to count and neither pressed charges, was just glad to put some distance between himself and the crowd that had now gathered.
How did I know? Well he told the story, now I have told the story, please tell the story, so that people can be aware of the new trick in town. Did I hear say, “Lagos na wa, I swear!”
Naija, ingeniously evil!

I Don’t Believe In Having One Wife, It’s An Imported Concept – Kanayo O. Kanayo

 Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has discussed his opinions on monogamy, saying that he thinks it is against African culture and tradition to...

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